No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

If you read all of them 1 by 1 at the same time, than the change might not be all that visible. But while the problems are still the same (and not exclusive just to 1 part of the narrative), the way of talking somewhat went away from bashing each other, and has occasional discussions about the problems across different story lines (with the elf one being one of, if not most easy to spot the problems, visible in other areas too) and more focus on the dev being a source of the situation, and not the players.

Things that plague the narrative, plague it indiscriminately.

It is so much of a “though-line”, that it barely mentioned throughout the story.

Like, I am unlocking the allied races, and at the 1st stage (8.0) both side are “eh, whatever”.

Don’t have the personal experience with the further parts, just saw on youtube, so can’t comment much. On a surface it does not seem like it becomes a big subject of reflection, comparisons, or anything of the kind.

  1. community is interesting
  2. I was willing to give a shot to the dev team after changes in both narrative department and the switch from “wait and see” to “we’re going to listen to the feedback”. So, we’ll see how that goes over time.
  3. It’s still a peculiar exercise in figuring out what works, what does not, how the devs talk about things, how the players react to what is done, etc.

With that I suppose we’ll have to wait for what awaits us in the future from that dev team.

While it’s not “completely”

  1. it could not accomplish the goal of “preventing zandalari from joining the horde”
  2. after burning the ships, the rest was pointless, and did nothing useful
  3. afaia wasn’t this part of the campaign used as a reason for why the night elves did not get help from (almost) the rest of the alliance?

Seems like a yet another example of “solving a problem that the players do not have”.

It’s not about the horde playerbase IMO, as much as the devs are causing problems, and then hop away to next big thing when convenient.

It sure is

BfA was confirmed to be a way for the devs to change the horde into something new that the devs think is better (I doubt they bothered asking the players if they felt like there is need to undermine and throw away what the horde was).

She is literally a banshee possessing her dead body. Of course you can get it from her corpse, even if she just flies away from the body.

Depends. IMO the main question would be for the devs to decide and be explicit if they commit to the factions being the “core of the game” as they claim, or stop pretending and follow the narrative with the gameplay.

Based upon that, there is plethora of ways from blunt to “morally grey”, from using just night elves, to use it as a way to explore their relationship with other races of the alliance.

If the factions would be considered as a “core and is a good thing to keep” with a narrative that is consistently reiforcing the idea of “it’s a core and is a good thing to keep”, it would be enough for a part of the alliance to go in “you go solve your problems yourself from now on” approach.

So that way wins of horde are just the horde achievements. And losses of the horde would be in the same boat.

But it’s just me with “the horde should be the heroes of the horde, and the alliance should care about the alliance” approach with “for Azeroth” being a non-entity anymore.

A lot of people do cry regardless.

There are ways to go about it from facepalming to rather nuanced.

But at this point I think all these discussion are more of “if we actually get reasonalble writing team next, what would be nice to consider”, rather than anything the current one might do, be it because that what they want or all what they are capable of.

I mean, we could theorise on about how exactly these “renewed” night elves might use the Pleasure Palace. Will that become a new culturally important aspect of their identity, I wonder :thinking:

There is an old Metzen concept about “dispensing indiscriminate justice” when it comes to the alliance.

That would’ve been way more fitting for the story if the factions would be needed and would get the depth it would require.

The devs needed a yet another narrative tool to push the story wherever all things be damned?

Ironic for the “best of the horde”. But you know it way better than I do.

Ah, “tell, don’t show” is such a good idea in a visual media.

It was mentioned in wow-encyclopedia and in the WotA trilogy, although only briefly mentioned by Illidan iirc.

does it work the other way too?

IMO one of the weirdest things, is that Jaina is all pro-peace now and yet somehow getting through that is not considered a top priority by her for the sake of strengthening the peace.

I mean, dev do talk about morality and lessons learned, but “if you’re one of chosen by the devs, you can get away with whatever” is kind of… interesting take from people talking about morality (devs).

gl hf

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