Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

Yes, we know. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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First post in: You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

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you do know this LFD tool is a terrible copy from retail right?

Eh issue is ilvl200 epics are better than ilvl200 blues.

Personally I enjoy the braindead go back to retail comments when the only way to play classic or post here is to be a paying subscriber of retail wow.

Here you go.
Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD? - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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oh look at that, it did finally get up there. Took it a bit though.

Yeah, Blizz couldn’t even do that right.

That’s fair. First impressions of the new tool look pretty bad.

Nah, you have raids. I bet if you counted the number or geared tanks versus geared dps, there are way more geared dps. I’d even wager there are over 4x as many geared dps.

Yeah, funny how the most vocal anti-LFD players are all tanks. :thinking:


OMG! You mean you just figured out that DPS outnumber Tanks? You deserve a special prize for that humdinger of a math revelation.

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Exactly and this is the problem. It gives tanks too much power to individually select META dps. If you’re not META, god help you

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It’s crazy, right?

It’s as if you know DPS will outnumber tanks greatly… but being a tank yourself you stand to lose something if an automated system gets put into place.

Boggles the mind!


I know, even more reason to not play tank. When all the raids are forming GDKPs and SRs, they don’t need a tank, they always seem to need DPS.

FWIW, I figured you as a carpet bagging tank for cash type from the beginning of the post.

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If it helps, I don’t tank for cash. I’m a raid logging pleb.

I don’t care if they add RDF, but someone has to lend a voice of reason when an Anti-RDFer stands up and all the pro-RDFers come out and start insulting them. You don’t have to like the reasoning, but it’s there.

Maybe blizzard is scared of tee’ing us off because lfd or rdf both mean nothing if we’re not here to tank.

The only redeeming feature of RDF is the cross realm play, so lower pop servers dont feel like they need to transfer to mega servers.

I can hope that with the addition of RDF, the tanks protest like they did in FF14, when people wanted to do the brain dead strat for P1S. (Brain dead strat was making the tanks fail a mechanic on purpose so DPS could have more uptime on the boss. And when you fail a mechanic in high end raid tiers, you get a damage down debuff for 90 seconds).