Suspensions going out for cache abuse

So whats the point of a PTR if bugs make it live and clueless people get punished for it cause they have no idea its a bug?


Guys, the fact of the matter is, we did farm something that blizz did not intend us to be farmed. (I’m one of the people that got banned for doing it)
Rather than saying “Oh blizz you suck for handing out bans” “this shouldn’t be bannable” can we please be a little more constructive about this, I’ve tried posting a couple of times, an easy fix for this would have been to remove the Coalescing Visions (and the war resources) that the effected people farmed doing this, instead of banning them, cause to a certain extent, even blizzard were at fault.

Though I still stand by my statement that I do not think this gave anyone an unfair advantage and if someone went out of the way and did something funny to get a lot of these chests, they deserved to be banned.


Except we don’t know how many people have actually been suspended for this except for 1-sided anecdotes and rumors.

Scroll up a bit and you’ll see the full story for me. I doubt that will help make you believe me, but that’s the full extent of what was done by me. Dunno what else I can say but i didn’t hide anything.

I completely agree Druiser. Well put my man

You know what? You don’t even have to take my word for it. Their GMs apparently okayed it.

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Actually I just downloaded an update as well. Just for informational purposes

It is up to blizzard what they consider banworthy and not me.

I was just UNBANNED! It was supposed to be for 7 days… check your accounts.


You’ve literally spent this entire thread being like “it was definitely banworthy” to now being like “well it’s up to Blizzard not me” lol okay dude.

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Then explain in your infinite wisdom how the grand arbitrator at Blizzard could possibly distinguish this from any other mob dropping something it wasn’t originally intended to.

There are several chest in each zone, if you farmed enough to turn in a key to each of them once, you would still have been banned.

That isn’t proof of anything but anyway.

Here’s from my first post when my pal found out he was banned and i asked how.

apparently there was a chest for the little essence to upgrade legendary cloak

and you could farm it

cause it was broken

so they banned anyone who farmed it

without previous offense or anything

no rules, just decided

and over 5000 people have been banned already


No I actually never farmed enough for that extra run but was working on it I did maybe 7 boxes

Yeah i was unbanned as well. :smiley:


My bad then.

I thought people were just going off some reddit thread.

Hopefully things will be reversed quickly. They’ve done it before when they’ve jumped the gun.

If I recall correctly, you were the person who hyperspawned? If that’s the case that is more understandable for exploitation. However, just killing mobs in your own realm and just killing monsters causing a suspension makes no sense. That being said, in neither instance should a ban/suspension have been given

Yeah, I consider it an exploit. I can say what Blizzard’s punishment will be.

Congrats! Here’s hoping others get unbanned too.