Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

I know this is not a popular opinion on the forums, but this is just a reminder that there are a lot of people in favor of no RDF, we just are silent because we’re happy. I get the arguments and the desire for RDF and respect that opinion, but I simply prefer the no RDF game. To me it is not even the social aspect… it is the immersive aspect. Not having RDF is much more immersive, even if you have to spend more time. You actually have to search for other players, once your group is made, get to the dungeon. I get this is against to go-go fast speed running mindset that we have in retail wow, but it just feels so much more… classic. anyway, hoping blizzard wont revert that change, this MMO feels much more like a classic MMO without RDF.


All 10 people that dont want it can start a guild and run together :slight_smile:


Classic Era sounds perfect for you


but then we won’t get bonus badges and damage/healing/health percent bonuses :frowning:


You must not have used the new tool.

Every reason you don’t want rdf is still in the new tool.

This is what you guys don’t understand.


Why? Sounds like its not in WotLK, so that game seems like a good fit too.

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How about no. If you want changes to the game go play retail

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I mean… the easy answer is you can have your rdf in retail… it’s there and waiting for you.


i have a guild thats opposed to it already! thankfully, we’re blizzards target audience with their current design intent! so we wont need to "not use it because it wont exist!
thanks for paying for the game to continue tho!

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I want to play wrath of the lich king, not some power-tripping dev’s “I coulda done it better, hold my beer” self-aggrandising fantasy version of how it should be.


Until they change it. Then you can quit because the game is no longer designed for you?


Until they revert the decision, like they have a history of doing :slight_smile:


You do realize it wasn’t in wotlk for almost half of it?

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Wow! No I didn’t!! Literally no one has unearthed this unknown fact ever before


Yes… Yes. We do.

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Ok. Well anyway, my intention was simply to highlight that some people are highly supportive of this game design decision, and truly hoping they won’t change it.


Yes, some people, as in almost enough to field a co ed softball team


This is obviously a troll post to start a fight.

You haven’t used the new tool I’m betting.

It doesn’t do what you want.

There is no more social activity.

There is no forming these groups by talking, you literally see a desired AOE class and click invite without talking.

This is why you guys are so fake, the reason you don’t want RDF is still in this new tool. It literally doesn’t do anything different as far as social activity goes.


Step back nerd, this thread has already accumulated a mighty TWO likes

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You do realize that the patch that Wrath will be releasing is 3.3.5 which did have it?