Rogue Grapple Hook Frequently Failing

Still bugged.

LOL I just came back to the game, log my rog main and I find this little surprise nugget of “gold” waiting for me.

b L izzard :rofl:

It’s still not fixed… And the pre-patch is out. :man_facepalming: I have very bad feelings about the expansion.

I had this bug in the Maw and in Zereth Mortis (didn’t try in other zones honestly, I’m just logging in to do the daily WQs for the enlightened rep, I’m afk till the release. So, I hope the Grappling Hook won’t be bugged in the Dragonflight zones.)

Still broken. I had a (roughly) 50% success rate on my grapples for the few hours I played today.

This is still bugged for more than half a year?? This was my favorite ability on my rogue and was a huge part of why I played Outlaw, and now it just… doesn’t work… 70% of the time?? Please fix this, this is a hugely iconic ability that is severely broken.

Edit: Like seriously, whatever trigger it is that’s killing the movement needs to at least reset the CD, losing 45 seconds for no reason is completely absurd.

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If you’re not going to fix the core issue, at least reset the cooldown. Grappling hook is essentially useless when doing world content.

Love that you fixed the stealth bug. Now, please fix the ability so it works at a fundamental level.

Either you see this post or you’re ignoring it (and the bug). Any sort of feedback on this issue would be appreciated. Even just acknowledging that the bug exists.

Was hoping to see something, anything, about this in the 10.0.5 patch notes. No such luck.

Is it still broken? Stopped playing my rogue because of this, loved Grappling hook.

You wanna know how much they REALLY don’t care? THE BUG STILL PERSISTS TO THIS DAY.

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Yup, was about to make a post about this till I saw this, please blizz, fix this. Grappling hook doesn’t work sometimes while moving and on maximum range cast.

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still happens. :frowning:

Can confirm feb 2024 the bug still happens. I stopped playing my rogue in BFA because of this bug, how is it possible that a core movement tool of a spec remains bugged for 4+ years. cmon blizz i just wanna use my grapple and not have it fail half of the time

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I notice the fail only seems to happen when you try to grapple somewhere that could cause you to clip through the ground while you get pulled to the target location. I hate that it still consumes a cooldown though. If they aren’t going to fix the ground clipping, they should at least make it so your cooldown doesn’t get used when it fails.

Still broken

Still broken

Not only is it still broken, but when it fails, it will trigger the cooldown IN SPITE OF Death’s arrival (in other words, it will fail, trigger the cd, and not allow you to make a second attempt in that 3 second window). This happened to me the other day when I attempted to grappled over a small rock in Isle of Dorn I could walk over.