Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

How ignorant for a company to assume they can simply take your money and say, Oh by the way, its not in terms of service or our sale agreement but we decided to not let you utilize any of the extremely important game functions till next month when you give us another 15 dollars. That is complete bs and doesnt combat bots. Are we getting next month free for this garbage? Are they refunding this month? You didnt advertise your ploy was to completely screw any returning players for 30 days…


What was the reason you were AH banned? I’m just generally curious


too bad so sad dont buy gold


You’re not paying for SOD. You’re paying for Retail. It doesn’t matter that you’re only choosing to pay to take advantage of SOD being available to you - the game you actually paid for is available without restrictions (so far as we know at this juncture.)


Blizz is trying to implement an antibotting measure and introduced a bug that blocks people from trading/mail/AH.


Please show me where I can only pay for SOD and not a horrid awful game with the one I WANT to play just kind of tagged on. This reply genuinely makes no sense.


Yea I just read about that, it’s a tough decision to implement it. But honestly the only other alternative to this to combat botters directly and effectively is to implement a parsing package that downloads with WoW and parses your drives for botting software. This is extremely invasive though.

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Actually in the EULA you essentially agree that access to Blizzard’s servers, your characters, and your account are done solely at the discretion of Blizzard, that you don’t own anything, and that they can restrict or terminate your access to the services, characters, or features at any time for any reason in part or in full.

It’s an agreement that offers you no rights or protections which sucks, but YOU agreed to it.


Blizz, please let the bots back in the game. The inflation is outrageous

New players are being blocked from sending anything out, accessing the auction house to sell their greens, or even buying matts to level up their professions. A player who decides to rmt can still receive gold from players in game, so thats nonsense. Blizzard lacks the competence to ban bots effectively, so they alienated every new and returning player completely. Implementing a capcha could’ve been anti bot, Monitoring players literally with a play time that doesnt make sense (24/7) , that would’ve worked. Literally anything. Surprising you with a complete lock out of extremely essential parts of the game is nonsense.


Classic, Progressive Classic, SoD, Hardcore - these are free perks that are available only when you’re paying for your Retail sub. There isn’t anything to be refunded. You can’t access any of that without paying for your Retail sub. It’s why you can’t play any of that when you’re only playing Retail as the free-to-play restricted version.

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This won’t stop botters, all they have to do is start buying accounts every day, and letting them sit until needed. This might slow them down for a few weeks.


Players actually defending this is most the insane thing ever. GDKP sure whatever, ur wild for this one.


theyre defending things that dont effect them until it happens to them. Its pathetic when they feel theres no issue simply because everyone else is experiencing it and they aren’t. Its sad.




If you haven’t paid any money since 2017 for your sub then you will not be able to use the AH, trade with players or use the mail. Using tokens doesn’t count as paying.

This will last 30 days.

Nobody in here is saying there is no issue, you are just mad and not paying attention.

I don’t feel there is no issue. I feel that this is a result of the RMT and botting crisis. I am willing to accept a negative in order to help combat the bots. It’s not a perfect solution, and could use some tweaking.

Then once those accounts get banned with a monthly ban wave…do they do it with new accounts all over again?

What about the accounts that are paid for by fake payment methods and would typically get banned within a week (In a week a bot can make an insane amount of AH gold)…what do they do about those bots now that this method of using fake payments won’t work anymore

Are you affected by it? I bet those who are won’t be willing to accept it.