Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Here’s the Description of the novel, which takes place after the Nova campaign.

Award-winning author Timothy Zahn pens the latest chapter in the stunning StarCraft saga, building on the game’s rich legacy to create an unforgettable new story.

After nearly a decade of brutal warfare, three mighty factions—the enigmatic protoss, the savage zerg, and the terrans, humanity’s descendants in the sector—have entered a cease-fire, but the peace is tenuous at best. When the sudden restoration of an incinerated planet is brought to light, tensions erupt. Neutrality swings back to hostility, and old enemies are accused of developing biological weapons to reignite the bitter conflict.

An expedition of terran and protoss soldiers and researchers is deployed to investigate the mysterious zerg planet and its inhabitants’ intentions. But the lush alien landscape is host to other denizens, creatures shrouded in shadow, and should they be unleashed, they will change the fate of the entire galaxy.[4]

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He mainly did cloth and fur simulations for characters.

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I can’t resist this digression.

I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, but my husbot is and has been working me around on it. I played SWTOR during the years we were up in the Arctic, because it scratched the MMO itch but would still somehow run on North Slope internet (which WoW wouldn’t, see, vaguely relevant). I loved the Chiss and the lore. Which gave him an opening to buy the new Thrawn novels for me… which I have deeply enjoyed. I usually avoid novelizations unless they’re Dinotopia novels, but I’m coming around to that concept as well.


So I guess one of the character he worked on might’ve been Black Krrsantan (the wookie).

Blizz really wants this to be the case without actually doing anything to show this.

The closest thing is muh goblin miners. How dare you oppress our right to mine a highly volatile material for the purposes of creating weapons of mass destruction that we will most certainly use to wipe out the Alliance?

I really wish it was the case that the Horde did have to fight against Alliance oppression because then maybe I wouldn’t feel like a bad guy for playing Horde.


I know this is abit of a necro but this is probable the best place to put this:

And there we go, the L symbol is definately Alliance in nature. note the Blues didn’t even mention the Forsaken.


Symptomatic of how little they know, understand, or care about this game.


I disagree, it means they do know their players and they choose those who most associate the symbol with their faction.


Izhkari is right. It does show how utterly out of touch they are with the fan base. There’s like a handful of people obessed with the old lordaeron. The rest of us could care less.


It is literally part of Alliance history. You may not care, others do, like myself. Long term fans, fans who have been with the series since the RTS days. I’d also point out Genn happens to be part of said old Alliance. Hell, Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeragan and the fact even now alot of people want high elves shows the tradition and old school lore is still important.


There’s a lot that’s part of the old lore…and it’s exactly that, OLD lore. Is it a nice little call back? Sure, but that’s all it is. :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Just because something is old does not mean it does not have value or that people don’t treasure it. “Nice little call backs” are important, because it reminds people this is one continuous story, a story that has roots in the RTS.


I don’t think it excludes Forsaken, as they are also very old school members of the Alliance.

The Forsaken are old school members of the Alliance, as well, they just are not in it anymore. As Sylvanas said, they fought and died for that banner.

Pete Best is still an old school member of the Beatles, even though he left before they hit it big.


Doubt it. The particular paragraph was clearly done to drum up old school Alliance emotions. They could mentioned the Forsaken fans as well but they did not.

We have evidence from many different sources(including Hearthstone) that make it quite clear Blizzard considers the blue L an Alliance symbol.


You doubt my assertion. I doubt yours.

The cycle begins anew.

They didn’t say “only current Alliance Members” - which may include just the Alliance members of today. They said “old school Alliance members”, which could include present and former members in a previous “old school period of time” that is being referenced.


The only “old school Alliance” were actual Alliance players/people who have an attachment to Old School Alliance. As it is if they really wanted to include the forsaken they would have specified it.(this post is talking to Alliance fans, not about people who were Alliance story wise)

If this was the only instance of them excluding the Forsaken with regards to the L symbol then sure, it might be debatable. But when they do it SEVERAL TIMES(like giving the L symbol card to people who preorder the Alliance focused expansion of Hearthstone) then it seems more denial then anything.

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Mara Jade was never a Jedi, Dark or otherwise. She’s been consigned to the oblivion shared by the rest of the EU.

Again, that is just your opinion. I disagree.

And you are trying to state your opinion as a fact, and it just is not the case.


This statement is just wrong. I used to play Alliance mostly in the RTS matches. I loved the Elves and the MK and the Pally (I wasnt good with the blood mage). I likely played Alliance before some current Alliance Players were even born.

Again, purely your opinion.

The funny thing is, whether you are talking about it as the Players, or the Lore Characters, it is the same thing. By referencing old school members, Blizz is referencing the members of the old school lol. Not just the new folks.


Which is again, this is about the Alliance fans and how it connect the L symbol to the Alliance and its fans.

This is not an opinion. The Lordearon coin was giving to player who purchase an ALLIANCE FOCUSED expansion in Hearthstone.

It is referring to people who played Alliance back in the day. And the connection the L symbol has with them(and by extension the Alliance).

Which none of your statement include the Forsaken. You are not suppose to be thinking about the Forsaken when you see the L. You are suppose to be thinking about the Alliance.