Rogue Grapple Hook Frequently Failing

Rogue grapple hook fails pretty frequently. The grapple goes out, lands, and just disappears. It’s happened in a variety of situations, ranging from ZM treasure spheres to boss fights.

That I’ve noticed, short grapples don’t fail as often; it usually fails when the grapple location is near the range limit of the ability or when I’m grappling to another surface (i.e. stairs, zm sphere, and so on). One of my favorite places to grapple is on the first large set of stairs in NW after the first boss; you can usually grapple to the stairs from the stage at the back of the room and gain a few seconds to eat or apply poisons, but that grapple fails almost every time now.

Edit: I am not using the Retractable Hook talent, but I am using the Quick Decisions conduit.


Been like this since 9.2 release. Super frustrating.


Still broken as heck, and no patch notes for rogues at all. Bumping for visibility. Grapple fails to function 80% of the time regardless of altitude or objects. It will fail CONSTANTLY for seemingly no discernable reason. Has made playing outlaw in Zereth extremely frustrating.


I wish they cared, but its pretty obvious they dont.


This is becoming unplayable, seriously ruining my class.


Yep. I want to play Outlaw, but this is becoming more than just a thorn in my side at this point.


I think it fails when you are also using the conduit that extends the range and the grappling hook would land on a different plane in the extended range granted by Quick Decisions.

I was just searching around about this. My grapple fails ALL THE TIME. It is super annoying for a 45s CD when it already sucks compared to shadowstep.


Bumping; please fix grapple.


Nope. I just started playing my rogue again for the first time since BfA and even without any conduits Grappling Hook hasd been failing left and right.

Why is it still not fixed?

Blows my mind.

Grappling hook is failing roughly 60% of the time for me just questing through BFA content. Im not even trying to grapple to crazy places (Although that SHOULD be possible). Even trying to grapple across flat ground fails half the time. This is infuriating and makes the class feel unplayable and extremely unpleasant. Its cool that all of a sudden Warriors can heroic leap to literally anywhere in the game now without the “no path available” error message they used to get all the time, but it feels like outlaw just traded places with them and now we are completely broken. Cant we both just work?

This is still broken, please fix.

Hello, it’s me
I’ve thought about us for a long long time
Maybe I think too much but something’s wrong
There’s something here, doesn’t last too long

Disappointing to see that this is still not fixed. At least reset the CD on failure like with hunter’s harpoon.

Just got out of a pandiarrhea cooking brawl. Grappling hook failed all the time if i went from high ground to low ground nearly 90% of time. Even though we won the brawl grappling hook shouldnt cast and fail 4 out of 6 times in 26 elapsed minutes bluzzard why are so fixated on social contacts when you cant even bug fix in game content abilities.

Why was this not fixed with 9.2.5?

bump: still happening

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Another rogue here flailing about with hooks that are constantly breaking with no rhyme or reason.

If this is intended now, a bug or otherwise being looked into without an eta on a fix at least tell us as it has been far too long now Blizz.

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