Sync exploiting is out of hand

Exactly, they don’t make the rules, as I just said, they relay it.
For rules to change, devs must make the change public.

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Rules against exploiting have not changed so the blue post is incorrect.

They just don’t like the answer, so they are trying really hard to make anything go their own way.

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This is Blizzard’s game, so the rules are whatever they say it is, regardless if it’s written otherwise.

There is no point in pushing this angle here.
It’s better to keep posting on the larger thread if you want to, since it will bring more attention.

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Yet I have provide proof and facts and you have just made excuses… cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Yes that is why the TOS exists. The thing I am using for facts. Not an incorrect blue post.

Just reiterating that I agree with you, but it’s pointless to keep trying like this.

“Might makes right”

As long as the ToS is subject to individual interpretation, the only thing that matters is Blizzard’s own judgment.

It’s entirely on their discretion to decide what’s an “exploit” and what is “clever usage of game mechanics”.

They have, against our own interpretation, ruled that behavior (sync queuing), so far, as the latter, by being silent about it.

There is no point in discussing it further in multiple threads.

Keep the discussion to the larger one.

No… they haven’t they asked people not to do it and said they couldn’t do anything at the moment.

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Can you provide the source for this?


customer support follows scripts.

I work CS tech side. I often give answers people don’t like. My feelings don’t matter on if its liked or not. the answer ,approved by boss, is the answer given.

As I am sure since this debate has been around for soon 20 years…low level CS has asked their boss. who asked their boss. Who asked their boss.

And thus the answer some aren’t liking. Stacked pvp is as old as the pvp in this game really.

I cannot unfortunately I do not have the link, but others do and have posted it. I will try and find it.

Please do. Whatever can be found about this matter in terms of hard evidence might help the cause.

Meanwhile, I’ll repost here their last official stance about it in 2012:

This is exactly it.

A reminder that in another thread you said you’d joined groups doing this.

A thread that was removed. You can’t tell us if you’ve been actioned, but I think the answer is self-evident.

If it was raid vs raid and was allowed. Don’t take things out of context.

No, it was your reply to me trying to convince me groups were organizing on Discord to do this.

Which as I recall I hadn’t even denied.

I would never join an exploit group. I said if there was a system that allowed raids to queue vs other raids in epics I would because that would be fun.

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This is them taking action against oQueue for facilitating the behavior and explaining their reasoning for it.

It’s not much of a “please, don’t do it”, nor it’s recent.
The 2019 post supersedes this, which is why I even made the CS thread to begin with, using this 2012 thread as evidence of contradiction, and that went nowhere.

Which is why I say it’s pointless to try anything since Blizzard themselves chose “silence” as the answer to my question.

At the very least it wasn’t a repeat of the 2019 post, so that tells me that they might be looking into it.

All that can be done now is waiting.

It was either you or your cheerleader from the other thread that I can no longer quote from, unfortunately.

It definitely wasn’t me.

Well the 2019 one goes against TOS.

As I have no way to verify, I’ll assume it was the other person I’ve forgotten the name of. A void elf, if I recall.

I’ll apologize for assuming it was you, but I’m not wholly convinced.