Sync exploiting is out of hand

Queuing as a raid means being in a raid group. Queue Syncing is not a raid group, but multiple parties of people syncing the queue together, so once again:

A good point.

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Again, can you queue as a raid into random pvp?

No you can’t. You can’t quest in a raid group, you can’t do a dungeon in a raid group, etc.

But having 2 parties of people synchronizing a queue is not a raid group.

Do you not know the difference between a raid group and party group?

Correct so by going around the restriction by queue syncing you are exploiting.

I do you are syncing to avoid the raid restriction and get a raid in anyways, that’s called exploiting because it’s not intended by the game.

More than 5 is a raid… you do know that right?

Except, Blizzard does not look at it as an exploit. What part of that do you not understand.

Think about it:

If posting cheats/exploits were against the Forum Code of Conduct, why are you still able to post, if apparently moderation restored your post? Considering talking about any cheats or exploits are not exactly taken lightly.

If it was a cheat/exploit, why has it been happening since forever with no action taken to anyone?

They do. The TOS says it is.

I’m not post a cheat/exploit. I am post ABOUT it. Stop being disingenuous.

The TOS does not. This has been explainted, there has even been links from some of the Customer Support Agents who know the devs policies a lot better than you or me do, yet, you chose to ignore it because you don’t know the difference between 2 parties of people sync-queuing to try and get into a battleground together, and a raid group, which is what your in once you enter a battleground.

incorrect there is no point in lying.

Then stop lying.

It’s impossible to even have a reasonable conversation with you guys. I have provided facts and proof. You provide yours.

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You haven’t provided facts and proof. All you have done is link parts of the Terms of Use and tried to twist it around to fit a narrative of something that you don’t like.


How have I twisted it around exactly? I posted as it is word for word.

I’ve posted word for word on the policies for Sync-Queuing, many others had, you chose to ignore them, because it isn’t the answer you want.

If you want a full answer, why not go create a detailed thread, in customer support, asking on how Queue Syncing isn’t considered as an exploit. How queue syncing does not breach the Terms of Use.

You have not. You have posted a blue post about AV

I don’t need that I already have the proof it is.

If it’s explicitly allowed in AV, why would any other BG be different?

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AV in 2019 was queueable as a raid.

AV in 2019 was not queuable while in a raid group. Stop making things up.

Citation needed.

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I prefer Ard. Ard knows how to entertain, this person, doesn’t.

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