(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

And? How iconic and important a location is to the setting does not determine the value to the people playing. Night elf players couldn’t have cared less about lordaeron. Why would they? It has no relation to their race at all. But teldrassil did. And the way it went down has guaranteed that until something is done, this wound will never heal.

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Imagine thinking the genocide of a playable race, is somehow worth less than an event from 20+ yrs ago, that most current players don’t know or care about. :wolf:

It sure does when the value is actual money that is accrued in real life.

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Is the only zone that the Night Elves currently have full control over that isn’t contested. And not even that one is safe because the Horde is right at their doorstep at Ashenvale.

And before you say that Ashenvale is a Night Elf zone, go and read up on recent lore in “A Good War”.
It’s pretty straight forward stated in there.

No, we don’t. The Warcraft twitter account messing around and making a joke isn’t promising a return.

The Horde gets to commit genocides and obliterate innocents in hell and have writers/devs say that they’re not evil for it and that the Night Elves had it coming for them.

Not yet. There are a few homeless survivors in Stormwind, after all. I bet they can live healthily on the streets and have children and found happy families there.

Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil is.

With the difference that Silvermoon atleast still partly stands.

They have no value because it doesn’t fit your argument. Yet they do have value to me, and they do have names.
Here are a few:

Saying that nameless npc’s have no value in a genocide is like saying that nameless humans have no value in a real life genocide. It’s just ridiculous.

The only character in complete godhood right now is Sylvanas. Which is… a Horde and Forsaken character. And she is so awesome that genocide is okay if she does it.

I’m not teasing, you should really read up recent lore.

Which ones? The offscreen victory at one of their three zones? Oh come on.

We’re literally talking about the genocide of the Night Elves and the conquest of their zones right now. lol.

Tyrande did, as he asked her to. Now he can make his return in the maw as Ion already confirmed.

Yea, you’re interpreting it your way and taking it out of context. They lost the zones that they held in Kalimdor. Therefore they lost their hold on (a part of) Kalimdor.


Not really, she’s getting a redemption and everyone gave up on justice against her. She gets away with genocide of the Night Elves and obliterating their souls, and causing their zones to be taken away.

Yea temporarily, while she’s the face of wow.

Yet. Again, both Ion and Nathanos stated it. Maybe rewatch the cutscene? I’m not sure what to tell you if you choose to ignore all of that.

Yes, the Horde did have the option to own it, they just decided that they want the Night Elves dead instead of holding them hostage so they burned it and enhanced the flames to achieve that goal.

Yeah. They did. Ashenvale is theirs, Ashenvale is huge.

No, it doesn’t. No one playing now, is playing because of what happened in TFT. Most people don’t care about what happened 20+ yrs ago

blood elves lost more then the night elves. yet you don’t see them crying all the time. Get over yourself.

You can’t put a pricetag in investment or feelings, because those vary from person to person.

You’re trying to say that objectively, Lordaeron was a bigger loss. What you don’t realize is that such a perspective doesn’t matter at all for players. And you don’t really care that Lordaeron was more “profitable” or whatever. You’re just halfassedly trying to add weight to your argument. Do better, cause this won’t cut it.

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No, I was just curious why would you claim that I only talk about the night elves like only they matter or all the problems end there, when my posts been kind of boringly similar for the time I post on the US forums.

Was discussed already.

Was not a part of the horde at that time.

No. I claim that the relevant thing in the story is to understand what and why people like, and evolve those stories.

Mess we have, including Teldrassil, does not serve those goals. Night elves did not get the focus on the story comparable to what the marketing made out of it. The horde was used as a tool to justify the devs twisting the faction into whatever.

I would get it if one of sides would get something really good out of the story, than at least we could discuss “round robin” of different races having their time to tell shine. But it’s just burning (no pun intended) things the players like for the nonsense the devs want.

Depends. If butchering his story for the sake of retelling in but now with benefits for Anduin is not a problem, maybe I do not talk about that problem.

Nathanos is not a worthwile target to compare in scope and impact with the promo materials, aka burning the tree full of civilians.

Since he’s “meh” to begin with, taking him out of the picture is a wasted potential. It was discussed there. I mentioned it here.

gl hf


In Cataclysm, Night Elves won full control of those zones. There’s a reason Amadis brags about Cataclysm so much as a night elf player.


The Alliance may not, but not for lack of trying. There were night elf druids killing civilians in undercity.


They have no value because they have no value. Named Hero Characters who represent the player’s race in actual content are the only things that have value, save for the very rare times the player is actually showed themselves.

Malfurion killed more Horde than the Horde killed Night Elves in the War of Thorns. If you want to deny his godhood, you’re free to fulfill that fantasy.

You are teasing so hard.

More than we’ve gotten in BFA.
Which is to say: None Since War of Thorns happened before BFA’s launch.

All souls go to the maw. The Jailer already showed that those who don’t have a purpose to be fulfilled get no special treatment when he left Denathrius to his prison.

Exactly the way you said it.

My mistake. Teldrassil on the brain. Tirisfal.

You don’t earn redemption unless you need it. She’s a villain.

“Teldrassil won’t regrow but Sylvanas is definitely only temporarily excised from the Forsaken/Horde!!”

Refer back to “Jailer doesn’t give favors to people without a purpose.”

So, you’re saying the Horde did not win the War of Thorns.
So… why are you demanding my faction lose more than they already have?

You really going to lie and pretend Night Elves didn’t get it back in the canon mission table missions?

Uh, check yourself because I specifically am.

You can put a price tag on MMO development which the Frozen Throne funded.

Nathanos was the only good forsaken character next to Sylvanas now both of them are gone. The Forsaken have nothing anymore. Calia is an alliance puppet governor who only exists to make sure the Forsaken can’t claim Lordaeron anymore. Alliance bias strikes again.

The story bends for the alliance. Check your privilige blue boy.

Was a loss for the Horde.

was a loss for the Horde. Stop the strawmans.

And you think because you, specifically, started playing because of Lordaeron, that means that it’s more important than Teldrassil? Such astonishing arrogance.

In case you missed it, I said that after Sira was given to the alliance, Nathanos IMO should’ve been sent to some sort of the horde bird farm.

Calia should not be in the horde IMO.

Still, before Talanji it was not a part of the horde.

gl hf

No. This is what we call a Strawman argument. You see, when an individual cannot defeat a person’s actual argument, they reword it, simplify it, to make it easier to knock over.

I’m saying that Night Elves did not have the draw to spawn expansion packs. Night Elves didn’t draw the sales that saw Warcraft 3 soar. That was solely Lordaeron and The Frozen Throne. There’s a reason Ion lies and says that they don’t invoke the Lich King’s name lightly. He never says that lie about Tyrande, or Malfurion, or Elune.

Only the Lich King.

But, feel free to delude yourself further into thinking “I like Night Elves, so my feelings matter more than the objective money Blizzard made on Lordaeron!!”

They were an ally of the Horde. Due to the alliance’s attack they are now a broken race. Worthless even. Alliance took a big brown dump on them and Jaina got away scott free. Alliance bias strikes again.

But she is. And it destroys the Forsaken as a concept. Another broken race for the Horde.

And I genuinly don’t undestand why you think it matters? Because it doesn’t. It doesn’t make Lordaeron more important to Night elf players, at all. It doesn’t make it more important to me either, despite being a Worgen player. It might make it more important to you, but that is where it begins and ends. At least night elf players don’t try to use a location’s comercial sucess to argue it’s importance, which gives them a one upper over you.

I’ve told you. The Frozen Throne, the fall of Lordaeron, made World of Warcraft possible. There’s a reason that to this day MHP (and also Ainhin) whine about humans not having it. But why don’t you go ahead and lie some more about Frozen Throne not mattering.

This is just a lie. The Night Elves lost control over Azshara in cataclysm, that’s it. They gained control over Ashenvale after MoP and then proceeded to permanently lose it in BfA.

Of course there were :laughing:


I don’t care if they have value to you or not. They have value to me and to other Night Elf Players, so having their souls obliterated after they were already burned alive is quite disgusting.

Also wrong. Malfurion didn’t defend Teldrassil alone, and that might have been true before Teldrassil, but with close to the entire Night Elf race killed in the War of Thorns, the Night Elves had significantly more casualties.

:open_book: :point_left: read up on the lore

Oh poor Horde only got to get Ashenvale, burn Teldrassil, eradicate the Night Elves and their souls and secure Kalimdor. And didn’t have to lose anything for it besides Darkshore.

Yea, but Sylvanas controls the maw, so she can get Nathanos out of there easily. And again, Ion already said it.

Yea, the Forsaken players were shown that Tirisfal is still theirs long after the Alliance attacked.

The Night Elves had that with Darkshore, but they are also aware that the Horde now owns Ashenvale, Teldrassil is beyond saving and that they’ll never have a home again or a future.

Until she’s not a villain anymore, and suddenly everyone (including Tyrande) forgives her and she’s friendly again. Then she can return as a hero for commiting genocide against the Night Elves and destroying the race entirely. Feels so good as a Night Elf player!

Yea, and I’m saying that with 100% confidence. And if you don’t believe it, just wait a few weeks until Sylvanas gets away with it (again).

Nathanos has a purpose to Sylvanas, therefore she can save him. Again, Ion stated it.

When did I say that? They achieved literally everything they wanted and could have achieved. Actually, they originally wanted to keep the Night Elves alive, but then they realized that they can just commit a genocide and end them as a nation entirely, so they went with that instead.

Also before you say Sylvanas did it alone, I don’t think Sylvanas has shamanistic powers to enhance flames.

  1. No mission table missions state that they got it back
  2. Mission table missions are also very wonky, they have you evacuate civilians from Teldrassil long after it has burned down (or well, the Horde has a mission to kill those refugees).
  3. In 8.1, the Horde had full control of Darkshore and Ashenvale before the Night Elves arrived. Then the Night Elves reclaimed Darkshore over the course of the expansion.

Go to bed.

And i’m sure Teldrassil and the Night elves made WoW’s continued existance posible, based on how many night elves there are and has been. Just because Lordaeron was first, does not mean it is the most important.

Not saying it doesn’t matter. but Teldrassil was more important to the Night elves, and that is what matters.

If Blizzard cared about night elves as being this paragon of player draw, they wouldn’t have nuked Teldrassil.