Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

Well if you insist… yea botters will simply sit on their new accounts for 30 days then continue botting on their 2nd+ month of subscription. How is that not obvious? Yes, it costs them an extra $15 but so what? I’m sure they still make that dead money back in no time.

From what I recall this already is in place - its called the Warden.

It wasn’t. It was a bug and an unfortunate one. You can either be mad about it, or can calm down in your own time and move on from it. Your choice.

It’s not a bug, dude. It’s intentional for anyone with an account newer than 30 days. How do you not know that at this point? There’s like 20 threads about it.


Because as I said it’s a business. Are you going to eat a 15 dollar cost for no benefit? It’s doubling your cost. And if you have zero activity on your account for 1 month, then suddenly you have botting activity do you not think that is a red flag that gets them caught? They either bot anyway and get caught before they can gain value from their botting, making 0 money or they do nothing on the account and make themselves an easier target for the bot detections.

There was a bug affecting people by giving them forced Solo Self Found. unsure if this was related or not. Doubt it’s what they are talking about.

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They’ll still have activity on their accounts, they just won’t be able to trade until 30 days, like all other new players. I don’t see how this helps detection at all. If they can detect botting activity, then delaying it by 30 days doesn’t help with that. It just adds a delaying affect to everything.

Meanwhile, new players are massacred by this. Who the hell wants to play this game without the AH on the first 30 days? You have to vendor everything and can’t buy mats. That’s miserable and will turn off just about everyone new to the game. This tradeoff doesn’t seem worth it to me. But that’s just my opinion.

You mean the threads where the blues are telling you that your assumptions are all wrong?

Anyway…I meant the bugs involved in the system roll out. Arguing with CS will get you nowhere. seems like they had some bugs. If you are unhappy with the new account restrictions idk what to tell you.

Used to be…Blizzard had to back it out awhile back due to privacy infringement issues.

Funny how you conveniently ignore this part in the same thread you linked from. This is intentional for all new accounts. The bug is an unrelated issue for accounts that are 30+ days old.


Yay! you caught up to what I was always talking about!!!

So how am I wrong about this being a change they pushed out? They pushed out the intentional part with P3. That’s when all new accounts were affected. You’re arguing over nothing now.


I find it bizarre they would claim bots don’t make them money when they are either funding the purchasing of wow tokens or paying for subscriptions outright.

I’m not suggesting they can help that, but that claim is kind of silly.

Wanted to have a discussion, you’re the one instigating arguments where none needed be instigated.

Seems that is a pattern for you…

The vast majority, claimed by blizzard, of botting is done via stolen account information. If they are stealing an account chances, are they aren’t paying that sub. There were also those using tokens to pay for their botting subs, which is why we had the token changes.

Alrighty man

I hope you are able to enjoy the remaining 90% of the game that isn’t currently locked. Have a blessed day/evening.

Well I guess we’ll see if I even remember how to play the game in 20 days when I’m actually able to buy stuff I need for raiding. Hmm… that would require me giving Blizzard another $15 though which I probably shouldn’t.

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Ah, I see. Hmm…
Well, up to the reader whether they believe such a thing I suppose.

Years of watching them completely walk by non-stop for months on end after reporting everyday kind of sullies one’s willingness to take them at their word on this matter.

It’s classic, you’ll be fine.

You are 37 (if this is your SoD toon, it may not be) you have plenty of time and may even be able to farm a tiny bit of what you need. ST is also apparently hyper nerfed now though, and BFD/gnomer didn’t “need” people to have consumes. I totally get it if you would rather have them though.

I think you have a right to complain as well as demand refund. I think Blizzard is pretty unlikely to grant it though. Blizz should be aware this upsets some legit players though. What kind of new player experience is this if someone comes specifically for SoD?

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