So Shandris Feathermoon is the Night Elf Representative for the Nazjatar story

For the record, I too am a fan of Shandris. For years I’ve been praying for her to escape the lore blackhole of Feralas. So I’m very happy that not only is she out and about, but that I got to go on quests with her during the war campaign. It’s just that when I look at the bigger picture of what’s happening with the Night Elves, Tyrande, and the wider war storyline…I get nervous.


If doing so will save what’s left of her people. Why shouldn’t she?

Personally, I’d be fine with the scenario described earlier in thIs thread that has her tolerating the presence of the lesser evils of Thalyssra and Lor’themar.

Having her work alongside or protect Sylvanas or Nathanos would leave a very bitter taste.


Well, this is kind of a false argument because they could easily have Tyrande leading a strike force to .

That said, I saw this on the forums, and I like it. All it would have taken was a simple, “I am over Azshara, she is nothing to me. My place is with my people.”

But Tyrande is so much a non-entity that she doesn’t even get that so…


I consider the horde to be a greater threat to her people.


Yes, in another angle, because Naga are attacking Darkshore as well, and the Night Elves would be at risk of being caught in another pincer trap if the Naga kept coming from the sea while the Night Elves marched forward into the Horde. Add Lor’themar and Thalyssra pledging to help overthrow Sylvanas for what she did to Teldrassil and that could have been the start of reconciliation between the Horde rebelling against Sylvanas and the Night Elves.


Because it wasn’t enough to sucker the Orcs out of Kil’jaeden, they had to go in for a double dip by suckering the Night Elves out of Queen Azshara.


Edit: I had a brain fart about Velen. Fixed.


What are you talking about? At least regarding the draenei. Velen was there when Kil’jaeden was killed!

Besides, Varian/Jaina never got the kill on Garrosh. Anduin was absent when we killed Gul’dun, Garona was absent when we killed cho’gall…the lisg goes on and on.

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I had a brain fart. Good catch.


Bro I just had the startlingly realization that this entire game sucks.


I have been burned by Blood Elves on the Horde, Bad Guy Kael’thas, and a nobody killing the Lich King

On a slightly related topic, I am convinced that Tyrande’s absence in 8.2 (and with Azshara) suggests that she will probably be instrumental in the next arc of this story in some way (or at least the chances of that do skyrocket). The war for EK is pretty much over, and the war over the seas is more or less done with the decimation of the Kul Tiras and Zandalari fleets. That means there is only one direction for this “war story” to really go … and that’s east to Kalimdor.

I also will at least hold out hope (at least until proven otherwise) that the Naga Queen is ONLY sealed by the end of Naz’jatar (and not killed). This would leave an opportunity for her to return in the future (and we can have that conflict with Tyrande and Malf). That being said … I guess I also do agree that such a conflict is more “Symbolic” and less “Personal” (as neither NE leader really has much in the way of a personal connection to the crazed fish-elf leader; and she doesn’t really seem to give a crap about them anymore either; she’s moved on by the looks of things).


No it doesn’t. It will end the way expansions always do. “Okay, we’re going to take a short break from killing each other today, while we have a fireworks celebration for killing the Big Bad, and settle for making nasty faces to each other… until next week.”

Tirion is not exactly a “nobody”.

I’ve been convinced that the moment Tyrande took up the mantle, that her fate was sealed. Characters who go the route she did, don’t get Happy endings. Her becoming the Night Warrior is pretty much the equivalent of Arthas taking up Frostmourne. Mad and obsessed that she was, Maiev even drew the line at going that far.

Just because she’s not on the boat now, doesn’t mean that Blizzard is finished with her.

Naw, I’m not too worried about Tyrande. While she may have an instance of “killing the peace” … she is sort of justified. My primary concern is she will do that by icing Saurfang (rather than the fate of Tyrande herself). He’s got a lot of … unfortunate Old Orc parallels atm.

That being said she does have a lot of Kael parallels atm, but at the same time she has just as many (if not more) Liadrin parallels. Her reforming of the Night Warriors is almost a beat-for-beat repeat of Liadrin’s formation of the Blood Knights. As such, while I do see Tyrande flirting with the dark-side … I really do not see her leaping over that line and never coming back.


We may wind up seeing Tyrande become the next raid boss and we’ll have to kill her to save Saurfang.

Malfurion isn’t an Elune devotee the way his wife is. He has NEVER invoked her name. He’s never even done a proper moonfire spam.

I doubt it. While I am genuinely concerned that she might kill Saurfang, I don’t see her becoming the next raid boss. I do see her being a source of antagonism between the Horde and Alliance going forward; and I especially see there being a massive fracture in the Alliance going forward … BUT she has too many Liadrin parallels for me to really say there will be a perma-dark side coming from her. She’ll probably find a healthy balance between the Night Warrior and the Priestess of Elune sides of herself at some point.


He is to me coming from Warcraft 3 only and never read any novels.

How do we know that ? He does use her name like anyother night elves.

If random druid #36 is devoted enough, why not him ? Being faithfully doesn’t mean being a priest.

True, his wife is more devoted to Elune than him but she is not the only black-eyed nelf.

I don’t even know what you are trying to argue here. maybe what you are trying to say is that he belives less in Elune that every single night elf in Darkshore?