Grappling Hook after the patch is now failing to launch my character around 2/5 times, on flat ground, that is its not giving me an error, its launching it, and then my character stands there without being propelled, with a cooldown incurred.
At first I thought it was related to “no path being available” - but that error still properly comes up.
I too have experienced it on perfectly flat, open ground. You do the grapple animation, but do not move forward. And the ability goes on cooldown.
Very bad experience.
Adding another +1 to this. Grappling hook is busted on outlaw.
Feels really bad.
This is so frusturating. This should not happen.
Released a zone designed to reward exploration.
Break a key class ability that allows exploration.
GG Blizz.
Thought it was me, asked other rogues if they saw same thing. noone seemed to reply. but i felt it was busted. i love propelling myself everywhere. But cant do that now due to bug.
This needs to be addressed!
same, fix this crap
Bumping because this is annoying AF. waiting for grapple CD to try the same grapple that just failed and it works fine, there is no rhyme or reason to why it doesn’t work. Some will say “oh its just because there was something in the way”. You can test this on flat ground and prove that is NOT the case.
Spells that do not function should be a huge priority. What did you break Blizzard?
Same issue since the patch. Fails at least half the time I’ve tried using it. Hook extends but you don’t move to where it lands.
Ive just accepted that Blizzard doesnt care and wont fix this. Rogues are one the most ignored classes. We dont matter to them
+1 to this. it happens not only on zereth mortis. basically it’s the grappling hook the one broken.
Putting my voice in on this too. Grappling hook is not working. The chain launches but my character does not. We really need this fixed.
still not fixed blizzard…
annoying in pvp when im trying to get away from someone who just popped huge cds and it just fails… then getting clapped two globals later is always fun…
Flying serpent kick will sometimes only launch me a couple of feet. The two are probably related.
This is also happening to me.
HELLO? Something is broken here.
This also happens sometimes with Death Grip, Leap of Faith and Harpoon. It seems to be caused by any object being in the way of the travel path. It is a huge bug.
happens when its completely flat too.