So Shandris Feathermoon is the Night Elf Representative for the Nazjatar story

I’m on the fence about this. I’m so paranoid about Blizzard’s handling of Tyrande, Elune, the Night Warrior, and anything else relating to Night Elves, that I’d take it as a sign they do, in fact, intend to villain bat and kill off Tyrande.


Good point. I better be careful what I wish for.


I mean, they could still do it with no model update. looks at Rokhan

But a model update would be very suspicious. looks at Saurfang and Nathanos


It took exactly one post for someone to try to make this thread a whine-fest about the factions…

Which then provoked the following response a few posts later, and off to the races.

Do we need to turn every thread into an argument about who has it worse? Neither side is particularly happy with the story - why not unite our powers?

Also, the OP made a pretty valid point that didn’t deserve to be derailed.

OP, I guess my suggestion is that, given the story to this point, it wouldn’t make much sense for Tyrande to be on the ships that get dropped into Nazjatar, and especially wouldn’t make sense for her to agree to work with the Horde in any capacity. So I can see why Blizzard left her out. Of course, to my mind there’s a problem with the story to this point if it doesn’t allow you to have Tyrande face Azshara again, something most of us would love to see.


According to wowhead the dialogue in the fight suggests that we seal Azshara instead of outright killing her. So if its true then it leaves the door open for her return and interesting stories since you would have Naga seeking to liberate her, Naga seeking the opportunity to become the new leader of the Naga, and when Azshara is unsealed she’s incredibly pissed at us and thus it becomes very personal for her, where as before it was just business.


It’s not like they’ve ever turned Night Elves into villains after all… but if it was done well, it would bring back some since of desperately needed greyness to the Alliance in a way that would make sense. However it would have been more plausible for that to happen if Saurfang had done what he was supposed to do and kill Malfurion first.

Being bad =/ being morally grey

The Horde is already suffering from this atrocity enough.


I think we only “defeat” Azshara. In a very real way, she wins: she is able to get the energy from our Hearts of Azeroth to free N’Zoth. Even capturing her seems like a temporary setback for her at best, and just another part of her plan, at worst.

So the good news is there will probably be another chance for Tyrande (and Malfurion) to confront Azshara. And that’s great, because A) we want to see that confrontation, and B) she is way too good a villain to waste on a middle raid as just another flunky.


There is nothing indicating she will survive, every thing point towards the opposite.


All of the dialogue I’ve seen refers to trapping her, not killing her.

It is during the fight not after and the last words from Lorthemar are a bit pointing to it too.

It’s more a statement of the story telling in general is terrible right now

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if they do kill azshara this would be the biggest disaster ever.

like nazjatar is not even a full expansion, is just a random baddie, just like thunder king, we defeat her, and we return to business as usual, like it was nothing.

“ok, we are done here, but n’zoth is coming, whatever, sylvanas is more important!”


Even if we do kill Azshara its not like Blizzard cant just give her the Onyxia treatment and just bring her back. Hell, an undead/void reborn Azshara with a new found grudge would be awesome.

So you’d be less upset if Tyrande worked with the faction that murdered her people, just for closure against Azshara?

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Like Jaina? And Genn? And Anduin? And Thrall? And Saurfang? And Lor’themar? Etc.


Were they the victims of a genocide? It’s dumb that they want to as well.

The Elves were.

But your question wasn’t about genocide. It was about working with people that murdered your people. That’s the persistent thread in all expansions: coming together despite our differences (and freshly blooded hands) to survive against the big bad.

If you wish to alter the question to make it about genocide specifically, you’ll get a different response.


Fine. Do you believe that Tyrande should work with the faction that has been complicit in a genocide on her people in order to get closure against Azshara?