Sepulcher of the First Ones - Ruined Crest of Lordaeron temporarily disabled

Hey folks - while preparing to release the last three bosses of Sepulcher of the First Ones tomorrow, we discovered an issue with the Ruined Crest of Lordaeron, a shield that drops from the Lords of Dread encounter. This issue isn’t something we’ll be able to resolve in the next day before launch, and we don’t believe it’s worth holding back the release tomorrow, so this means that we’ll be disabling the item from the Lords of Dread loot table until the next weekly reset on 3/15.

We understand that many players have been making decisions about what raid compositions and classes to run in anticipation of the Sepulcher’s more mysterious and challenging encounters becoming available, and not having access to this higher-item level piece during that first week puts a damper on that excitement for those affected.

While we don’t believe it’ll take us the entire week to solve the issue, we’re leaving it disabled so as not to disadvantage the more cutting-edge raiders who will be clearing the Lords of Dread earlier in the week vs those who would come around to it later. It’s also worth noting that despite this unfortunate situation, the Ruined Crest of Lordaeron will still be available in 3/15’s Great Vault for eligible raiders who manage to take down the Lords of Dread this week.

Luckily, the news isn’t all bad. We’ve heard the feedback that the First-Ones visuals didn’t match up with the name and theme of the item, which many felt were ill-fitting of such an iconic Warcraft character in Mal’Ganis. When the shield is re-enabled with the 3/15 reset, it’ll be sporting an entirely new, exclusive appearance that some very old-school members of the Alliance may remember well…

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we deal with getting this issue resolved as quickly as cleanly as possible. Thanks for understanding, and we wish you the best of luck taking the fight to the Jailer tomorrow and in the weeks to come.


I bet the new look will make some RPers very happy.


Holyyyy, now THAT is a shield



Now change the model for:

It always bothered me that this named blade of the Paladin order had a Scourge based appearance.


I know some of some Scarlets that are going to LOVE the red one.

Those shields are beautiful. More appearances like this, please! Sometimes less is more.

The gold one looks like it’ll match up with the Alliance Arathi warfront plate set almost perfectly.


For the Alliance.


Hi, will mythic first 8/11 be out tomorrow? Or the following Tuesday?

All bosses will be available on Mythic difficulty starting tomorrow (March 8th) for NA realms, not just the first 8.

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mental note to add to my transmog wish list

All I’m reading is that you’ve disabled the release of an end-game item because you feel it needs to look different?


Yeah the disconnect between item appearance and item drop isn’t really explained.

Weird way to say “Forsaken”


Sounds like it’s a problem with the item itself and they’re changing the appearance as a bonus while they’re fixing it.


There is a bug in the item itself, the on-use that wasn’t tested on PTR.

Blizzard is going to use the time fixing the bug to also update the visual.

Weren’t these models datamined way back before Shadowlands even came out? There were some other hi-res shields too including a Scarlet Crusade one and none of them made it in game which made me think they were all being used in the next expansion along with all those new gilnean buildings and assets that were datamined in BfA.

Undead paladins please so i can use that shield

Also unlock warfont mogs cross faction arathi plate set is dope

OMG that Red one.

If that Red one Drops in LFR, my Paladin will be doing LFR until he gets it lol.

If the Red one drops in Mythic… I guess I won’t be having it until next expac lol

Now this is Blizzard level QA. 10/10

Not Forsaken at all, especially considering Sylvanas wanted anything that reminded people of Lordearon gone during her rule.