Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

Eh, if they wanted to quit after 30 days on not being able to use an AH…then I don’t really think they were meant to play WoW.

Would you like SSF forced upon you? Even at 50?

Should stop replying to the whataboutism.

It sucks, and those affected have my sympathy (except for a few), but arguing with other players isn’t gonna do anything. Nor will putting forward “What about X?” comments. It sucks, wish y’all weren’t dealing with it at all.

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He says from atop his lvl 70 account with no restrictions…

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Why are you here? To mock new players that just want to play the same version of the game that you get to and paid for?


Just posting to say that I have cancelled my sub in light of the newly-imposed 30-day restriction on trade/AH. I know I’m effectively shouting into the void and no one of import will read this—but as someone who works in marketing I would want this feedback on one of the products that I represent.

Played thousands of hours up til WoTLK release and then recently resubbed just before Phase 3 to play SoD with friends. Playing this game without the ability to use items you haven’t personally found imposes a serious deficit on new players, and it’s just irritating tbh. What am I supposed to do for those 30 days exactly?

I get that bots are annoying, but they clearly don’t break the game, seeing as they have always been an issue and the game is still running. I’m happy to pay for a game with bots in it, I have accepted their presence. Paying full price for a game I can’t fully interact with however, is a non-starter for me.

Had I been aware of this restriction in advance, I would not have subbed. GG Blizzard, I was hesitant to give you more of my money, and you’ve succinctly justified my misgivings within less than a week of coming back. I won’t make that mistake twice.


You legit walked in, made a snipy remark to someone who is not at all lording anything over you and are now surprised when you got a snippy remark back?

Surprisingly most people are pretty sympathetic to those being affected by this issue, no need to throw jabs.


I gave my reasonable input and responded to the post with some basic information. YOU are here to make snarky comments that have little to no value to the conversation.

Clutch your pearls a little harder.

Also existing customer retention > new customer acquisition.


“I am willing to accept a negative in order to help combat the bots.” is a blatant lie as you are unaffected by this and mock people that are. Yea super constructive input.


Small problem, Blizzard… I bought time but it wont start ticking until my token time ends. in September.


Look at all these “new account holders” today lol.

For some reason they’ve all bought new accounts and started up their subscription for the first time.

Totally not upset botters.


Regardless of whether my account is more affected by it, I am saying that I find it MORE reasonable to accept this being part of the system than for the bots to have free reign. You act as if I am not affected by the botting. I am. You just don’t seem to care about the botting. So who is ignoring whose plights now?

You just shouting me down because you don’t like what I have to say doesn’t really get you anywhere. Lots of things negatively affect others. There are sometimes reasons. Life is about a give and take.

Bruh my account is 10 days old. How hard is it to believe that people are interested in creating an account to check out Season of Discovery? Especially around the time that phase 3 was coming out and that’s when this change was pushed without warning.

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You’ve never played wow before, huh?

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100% chance OP is a smurf used to bot or cheat in some way.

Stay mad, credit card swiper.

The bots will be back in 30 days though and this fixes nothing. It was a horrible broad-stroke approach to an issue that requires more precision. I’m not gonna argument more about it though.

I have not. How is that hard to believe?

It’s really really hard to believe


lmao ok well I don’t even know what to say to that, man.

Will they? Does it not? I don’t agree with you. When they did the “free trials” botters exploited that, they removed the ability to trade and interact there and it killed the botters for a while. Ultimately botting is a business and this attacks their bottom line, it will absolutely have an impact.

Well you were the only one arguing. I was here to have a discussion.