Steamlink and world of warcraft

I am wondering the age old question is it a bannable offense since it doesn’t use a cloud gaming server and for example my phone is just an impit device just like my mouse and keyboard. Only want to level up while I am at work sorry if this is in the wrong forum

Short answer is, if it is not installed ON your phone, don’t risk it.

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I would like to get an official answer but not hoping for much since they haven’t in past

Here is a Blue Post with some clarification that using software like this might run afoul of the EULA:

Basically, you aren’t going to get a “Yes” or “No” answer as there are too many variables to consider. The advice given in the past was simply to not do it.


Blizzard will never really endorse third party software or hardware that they have no control over.

They could make a post saying it was perfectly acceptable today and then a change is made tomorrow that makes it not acceptable.
20 years from now, people would still be referring to the post saying it was ok to use regardless of how many subsequent posts were made saying it was no longer sanctioned.


Just to clarify this - a Blue post is not guaranteed. Customer Support is not Customer Service. It is instead a forum for players to assist other players. Terise was kind enough to dredge up the closest response you’re likely to get. If this changed to become allowed? You can be sure they’d have made an official post about it.

The best kind of rule of thumb to follow though - if you have to ask “is this allowed/bannable”? Then you are better off not to take the risk that could put your account in jeopardy.


I’d ere on the side of caution and work at work and play WoW when you get home.

Don’t risk it. It’s not worth it.


I’m afraid the answers that Terise has quoted is as far as I can go, Altair. As I mentioned, I’m not part of legal, so I can’t discuss the ins and outs of our EULA beyond some basics.


I’m necroing this because I recently started to wonder if I could get WoW to play on my tablet. Is there a chance that you could consult the legal team?

They aren’t going to give you an answer here. They aren’t going to consult legal for you.
If it involves third party software, err on the side of don’t.

This was all answered in this thread. No need to necro it.


Rule of thumb 3 weeks or more never necro year or more better left to the void this realy hasnt changed cloud gaming is still a no no.


Necroing something after a month, yeah… that makes sense. Things tend to change after a fair amount of time passes, though.

A response along the lines of “that’s not my job” isn’t really a helpful response from a customer service representative. If they’re unable to answer a direct question themselves, they should ask to find out the answer.

Welcome to Customer Support, NOT to be confused with Customer Service.


While that’s not exactly what one would want to hear, it might just be true…

:rofl: :man_facepalming:

They’re not going to run around asking questions on behave of someone random on the forums, let alone something that Blizzard likes to keep under their hats.


This is a player to player support forum with blue moderation. Its not realy there job to contact the legal team im sure some can link you the contact for the legal team.


Tablets would not meet the minimum spec requirements for WoW. So if you’re asking if you can stream from one device to another, I still would not recommend it.

That said, you can access all the legal info yourself here:

The email address to contact the legal department no long exists from my understanding though.

Unfortunately, a blue here is not going to be able to say much else that isn’t already available via the legal links.


Just to add - the reason why Blizzard has never given a concrete yes or no and always leave with vague answers - situations are always fluid. The guidelines have been sent down by legal, by the Devs and the Powers That Be.

The SFAs (the only Blues you will ever see posting on this forum) don’t interpret or give anything beyond those things dictated. Why? Because if there is a line in the sand then both legitimate players and botters/cheaters take it as a challenge and will always try to do a flying leap over it. And then they’ll try to argue and debate and armchair lawyer their way around things because that is how our contemporaries are. It’s not just this policy, but quite a few of them.

If you have to ask, the best thing to do is just not do it. Why? Because the game was created to play in a certain way. Anything that deviates from that, be it the platform or the playstyles or anything else questionable - it puts your account at risk because of that need to go beyond what they originally had in mind.


Not really, no, Cauchy.

In some cases we do, but at no point are we likely to be able to discuss the specifics about the EULA. Legal wouldn’t give us talking points on what may or may not be permitted outside of what it already in the EULA. Any specifics would come from Community at the behest of the Game Developers and Legal, not from Customer Support.

Overall, Perl is correct. What is listed under our minimum spec requirements for World of Warcraft is what is supported by our game and our policies. Using anything different from that could be an issue.

Given the age of this thread I’m going to lock it up. Thanks, all.