(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

The fact that there are characters made to die given the troublesome story of portraying night elves in faction conflict stories, is a bad taste to begin with on the dev side.

Well sure, my posts on the topic are centered around the idea that antagonism of the players is no good, because the devs butcher the stories and characters for the sake of pushing their biases, and doing it in a rather mediocre way on top of that.

Hence I see no point in antagonism. Night elf struggles echo throughout the story and similar problems could be seen all over the place. IMO it’s a common cause that might be the first one so loud and strong, that we might get changes for the better story. Which is why I support the idea as a net positive even though draenei and trolls have not much to gain from it directly, but can benefit in a roundabout ways.

The fact that other parts of the story struggle is not an excuse to me, to try to push back against the night elf fans. It is to me an idea to support and show how methods used to impove that story line, could improve others. Our problem is the narrative team, which might either learn to adapt, or there might be no iprovement till the current one would be simply removed from the team.

This was mentioned more than enough time. They did not won it during the war. It happened off screen, was mentioned during blizzcon, and got a meh-cinematic in the Shadowlands pre-patch.

There would’ve been way less complaining if that would happen when the war story was wrapped up (8.2.5 iirc), and had bombastic high action cutscene (or a couple) showing the allies (night elves, worgen and draenei) achieving a step to justice and driving the enemy forces out. It does not have to be a rofl-stomp one, although that could work to cheapen the production, but could be a dramatic back and forth, with exploration of night warrior powers and showing changes in Tyrande, showing different characters participating.

Not what we got. So it’s necessary to mention how sloppy execution devalues even potentially decent moments.

My position is that it was rather pointless, and he should’ve been captured and delivered to the horde to decide what they want to do, as a “pay back” for Sira brought to the alliance.

There are many potentially cool characters. Devs not willing to do a good job is a universal problem, hence why I support the night elves in their push for the betterment of the WoW storytelling.

It was stupic and pointless loss of alliance forces, against a nation that did not join the horde at the time.

It could’ve been executed better, but it’s a wall of text as is. Overall, in the story that used night elf suffering as promo materials, that is an odd target, did not have much to aid the main problem (that was used in the promo materials), and just led to killing a few characters that IMO was not a good idea to kill.

A textbook example of “solving a problem the players do not have with the solutions the players do not want”. (And I do not think that killing Rastakhan, who was not eager to joing the horde originally, or potentially killing the last of drakkari and shadowtooth clans, was anything that could be considered “good” for the alliance story or a justice for the night elf tragedy).

Those were compared time and time again. It did not accomplish much for the benefit of the alliance, and the horde members who fought for Sylvanas there, after the tree story was known, are supposedly excluded from their criminal status.

Crappy story, that left both sides with something they did not need.

I mentioned very specific things, assuming you’re willing to contribute to a productive discussion. Examples of widely desired things, that IMO cause no long-term harm, etc. Yet you did not mention why would any of those concepts ruin the story or be “not enough”? “good enought” is not an unreachable bar. But a step to improve what was troubling the story for at least last 4 expansions (arguably since Cata in full power, and some troublesome seeds could be seen here and there in WotLK).

gl hf


Won them back one patch after.

false. Many fled to Stormwind. They are doing fine.

overdramatic inc.

your leaders are still alive.

You have Darkshore and Hyjal. Your hold on Kalimdor is still there.

No, Darkshore is the 1/3.

But actually, thinking twice about it, I’m not going to argue with full time forum troll Erevien.

The Alliance won everything in bfa. Stop being greedy you mindless lunatics. The Horde owes you nothing. Shut up.

Maybe I should be less word, don’t you think?

Added. With other potentially killed speakers.

IMO his story is a mess. The devs butchered his old story line to re-tell it in BfA. It even repeats some lines, like about a sacrifice that won’t absolve the mistakes, that he said to Garrosh all the way in WotLK days.

But it had to be thrown away to re-do, but this time with the guidance of “human potential”. You see why I am against twisting the old stories for the one minute betefits of the narrators?

We’re all in the same boat, and there is only 1 group so far that can pressure the team to change something.

gl hf

We are not. Alliance dictates the story. Horde follows as sidekicks. The Alliance deserves to suffer massive casualties until we can see things as equal.

Ask for better. Otherwise a products goes worse.

The devs do. I payed money for a specific story pitch. I could not care less about reasoning for why I was served who knows what the hell instead.

The other player groups were ignored. We have 1 that so far has enough power to push for the improvements. No way I am dropping the 1st real chance to get the admission that the things that the narrative team does are harmful for the game and they are a source of problems.

We are. But you’re free to disagree.

If that would’ve been the case, there would be no need to villain bat the horde.

I am for equal rights. Both sides to.

gl hf

Alliance loses the following characters:


also we get to raid Stormwind.

then and only then you are allowed to make demands from the Horde. Not anytime sooner.

Blizzard hates the Horde and loves the Alliance. That has been the case ever since MoP. You are priviliged and need to be put down to dismantle your way too huge ego.

Lie. Stormwind is overfilled with Night Elves.

Not even close. Night Elves have some of the most zones compared to any race in the game, with the exception of (maybe) humans.

This sucks. So does losing Teldrassil in sum total.
Not that they’re not giving it back to you or anything.

The souls of some nameless NPCs.
VAROK SAURFANG the Orcish Racial leader was TURNED INTO A TRINKET.

God I wish.


So self absorbed and greedy to think one race could ever hold Kalimdor over an entire faction. PROOF IN THE POSTING THAT IT IS NOT ENOUGH AND WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

Thank you for giving me screenshottable proof.

They’re completely driven out of Tirisfal.

Quit the Horde.

Quit the Horde, killed by Tyrande Whisperwind.

This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever read.

You forced the Horde to retreat from their territory.

Thomas Zelling proves that cry baby Night Elves are not the only victims of this story telling feature.

You’ve never made any posts about how much the Forsaken or Horde have lost, but you have a long and storied history of posting in defense of night elves and how much they (objectively little by way of comparison to the Horde) lost.

Night Elf players demand unending reparations, including and not limited to their race having full and complete control of Kalimdor, even over The Entire Horde.

They won. The Horde didn’t win anything during the actual expansion. Even their war campaign victories were stolen out from under them by the Alliance and used against them to murder GOD KING RASTAKHAN.

Your position is that it is not enough because it will never be enough. The Forsaken have lost. You don’t care. You will not care.

Refer back to you only defending night elves.

It was an Alliance victory, and a Horde loss, in which the Alliance defeated GOD KING RASTAKHAN, the Horde, and Jaina Proudmoore effortlessly held the Horde back while suffering no injuries as the Alliance escaped in total victory.

“The Horde losing a power base on eastern kingdoms is not a benefit to the Alliance.”


Give it up. They are fanatics. They will not listen. What they want is the Horde being deleted from the game. That was always their goal-

Aravayn you’re basically the Horde version of them.

I am the last true patriot of the Horde. All others have surrendered to alliance bias and don’t care that the puppet government of the council holds the Horde hostage.

You love the alliance so much, just admit it. It’s why you want to your little horde leader list to be true, because you know it will make the horde even worse and your precious alliance even more incapable of being in the wrong.

Yea, that’s close to their entire population when they had 3 zones and a capital city full of civilians before. Now all that’s left of the Night Elves are the few refugees in Stormwind.

Hm let’s see:

They had Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil. They only ever got Darkshore back. That is… one third.

Oh yea, trees can regrow. I bet the guy that handles the Warcraft twitter:

  1. Knows about future development
  2. Would spoil it in a tweet

If you think that the Night Elves will ever get a new capital city, then I don’t know what to tell you other than to get real.

The souls of those that made up the Night Elven race.

Yea, and so were close to all the Night Elf souls that were actual innocents as opposed to Saurfang. I’m not saying that he deserved the maw, probably Revendreth, but are you seriously saying he deserved a better fate than the innocents that his armies slaughtered?
What are you trying to argue here, the Night Elf souls had the same fate as him.

Your wish, once again, came true.

Not subjective when their souls have been obliterated, Sylvanas, the Horde and those responsible got away with it entirely and they never got their zones back or a new home.
The innocents that were burned alive weren’t even allowed a peaceful afterlife, they were tortured and obliterated by a Horde character, more specifically the forsaken leader. And she got away with it.

What? I’m not saying they controlled Kalimdor on their own, I’m saying that they lost any influence they ever had on Kalimdor since the Horde now secured it.

I never claimed the Night Elves should control Kalimdor, but the Horde shouldn’t control it entirely either, but this is now the case with the Night Elves gone.

“Their presence in Kalimdor”, happy then? or will you also take this out of context. Their “hold” on Kalimdor refers to the zones they “held” before they were driven away.

Yea, make sure to screenshot this too then, oh jk you won’t because you’re just a giant hypocrite taking things out of context.

Oh, so I must have dreamed about this then:

Again, only a capital city.

Temporarily to become the face of WoW, then returns as if nothing ever happened.

See above for the first part, and had a favour done to him by Tyrande. We already know he’s going to reappear both from him and from Ion.

You said the Alliance won Zuldazar?

Except the Horde kept most of the territory they gained in the war. They kept Ashenvale permanently, they decided to destroy Teldrassil to make civilians suffer, but it was still theirs.
They only lost Darkshore after claiming it, but still gained a very large zone with Ashenvale after destroying Teldrassil.

Ashenvale, Feralas, Winterspring, Hyjal, Darkshore, Stoentalon, Desolace, Fel wood. That is 8 zones under Nightelf control.

If we can get rid of Anduin, or at least “high king” idea - why not? Depends on the execution.

While the list seems to be in the “too much too fast” categore, IMO the current devs do not care about what those characters really were, and misuse them rather badly. I would prefer them telling new stories with the new characters. Does not mean that those have to die, but it’s not the worse outcome than being twisted by the narrators who do not respect what the players liked about them to begin with.

They love their biases. The rest suffers.

Well sure, but to me the story of Zelling is a lot more problematic than seems on the surface.

Really? So talking about the damage to orc story in the thread nearby, about killing Nathanos being a waste for the story, about the problems that affect all the parts of the story, not just night elves, etc. mean that I never mentioned problems of forsaken narrative, horde being twisted into “something new” to suit devs’ preferences, and so on?

There are different people talking about different things. The main thing to have is the cause-effect being present in the story and not “random a-pull to drive the story wherever”. Which means among other things, if the story was sold as pursuit of justice, then going “nah, I’m fine” is not one of them.

There was other text. You know, about on-screen win, presentation, reinforcing the original theme (justice), etc.

Cool story. But no. My position was stated before, and arguably was more or less same since the Shadowlands release.

The main difference in what I say is moving from “maybe after changes in leadership Shadowlands might take the story in a direction that would pay attention to what the players like” to “oh, so it’s rather clear Afrasiabi’s leadership was not the main problem of the narrative team”.

Refer back to how ridiculous this claim is. But if it makes you feel better - go for it. Those who actually read some of my posts will form whatever opinion they think those posts deserve.

If you pay for a meal, and got served random stuff instead, is it being “the food” makes the result “good enough”?

If it makes you feel better, sure. I guess we’ll see the alliance settling in Tirisfal, right?

gl hf

Out of the 8 you listed, one of them is actually

Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Winterspring, Moonglade, Stonetalon Mountains, Felwood, Feralas, Mount Hyjal.
And those are just the Kalimdor zones. They aren’t covering places like Val’Sharrah, Azsuna, etc.

We’ve got an official source promising their return. You can say that it’s a lie, but it’s more than the Horde has gotten.

Night Elves are one of the most populoused PC races, having owned more land than any race in the game with the exception of (maybe???) humans. You are not extinct. Teldrassil is not comparable to Quel’Thalas.

Nameless NPCs have no value. Hero characters represent the players. Tyrande, Shandris, Malfurion, and Maiev are still running strong in their complete godhood(s).

Stop teasing.

Absolutely subjective. Night Elves got wins. Horde got none. Night Elves murdered NATHANOS BLIGHTCALLER.


They met in Teldrassil. The Forsaken are currently rotting in Orgrimmar needing complace cooler and darker. That was a plotpoint in Roux’s book, which takes place after this.

She’s still a villain. She’s not a member of the Forsaken.

He hasn’t returned at all.

Winning the city is not the same as taking ownership of the city. If ownership is required, then the Horde never won Teldrassil. Are you telling me that?


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Well that’s up for debate, isn’t it? Not to mention, there is also the manner of how those cities were lost that matters. Context, Dreadmoore. I hope one day you will understand it.


Not even remotely. Lordaeron and Arthas put the setting on the map. Hyjal and the Night Elves didn’t sell The Frozen Throne.

False equivalency. Loss of a territory does not equate to the enemies then also gaining that territory. So, if the Alliance does not gain the territory, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t lose it. We can’t use it. The Forsaken are specifically stuck rotting in Orgrimmar after Roux’s book.

You made commentary on the retelling of Saurfang’s story. I don’t see you defending him.

Here you’re reinforcing that for night elves it is not enough to defeat Nathanos, it will never be enough.

Hot damn, you’ve made me proud. I figured you’d just linked three random posts thinking I wouldn’t check them, but it turns out only two of them were fibs. This one’s the Real Deal™️.

Lordaeron and Zuldazar were not Horde losses, everyone.

That’s not the situation. You (and others) claim that our win was Teldrassil. None of us wanted Teldrassil any more than you wanted Zuldazar. You still demand our proverbial flesh in payment. You claim that your loss equates to our win. If this is true, then our losses (Zul’Dazar, Stromgarde, Darkshore, Lordaeron) are 100% your victories.