(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I don’t know if the axing of further customisation options is confirmed but expanding the night elf Night Warrior customisations with those tattoos would be cool.

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The mission was to prevent the alliance of the Zandalari and the Horde. Or. Neutralize the Zandalari.
Since the second option was implemented from the very beginning, why try to implement the first option?

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But you were present for both of them. Losses which we Horde players suffered for your benefit. That includes Stromgarde and Darkshore.

But of course none of these are enough because it will never be enough.

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You just told me that we should rejoice in Lordaeron, Stromgarde and Dazar’Alor just as you rejoiced in Teldrassil?

Dude like idk what to tell you… they got the mission done

Which one? If the second, then why was it necessary to try to implement the first?

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You presume that I cared about Teldrassil before BFA.
Spoilers: I and most of the Horde didn’t. I even made threads asking who gave a crap about Teldrassil compared to Lordaeron and hint: No one cared about Teldrassil except for nelf players. Certainly not Horde players.

But just because I didn’t care about Teldrassil, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a Horde victory.

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Im like done repeating the same thing… play the game when you can do you get it kay

Well it hasn’t exaclt made her stronger, so why should there only be negatives to this supposed “power up”? Cause it sure haven’t been anything positive about it so far.


would you kindly give exact definitions and criteria for how you distinguish?

There is some, but it does not fit what was advertised. Quantity does not mean quality.

gl hf

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Less than thirty days, myself. I just find it mildly amusing at this point.

The new model for the cinematic made me laugh out loud, because they’re trying so hard with smoke and mirrors to make it look like Tyrande is achieving something… while keeping her conveniently locked away in an entire other plane of existence from the actual Horde that actually invaded her nation, and attempted genocide on her people.


The goal was to prevent the Zandalari from aiding the Horde in the war. Which was successful because without their fleet they were useless for the Horde war efforts. Alliance scored a hard victory but for you and all the other alliance lunatics it can never be enough right? You will only be happy if the Horde gets deleted from the game.

If NElves have to forgive, same goes in other cases. Can’t tell a coherent story about “cycle of whatever” when not all parties have to forgive. As Uther said, he still should’ve tried to see good in Arthas. If that is the message, it should be applied to all. Including the forsaken.

It’s either greenlight revenge to all, or show stories where revenge only leads to problems no matter justifications. Whatever it is, consistency is the key.

So, in your opinion, who of those who stood against them during BfA will be broght to justice and will have to pay (in blood, including standing on the front lines protecting them, or other productive activities) for the things done?

Still waiting for that story to happen, where everuyone who participated in the slaughter of Scarlets instead of seeking for the ways to help the situation, will be unquestionably shamed and shown as wrong.

Or do you promote “it’s bad unless I find an excuse”?

gl hf

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That’s what IMO must happen if the story overall is about “cycle of hatred”. Otherwise it’s a story of nepotism and hypocrisy.

That’s the usual excuse to ignore the user feedback. In practice “good enough” results are way easier to accomplish and not as restrictive as so like to portray them. I made a short list of what I saw being frequently asked about the story direction in general. What in this list is unmanageable or would “ruin” the game?

(focus on continuity, more focus on individual story lines instead of hopping from one to another, proper narrative structure in the stories, more focus on world building and player experience over following a cast of characters, commitment to being the game about factions, or not about factions)

gl hf

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It’s 100% correct. The night elves lost a character made to die (Delarin or w/e is equitable to Zelling who was also made to die) and Sira, who is a Literal Who, as well as Teldrassil. The Forsaken lost SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER, NATHANOS BLIGHTCALLER, and Thomas Zelling who was made to die like Delarin or w/e.

Night Elves baby cry about being owed more than every other fanbase in the game, despite losing nothing of merit or value with the exception of Teldrassil, which even TEN of which could not equal one Lordaeron city, muchless Tirisfal/Lordaeron City/Undercity all of which were lost.

The Night Elves hard lockout won Darkshore.
Tyrande killed NATHANOS BLIGHTCALLER leaving the only named Forsaken as Lilian Voss.
The Alliance won Zuldazar.
The Alliance defeated the Horde at Lordaeron, forcing a full and complete withdraw from Tirisfal Glades in sum totality.

It is not enough, because it will never be enough. Deluded Night Elf fans have convinced themselves that they’ve lost more than the entire Horde, muchless the Forsaken.


I do not think so. I do not have any exact data, but I doubt most ( >50%) players were happy to see the horde doing what it did, or was happy to be just left off the hook. “Punishing” those who did something wrong irl does not always contribute to some kind of hatred. A bunch are releived that they do not have to keep that baggage anymore.

Plus, having “real stakes” and consequences in the story would be a stem to improve it overall. So, IMO a proper follow up would be a net positive. As is, when in most cases revenge is fine, but specifically between factions it supposedly is not - that is hillariously bad and inconsistent story IMO.

gl hf

I see you’re taking a while to respond, Chronorabbit. Since you’re going the distance, be sure to include why Night Elves do not deserve more than the Horde, whom also lost VAROK SAURFANG and GOD KING RASTAKHAN.

The Alliance lost nothing. The Horde lost everything. Blizzard is alliance biased. Alliance fans need to check their privilige.

Ignoring Aravayn, the Alliance lost Teldrassil. And while even ten Teldrassil could not equal one Lordaeron City (as Lordaeron City was what put Warcraft on The Map), it was a place that players were attached to. It sucks to lose your starting zone.

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  • Close to their entire population
  • 2/3 of their zones
  • Their capital city
  • The souls of their people
  • Their future
  • Their potential justice
  • Their presence in Kalimdor.
  • A capital city

Not dead, not gone

Not gone either

fixed that for you.

Oh, cool, so Dazar’alor is an Alliance city now!

Defeated? Hardly, the Horde got away with minimal losses, and this was the retaliation for the war of thorns, an event where the Alliance lost a race and their zones permanently.