Azshara probably does die by the end of the raid

A lot of us thought that she might survive the raid because of those lines :

Jaina: Thalyssra, aid me! Together we can hold her here!
Thalyssra: Now you will know what it means to be trapped, Azshara!
Azshara: Azshara: I am Azshara! I was destined to rule! No force can bind me!
Shandris: Once again your empire crumbles, Azshara. Your master will be disappointed by this failure.
Jaina: She wanted us divided. Fighting each other kept us distracted from the true threat.
Lor’themar: Azshara wasn’t the only one manipulating us. I should have seen it sooner.

However, it seems they are linked to a phase of the fight :

Stage Four: This Palace Is a Prison :
Unable to leave, Azshara turns her full force upon the raid. Players must contend with Azshara while attempting to keep the Titan Console under control.

This plus this line from Lorthemar : “I will tell my people what transpired here. Of how Azshara fell because we stood together. Of the threat rising from the depths, and all that is at stake if we should fail.” suggest that she does die by the end of the fight of course as always we will have to wait for the cinematic like each time a raid is datamined but she has more death flags for now that most other raid bosses.

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Of course she does. I don’t know why anyone ever expected otherwise, because Blizz said from the start she is to BfA what Gul’dan was to Legion.


I just wanted to clarify this since in a lot of discussions some posters thought that she would survive the raid.

Yeah this is pretty disappointing. I want to say the cut scene could prove this all wrong but I’m pretty sure Lor’s line happens after you see it?


She’s had years of build up through multiple xpacs. She doesn’t need anymore. She can die.

While definitely a very good character, she is just straight up evil so there’s no redemption to be had later on. Most powerful villains got far less buildup than Azshara. Kil’jaedan and Archimonde most recently.

Azshara and her plans have had 2 whole zones dedicated to her in prior xpacs with Vash’jir and Azsuna.


Yay no longer banned for saying a bad word.
Complete waste of a fantastic character that could have easily carried an Expac from start to finish without any of this half and half stuff like with WoD and Bfa of the first half being one thing, then swinging to another. And just another point that not having Tyrande is a massive mistake, that part of her character will never get closure now. Her literal greatest fear that the Nightmare played on, and nothing.


I’m not convinced. Lor’themar says she “fell”, and I think that’s an interesting choice of word, because it can mean a lot of things. Blizzard could have written “died”, or “perished”, for example.

So I think the jury is still very much out.


Yeah it is not 100% like any other raid boss before being live but it is a lot more possible than what we thought before.

One of her datamined voice lines suggests we might have merely imprisoned her.

Plus if squid face is getting free there is a good chance she succeeds, but is abandoned by Nzoth.

That always works out well!

Did you read the op?

Your forgetting the other pieces of the puzzle though.

The lines say were fighting to control a titan console, and Azshara is unleashing her full power on us.

Given that

  1. Were alive at the end of the raid.
  2. Nzoth is implied free, by the talk between Lorthamar and Shandris.
  3. Earlier in the raid Azshara uses the Heart of Azeroth to break/weaken the titan chains on Nzoth.
  4. If Azshara is trying to leave, and no longer has to divert her power into releasing Nzoth, she likely already completed her objective.

The logical conclusion is control of the console isn’t about releasing Nzoth, but more likely us escaping this containment field Azshara and us are trapped in.

It seems it is Jaina and Thalyssra who trap Azshara with their magic.

I don’t understand your reasoning. You are saying that because she is trying to escape and that we live she isn’t killed but just trap.

What I see is : Azshara is trying to escape from us and she failed why didn’t we killed her if we trapped her and were fighting her at the same time?

Azshara’s earlier lines say were trapped in there together, but she can help us get free. If it was merely Jaina and Thalyssra, we wouldn’t need her help.

Further if Azshara failed Nzoth isn’t free, thus the lines considering uniting against him would make no sense.

Given Azshara was on par with the high tier of Legion leadership 10k years ago without going demon, it makes more sense were trying to escape and leave her trapped in a titan containment field than actually killing her.

Which lines?

I didn’t said she failed to free N’zoth but failed to escape herself. Moreover it has no consequences on her being dead or not.

This is just speculations. Furthermore, we already killed Archimonde and Kil’jaeden.

Its in there.

Kiljaden took Artifacts and the aid of Illidan and Velen. Our Artifacts are gone and Azshara already proved herself capable of manipulating the Heart of Azeroth.

I believe personally that she dies in the cinimatic to N’zoth being snarky. Something like “YOu served me well my Queen” and then dabs on her (murders her)
Mainly cause her death animation isnt a death animation, its her falling backwards and then resting on her arms while panting heavily.

But the concept that someone like Jaina and Thylssra are on her level is so overwhelming stupid, but thats a theme of bfa

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Possible or would support her being trapped and abandoned by Nzoth, so he can remove the one person the Naga would listen to over him, and potentially for Nzoth viewing it as overdue payback for her refusing to be a gibbering void cultist slave.

I didn’t found it, it is nowhere.

So you just avoided Archimonde?

While I can’t attest to the lines, Archimonde was also fought with the collective armies we had with us, including Grom, Dadgar and Yrel.