Sync exploiting is out of hand

Blizzard this has taken over all casual modes including Battleground Blitz. If you don’t fix this, it’s going to keep happening in TWW.

  • Cross-Faction BG
  • Account Wide Deserter
  • Deserter for missed queue
  • Remove Leave queue button when pop

God, I want this because it would be so incredibly easy to troll groups with it lol.

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We already had this topic at least thrice in the last week.
Give it up.

Since it’s cross faction, how is this happening?

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The other thread is still up.

There’s already multiple threads on this topic.

Please post in one of those threads instead of making your own. Spamming only clogs up the forums.


Thats what I kept telling all the anti-multiboxxer crowd.

They were a frequent poster in one of them. I think they even made one of the two that was most recently used.

We have discussed this at length in the other still active topic, which I have since muted since there is really nothing further to discuss.

Both sides have presented their argument, the ones who can read already know what’s up, all we need now is a dev answer that might never come.

Might as well keep posting there if you want to keep the discussion up and alive, otherwise, it’s spamming.

There were so many multiboxing posts. You realize how suddenly BG forums is leaking here? Shouldnt that be an indication of the issue?

You should try reading what I’ve posted there then.

This is what the Blues have to say about it.


I read about 1500 of the 1600 posts I mightve missed yours.

Its like a recap of the 1600 thread.

Well, one of them is. There was another, but that got closed and unlisted, presumably as spam, which this thread also is.


Ah, makes sense.

It’s also telling that people are making threads about it, so they must not actually think it’s an exploit.

Since posting about exploits and how to pull them off is unambiguously against the forum rules.


Just to be clear this is about AV back when raids could queue together so this does not apply to current problem

Because blizzard’s stance on multi-boxing and queue syncing is the same: Provided you do it only using what’s available in the default UI, without any addons or other programs to assist, you’re allowed to do it.

That’s the post from 2019, not the one from 2007.

Blizzard puts a full team of solo pugs against a full raid that queued up together to reward the geared players for “playing with friends”, then wonders why participation in BGs is down.

Queue sync requires all participating players to be in discord.

Yay yet another thread of people ignoring blue posts.

This is against tos btw.

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