Did they nerf the Outlaw Rogue grappling hook?

Did you guys nerf outlaw rogue grappling hook in patch 9.2 ??? can you fix it back to the way it was? the spec is already unviable in pvp… why are you ruining it even more? Im not even going to play anymore… my rogue is unplayable. I literally will use my grappling hook on flat ground and it just doesnt work, if it doesnt work the cooldown should atleast reset instead of being 45 seconds.


I’ve had this happen in Zereth and in a dungeon too (anyone unsure what this is about, you target reticle, seems like it’s within the acceptable range, you click, hook goes out, but you stay. Incurs cd). Seems like a bug to me though.


This issue has been going on way before 9.2 it just got 50x worse than it was. (This issue i mean) Cuase there’s places over the years that there should be no reason it wouldn’t hook to but would just say no path. But yea outlaw pvp is basically unplayable if there’s any type of minor hill or bump in the road. I can hook into a dang tree but not a minor hill i can freely walk over without catching on anything. (Outside org is really bad to duel as outlaw) Hope they revert whatever they tried to prevent and fix this :*(

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Yea the visual is there but doesn’t pull you to the hook spot and i forgot it does happen a lot inside raids/dungeons.

I did put it in as a bug report, but expect nothing. :v

Yeah. It’s really annoying. They have definitely changed something.

Really frusturated about this. It seems to fail most of the time that it clips into something. This needs to be fixed ASAP. If a change was made with the patch, revert it!

Happening to me too. I think it happens after I jump and use it as my character is on the way down

Happens to me when walking on flat ground or even standing still. Definitely a problem, especially when using it to recover from a knock back.

I think it’s a random bug introduced in 9.2, not a nerf. Before 9.2 I could consistently grapple to a couple of the Nests of Unusual Materials in Korthia. Now it sometimes fails.

I’m glad I’m not the only one. This has happened to me numerous times in 9.2.