You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Please explain to me why it’s so bad for the game. I experienced it firsthand in wrath and felt like it was a good fit. I seriously want to be convinced on why it’s bad so I can see an alternate perspective. So far it’s all blanket untrue statements such as “it’s just bad for the game” “it ruined the game” all of which are so incredibly vague and untrue that I can’t help but think blizz doesn’t even know why people think it’s bad.

They fostered this idea that we didn’t want it based on us not wanting it in classic because it never existed in classic or TBC. Overall I see more support for it than against.


“Shut up,” explained the highly-qualified Lead Designer.


because you will magically be teleported to that dungeon. the dungeon you most likely would not go to otherwise since a pita to get too.

With lfd, low level humans would just show up to blackfathom. No journey there. sky falls because of that.

without lfd…well they don’t come at all. they are spamming mines to stockades. They have a very lively leveling area nearby for quests to 30 and really feel no strong desire to do the menethil march human styles. 30+ minutes from SW to Auberdine/ashenvale. to see an empty dungeon most likely.

since many night elves and draenei bail on night elf land to hit mines then stockades.

It was me on my on the draenei paladin last night that had me go yep…night elf lands is still dead really. For my time played anyway.

She too…will do the menethil death march to SW most likely. No blackfathom hits. saw some freebies for stocks no summons though. so her path is clear really…


I feel like there’s a time and a place for running H BFD, and the beginning of wrath probably isn’t it.

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I think a lot of it comes down to the people who think it’s bad themselves don’t know why they think it’s bad, just that that’s what they’re supposed to regurgitate whenever its brought up.

LFD didn’t kill the venerated “social aspects” of the game. People’s changing lives after years of play did.

I was so happy when LFD was introduced, it meant I could actually play dungeons without sitting around most of the time, wasting what little time I had, and leveling was so much more fun when you could break up questing with the occasional dungeon run.


Its not about telling you why its bad, its more about getting you to understand its not coming and there isn’t a point in complaining over it.

edit: Please dont @ me with you frustrations over the decision, I’ve said my piece and muted the thread and you aren’t getting a reply. Thanks have a great day.


Won’t bother, because it’s been said enough times.

If you don’t get it by now, you never will.


Yep blizzard’s ego is so massive they would rather tank subs instead of admit they are wrong, then put in a passive aggressive half solution.


Won’t tank subs in any significant way.

I think you greatly overestimate the number of people that will quit over this.

The game will survive, and those people won’t be missed.


Idk where you’ve been, but they back track constantly. They could 100% add it into the game if enough people create enough buzz. Which is a healthy way for the game to run btw.


Yep noone would quit over flying.


Also the year is 2022. Discord did what ts, mumble, mirc in the past could not. Get universally excepted. and so easy to use even non geeks could use it.

its cool to use! for everything. By everyone damn near.

and this is where many people work from now. I see classic chat…in retail play nights. I retail in classic nights. And I can see both when its steam play night.

Discord is nice for this. As was mirc, ts, etc. In eve I’d fire this up. even on non eve nights. I’d see my boy say dude log in…something big is going down and you want in on this.

Save out the SP game…log into eve and my boy would be right. A truly epic night was to be had that night.

You try to reply. Lead Designer has blocked you.


Oh look a “nuh uhhhhhhh” post from someone who can’t get over the fact that the ship has already sailed. They aren’t going to roll anything back because the feature would of came with ICC patch at the earliest. The sooner you understand that its futile to keep asking the better.

But by all means, please continue to bring up the topic all the way through the entire expansion. You might just get it! Its not like Blizz hasn’t already invested money to develop a new tool just to show you otherwise.

Oh wait :slightly_smiling_face:


Tables must be flipped, specifically because not getting it is bad


No its not. At the earliest you wouldn’t even have it for another 8-10 months. It isn’t a big deal.


Current systems is set to 3.3.5a. That includes RDF. It’s not content, it’s a system. Just like Blood is the only ‘real’ tanking spec for DKs, quest logs will be double paned, and the quest helper will be in the game. That last one is a key point, because it released in the same patch as RDF, yet we’re getting it from the start. Because it’s a system.


Thats the balance patch its not the content patch. Try again.

Inb4 “but pvpers get a battleground queue!”


No, it’s the last patch of Wrath. Meaning every prior patch’s systems are included. I’m not trying here, this is just stating basic facts to catch you up with the conversation. We haven’t even reached the opinions yet.


I’m more than caught up with the conversation thanks. I’m so caught up that I’ve accepted the fact that the company that runs on a bottom dollar isn’t going to spend a mountain of cash just to please a fringe group on the forums.

But like I said, keep flipping tables. They will totally give you what they want. Totally.