Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

Just put RDF in, if you don’t like it don’t use it, don’t spoil someone else’s way they like to enjoy the game.


They are the type that are texting or playing mobile games on their phones while others are roleplaying their actions. Then when its their turn they rush in with their min maxed uber twink character that has no downsides.

Uh, what? Raids are the best way to progress your character, not dungeons…

Which is why these people want to gatekeep dungeons. If you can control who does dungeons, you control who does raids. It’s all about having power over others.

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You’ll get typical stock responses and the rare “I can’t not use it, because everyone else is so I have to!”
Like their ability to form groups just died.

I guess suddenly guilds and friends don’t matter to them anymore if they’re willing to pug with randoms LOL.


First off, tanking is unbelievably easy in Wrath. All you need is some DEF gear and a taunt. That said, there will be a tank shortage because it’s not an enjoyable way to play IMO.

Why would anyone want to stand around spamming chat macros? I want in and out so I can go do more important stuff like hit the Random group finder to do battlegrounds.

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THIS IS SO TRUE BUT ITS SAVVVVVAGE i spit out my drink laughing

If you want to split hairs, in my DND campaign I already have a group.

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Obviously raids are what get you end game gear, but dungeons are the best way to progress your character up til raids. I mean, if dungeons aren’t an easy way to progress your character, why do people need to run so many they need a tool that lets them run more than 11 heroics a day?

Actually, people will spam heroics and skip Naxx 10 man.

Yeah, but once a tank has all his reputation to exalted and has all the gear he needs from raiding and badges, why would a tank use RDF? Especially more than once? Having RDF doesn’t make tanks run dungeons all day so the DPS can get their badges. Once P1 is over, heroic interaction is going to drop off, just like TBC.

150 comment thread and u got 6 likes.
Every pro rdf thread gets over 100.

There are your numbers.


Please delete this like you’re doing with LFD topics.Don’t try and make it like suddenly people are against LFD/RDF so you can look like you were right Blizz.

Which is why they are against LFD. How dare casuals get badges!


Chances are on any server you’ll have the buff for owning WG. So you get honor for finishing dungeons. And once again, I always went twice for guild mates if they needed a healer or tank for a fast Q. It’s amazing what friendly guild mates will do for you.

Looks like 116 likes at the moment :3

Anyways, its not a popularity contest. Want blizzard to notice, play another game instead.

That is exactly what the loser of a popularity contest would say.


That’s how many likes in the thread, not of the thread my friend.

they wont! thanks for your continued support tho

Once a loser, always a loser, amirite :wink: