I’ve posted extensively on the negative feedback loop that rating requirements will inflict on the MMR pyramid. A health pyramid needs a wide base, a wide foundation. You NEED all of those absolutely atrocious players at the bottom. You need the keyboard turning clickers in the 1500s. It’s necessary. Without them the entire pyramid collapses down by that same amount. If the real mouth-breathing players look at a 2050 requirement for a weapon and go “screw that, I’m out”, that collapses the pyramid. If 40% of the prospective participants bail because they believe the reward is unobtainable, the entire bracket collapses on itself. This forces the previous 2050 players down to 1600 and, again, makes the reward unobtainable for THEM, too. Now another 30% of the bottom of the pyramid leaves. Eventually, you end up with the retail problem of 1700 being gladiator level.

This is why I believe it is imperative that the requirements for the weapons at least appear to be within reach of the average moron. The carrot needs to be grazing the lips of the horses or else why bother? If you hang the carrot so far away they can barely see it, they won’t even try. 2050 is probably a-carrot-too-far.

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