Some Changes: It's no accident

Tons more posts like these. People wanting different versions of AV despite playing patch 1.12, or different versions of talents like Shield Slam. The arena rating change is from S4 and falls into that definition of “No-changes.”

As long as it was in Vanilla, it’s on the table. That’s what most people were saying “No-changes” meant for Classic. That same philosophy of “authenticity” is still poisoning Blizzard’s decisions in TBC Classic; as I said:

The moment they stepped away from authenticity and decided on a real change, (Tinnitus debuff) the community rejoiced. Clinging to “No-changes”, or authenticity for the sake of authenticity, is going to hold TBC Classic back.

Patch 9.1 is releasing on June 29th. This is a fairly credible leak that you can google.

Eh, Blizzard has blown past authenticity and did a long time ago when they were stealth nerfing things then saying they changed it because it had to be changed for the health of the game. Like when they tweaked rogue pickpocketing rates to have a visibly higher rate of resistance against mobs, tried to argue it was purely anecdotal, then when confronted with a lot of angry rogue players early admitted they had tweaked pickpocketing resist rates and junkbox rates to dial back how much gold rogues were making.

The issue I can see is that the community is very divided on what changes they will and won’t accept, so Blizzard is going to gradually see what they can get away with. In a way I can kind of see it with like the chronoboon. There was no way Blizzard didn’t know the world buff meta was going to happen, private server players warned them about the dangers of keeping them and what kind of gameplay you would get. We were dealing with it in 2015 on Nostalrius, it wasn’t as prevalent before, you had a few people that brought world buffs but very few actual guilds required them to raid. Blizzard ignored adjusting that for the health of the game in a desperate bid to “keep true to the game” but then changed it with one thing and people rejoiced.

At that point Blizzard has found their in and are aware people’s preference to “No Changes” isn’t principled and is more “No changes that I don’t like.” So now Blizzard has a mandate to do a lot of things that some people will support, and won’t support but probably won’t end up quitting over. They’ve been given proof with the level boost and the tons of people defending it that when they do aggressively greedy things like this it won’t cripple the game. This is the present tip of the iceberg and you can argue “Slippery Slope” like the moron on the level 20 human rogue if you want but that’s what you’ll notice over the next few years with this project, Blizzard will get increasingly more aggressive with their changes and tell you it’s in the interest of game health. Like hell the level boost was even sold to us on that lie. “Well it’ll bring more people in, it’s just one boost and they want to enjoy TBC too, it’s for the good of the game!” That was also what they told us in MoP when they announced the level boost with WoD preorders, one per account and no more then within two months it became “Nah jk, we’re gonna sell these now without limit.” Or how they justified removing the cap on how many tokens one could buy with it being in the best interest of the game.

You watch, they’ll do something stupid, sub numbers will drop. They’ll blame it on people wanting to play TBC but not being able to justify spending money to play TBC personally and throw in the WoW token.

The fact they’re already forcing us to wait for tier 5 and Hyjal when it should be available on launch because “health of the game to not burn people out and make them not feel inadequate for being in t4 while everyone is farming tier 5” is a dangerous precedent they’re setting.

makes sense too, they’ve started mythic testing, the new dungeon is now on ptr, they just need to the new affix.

People claim tuning is slow, but man, they’ll be tuning through mythic raid release.

Tinnitus is the third real change they’ve made and the first one to really be widely embraced.

The first was changing the faction specific Paladin seals. It wasn’t really talked about much which isn’t surprising being that it’s a fairly niche change that affects Alliance Ret Paladins the most. I saw a few posts for it and a few against it.

The second was arenas. While the rating requirement is from later in TBC, starting teams at 0 instead of 1500 is not. This got a lot of hate.

Some changes is best used to make small very targeted changes, largely to prevent things like world buff raidlogging or the drum meta from taking over.

Once it’s being applied for virtually anything else, the community stops wholesale embracing it and we see more of a split.

Let’s fix that arena system

so these 4 you linked and “the plenty of other people” are the spokespersons of what the #nochange crowd wants and that is also “most of em”?

Not to mention that those people requested or asked for things that came before 1.12, not changes to the game that came after. Technically the pre patch also falls into vanilla, but had blizzard released the game with pre patch talents you would have seen the #no change crowd flare up widely. The s4 rating requirements on gear is a change that came after and not before and you also kinda neglect to mention that they are changing the arena system as a whole into something that never existed in TBC. Its not just rating requirements.

So your comparison falls pretty flat imho.

To be fair the no change crowd would have flared up because most of that crowd didn’t generally consider pre-patch to be Vanilla. It was the 2.0 patch and included all of the TBC content, which was simply locked until TBC was added to your account. The game even said TBC at the login screen.

It was one of a few attempts by the pro-change crowd to convince the no-change crowd to either accept their personal changes, or to convince them they weren’t really no changes and thus should accept their personal changes.

Though having been around back then, I can say that no changes wasn’t a singular stance. Some people wanted frankenpatch, some people wanted 1.12, and some people wanted patch progression starting from 1.1.

At some point or another, all of those were called “no changes”. Explaining it got shortened into “anything from vanilla is on the table”.

I was just pointing out why he can not compare it 1:1 to the current changes in arena or TBC. And he also failed to mention that the rating requirements are not the only change to arena and its system

The rating requirement “change” on gear is the primary complaint on this forum, by far.

And yet there is plenty of people complaining about the implication the new system also brings with it. Its an amalgam of things. I was just pointing out that you your train of argumentation on why this change should be okay for the #no change crowd is not viable.

So with all these changes they should give us blood elf warriors then. since they don’t care about keeping things the same.

Still see more people in Classic than in Retail

Doesn’t make sense. Bye.

Goodbye my friend

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