Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

a more rounded experience to do with the market and economy allowing you to earn gold by using your gathering proffesions.

a more rounded experience where you never have bag space, never have materials, have to vendor everything you grinded for, for 1/10th the money you would get selling it to other players

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Blizzard once again demonstrating they willn go to any measure to hinder experience at customerrs expense rather than hire some employees to ban bots ingame lel. Biggest problem is that they didn’t properly announce this would be implimented ahead of time. New players should 100% be entitled to a refund for this. Kind of a hard pitch to convince friends to return when they can’t utilize basic ingame tools for a month.


I played Wow from the begging through WOLK. I took a 20 year hiatus and decided to start playing again. I paid for two months and now this happens. It is complete bs.

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People: Oh this must be a way to combat botters and gold sellers.
Blizzard : We’ve just released no kill incursions!!! Enjoy spamming quests you can afk and collect thousands of Gold per day!!! But dont worry, Those new players trying to enjoy the game, We’re gonna block their access to everything while the real RMTERS and Botters are on their older accounts getting 100x more gold to sell than ever before!. Oh and because new players cant purchase items from the auction house we’re completely gutting the boe economy for anything dropping!!! WOOOOO

Theyre not combating anything, Theyre simply incompetent.


But that’s the thing. If they DO have botting activity in a one month period, they will get banned before they are able to transfer or use their gains, and if they have no activity they will also get flagged. I said this already.

Well the good news is your understanding of the situation isn’t important. My literal job is cybersecurity, and this makes a LOT of sense. Detection is absolutely how you identify and remediate issues.

When you delay the ability for someone to do malicious activity, you get your resources a chance to kick in and identify the issues. This allows you to flag the bad actor and take action BEFORE they can do any damage. If you block the trades, you detect and remove the botter before they can move any of their gold gains making it worthless.

The AH is a tiny tiny portion of the game. A new player is likely to be more focused on other things. When I start an MMORPG I rarely if ever have any interest in the AH. I would rather learn the game mechanics and get an idea of what is going on instead.

And I play a LOT of MMORPGs.

You can do a lot of other things. You can pick up enchanting and disenchant greens. You can make some bank alts for storage. You are not “required” to do anything. You make it sound like the game is unplayable without the AH. It’s not the perfect experience, but it’s far from ALL the game revolves around.

Damn dude, literally every point you made is horrible. I’m not going to waste any more of my time rebutting you. I also work in cybersecurity btw and that made me laugh really hard.


This makes 0 sense… to play sod you dont even have to own retail or have it installed. Just an active sub.

So why make the post to just claim this? Sounds a little like trolling and against the ToS by posting unhelpful and unconstructive replies, but based on other posts linked here that’s a pattern for you.

If this is true I feel REALLY bad for whatever company you work for.

huh, sounds awfully trolly and against ToS to say such a thing


It’s not. You should read the CoC, as that’s what it is actually called. Seems you have a pattern of devolving all your threads into uncivil discussions. So have a nice day.

It’s uncivil to say you make terrible points? Genuinely didn’t know that. My bad. Sounds awfully personal and mean to say you feel bad about my employment status though.


It absolutely is in the terms of service actually.

This would actually be so so good for the Classic community. More money for blizzard too.

Retail tourism would plummet.

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LoL considering how dead Era ended up now when it’s on a shared sub I don’t think putting it on a separate sub would do anything good for it.

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Bro, shut up. You have ZERO clue what you’re talking about. They can ban bots every day and they’ll always come back. This is a measure to try and stop that from happening. They can come back now and they are locked down for a month. That way when the ban does happen, they lose everything.

Don’t worry, he’s known as Amedoosh for a reason.


lol era is only dead because it’s been on its last phase for longer than the servers have existed. Nobody wants to join a finished adventure.

You try to invalidate Classic with this at every opportunity you get, and it’s easily dismissed every single time.

Anyone gonna tell him?

I don’t value your opinion.

/shrug it’s not hard to figure out that a lot of people play multiple versions of WoW.

But sure it would be an interesting experiment had they stood up fresh era servers at the same time as SoD and we could see what people liked more.