Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

Maybe blizzard is scared of tee’ing us off because lfd or rdf both mean nothing if we’re not here to tank.

The only redeeming feature of RDF is the cross realm play, so lower pop servers dont feel like they need to transfer to mega servers.

I can hope that with the addition of RDF, the tanks protest like they did in FF14, when people wanted to do the brain dead strat for P1S. (Brain dead strat was making the tanks fail a mechanic on purpose so DPS could have more uptime on the boss. And when you fail a mechanic in high end raid tiers, you get a damage down debuff for 90 seconds).

Teleporting is also good.

Being able to que and do stuff without staring at a window is also good.

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It is convenient.

I have found like 80% of the raids to which I’ve taken my healer while playing on a warlock I’ve been leveling. There isn’t any need to stare at a window in town to find groups. Most everyone has the bulletin board addon, so you can set that up to work real easy for ya.

Yes, I’d love to just grind dungeons non stop from 15-70. How many times must we repeat the same quest’s over and over again? Having a option on how you want to bring up a alt or level with a friend shouldnt be gate kept.

It’s not gate kept. You can do that right now. You can level from 15 to 70 while only doing dungeons the entire way.

You cant talk to these people and expect anyone will add them to a friendslist or run more than a single dungeon with them.

For most of them, I can see why they need blizzard to force people to play with them. If you ever want to be insulted or talked down to, have an opinion against RDF being added xD.


this is the truest true thats ever been truthed.

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Ah my bad should have added the option to use Rdf while questing to spam dungeons since it would take a year to find solid groups. With Rdf it’s a more viable option to than spamming quest from getting the bonus exp granted per run and if someone leaves at the end your not wasting time looking for that one more person for long and if you are you can teleport from the dungeon and quest while rdf does it thing.

Why is it terrible for players to “gatekeep”? I like to form my own groups to make sure there is a spread of armor types and balance ranged and melee. Do you see something wrong with this?

Wish I could like this more than once.

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DPS think they are gatekept because they didnt get picked to go to a dungeon because of X, Y, or Z factor, when in reality, it’s just a space constraint. If I could take a group with 10 DPS, and mob health scaled so it took the same time as 3 dps, I’d still take the 10 dps.

dungeons arent that hard they people need to be choosy on who they bring. They just get it worked up in their head that they got denied because they play a selfish-style dps class (not saying DPS are selfish, but that, obviously a mage brings biscuits, so a mage might get an invite over a rogue, because a rogue doesnt bring biscuits).

Hey maybe thats an idea, as a rogue, be like “LFG Daily Heroic, I will give you 80 water and bring scrolls of intellect <3”

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Oh come on now, there is a decent list of people on both sides of the RDF convo who will gladly let you know you’re below them when you disagree.

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How can that be, there are only 10 people who are pro RDF :wink:

Of course there are jerks on any side of any issue.

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Im more of in a favor of Rdf being a leveling tool. Its not need for Wotlk content they should just import the retail lfg tool instead of the half backed one the put in.

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I wish they just added an option once you have a character at 80 to create a character at level 70 instead of selling a boost. No one is coming to play wotlk to level. But hey, for that small minority of players, the 70 option is just an option.

Let everyone just get a max level character of every class. More options, means more players, mean more content.

I’d rather than take out boosting in general and add in Rdf. That should make everyone but stock holders happy imo.

A lot of these threads are trolling and that’s part of the reason SOME people reply how they have to you but I don’t think you’re trolling, I don’t get that vibe. I may be wrong on that but wanted to start by saying that.

I just wanted to say if you are still reading this (and, if you aren’t, I don’t blame you) that your opinion is fine. No one is allowed to tell you what to think. If not having RDF is more immersive for you and you’re happy great. That’s up to each person. If you want to post on the forums and say it that’s fine too.

There are a lot of upset people trying to get the RDF thing changed through these forums so that they can enjoy WotLK more and that’s also 100% fine. I respect anyone who is articulate and stands their ground but also tries to keep an open mind to other perspectives when making their points.

However, I also noticed a lot of what could best be described as forum bullies going at you too. Most of these people I’ve never seen be nice to anyone or show any understanding to others EVER even in thousands of posts. I don’t think they were taught growing up how to be nice to others. That or they just mentally can’t and putting others down on a video game forum makes them feel better about themselves, not sure. Try not to let it bother you though. Mostly they are just mad that they aren’t getting their way. I wish they’d suspend the forum bullies (most of them have been suspended multiple times but they come back like a month later) because they really do nothing positive for anyone.

Some people when they get bullied leave which again I can’t blame them for and that’s part of why we see the one-sided thoughts on the forums with this.

I mostly just wanted to reply to say you can think however you want.


Judging by your 50 posts in this thread, I must disagree. You seem to care a whole lot.

but how many threads have i started? I have an opinion about it, and this is a discourse thread about that opinion. Not like I would start making threads if blizzard changed their stance, either :slight_smile: