I Would Play Arena With Zero Rewards

OHhhhhh before chieves, so you bought it!

I’m 2.2 arena
2.4 rbgs.
free to look me up i use the same name for retail and classic.

if you really do have gladiator, congrats. Im sure it was a feat.
Having that achievement doesn’t make your argument correct however.

Reasonable take. The first one.


Lol, get lost man. You’re a joke


You have your opinion. I have debated without personal attacks tho, you seem to not be able to manage that, but that’s presumable with the basis of argument you use.

Arena wasn’t created as a way to give out gear. It was created as a comparison point to find the best players in that category.

It’s the same argument as saying if I do enough Mythic 0 dungeons over time i should have the same gear as someone doing Mythic 20’s. Just does not make any sense.

Blizz has implemented it tho so you best get used to it!

Without personal attacks? you are the person that tried to call me out for being terrible at pvp.

You asked me to link it I did.

Everyone knows this change just hurts participation regardless if you are good or bad at arena, you are a Troll with a hidden profile, so enjoy your life. Bye.


Correct. I’m “somewhat” in favor of the rating requirements (I think they’re a tad too high, but the idea is sound) but I, too, will readily admit it will negatively impact participation. But if anything it merely exposes that arena just seems to be very unpopular at large and the only reason most people would ever even consider stepping foot inside is for gear progression. If 99.9% of people are only there for the gear they might as well just remove arena because it’s obviously wildly unpopular. This makes me sad to see.

Like I said, I’ll be banging arenas regardless of reward.


So you enjoyed playing a twink and dunking on people with the best gear lol. Just delete this thread.

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It was all twinks. No casual players queued 70 arenas in Wrath and Cata. It was twinks versus twinks. I was an officer in the largest 70 twink guild in North America, Twisted Nethers.

Also, this thread isn’t about twinking. I used it as an example of people enjoying arena without the motivation of tangible reward. There were a lot of words involved in both posts, though, so I understand how you got confused along the way.


Oh so you enjoyed playing on a level playing field where everyone had access to the same gear?


You’re moving the goal posts and arguing in bad faith so I will not be responding again. But, you realize this is an MMO? If you want to compete on a level playing field you can go download Counter Strike or DOTA. There will always be the impact of gear disparity in World of Warcraft. Have a nice afternoon.

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Your reasoning were opinionated based upon no actual data but, your own speculation. Saying that the story was finished when players have clearly called WoW content dull, boring, reused/recycled, etc is a far better stance to take than someone not being interested because Lich King is dead.

Maybe for a Zoomer brain it seems hardcore but, back in those days playing a game that took days to see the middle of the story content was expected. No one played a game like Chrono Trigger or a strategy title with the expectation they were going to be done in a day or two.

Look at the rivals of WoW during the time it released. It was so casual other players mocked it because of that casual setting/behavior. Everquest, DAoC, etc were far more challenging and hardcore compared to WoW with their zero penalty system.

Mentioning the late game when players had more available time because they weren’t questing any longer and had a community built up to play in those instances. Playing for ~3 hours in Molten Core and calling it a week was fine for most people.

As soon as you link your opinionated piece on the story being concluded that players dropped from the game because of it.

Each expansion tells a tale too. What direction did they go with after Wrath that we suddenly saw a loss of subs?

Because I enjoy PvP and I don’t enjoy an aspect being so clearly imbalanced by creating thresholds in which I’m unable to compete at an equal level.

Yeah, it’s an excuse to not play PvP because they see nothing worth investing. When a large section of the playerbase doesn’t want to be feel like they suck they’re going to avoid it entirely. Which is why gear gating isn’t helpful for any content.

Where is this math you posted? Thus far you’ve been a sperg and an imbecile. Screaming sub numbers doesn’t validate your claims when it was clearly the game itself changed and left their core audience behind.

Take it which ever you like. You’re still an idiot.


I’ll just leave it at this. I’m glad you aren’t in charge of anything lol.

If you honestly are not aware blizzard subs have decreased every expac since wrath then I have trouble believing anything you say. It’s factual stuff out there. You can’t link in the forums but literally google wow subs since wrath.

Cata was the demise.

What did Cata bring?

  1. End of Wrath was LFG which essentially was Cata at this point.
  2. Terrible story
  3. Casterclysm
  4. Trimmed down talent trees
  5. LFR
  6. Cross Realm Servers
  7. Raid content was bad and so too were the dungeons
  8. Old World removed entirely rather doing a switch flip

I don’t disagree the subs have dropped at all. I’m not even arguing against that fact. I’m arguing that the current retail path has done nothing but trim players away from this game. Ever since Activision took over this game has turned more into a cellphone game where there are less buttons and instant gratification.

The gear gating in Arena is a retail mindset of elitism. The Old Honor system was flawed because of gear inequality as well the timespent into trying to obtain it. Repeating the same failures of the Old Honor system as well as Retail Arena is just asking for a dead PvP scene. No one asked for these changes. They should be reverted and the gear gating should be lifted throughout all of TBC. Don’t repeat history if we’re making changes.

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It’s there to stop people from afk losing on purpose so that pvpers enjoy themselves.

You don’t see pvpers go to a raid and afk. We shouldn’t be dealing with it on our side.

Not even that, but also the gear difference if you don’t hit all the cr gates is not a big difference.

Again. Getting 1700 and equipping the head or whatever is there isn’t going to get you 1800. It’s not like getting one piece of gear is equivalent to the points required for the next rating.

You sure seem worried about little timmy getting some of those items…

Are you his white knight?
Timmy can fight his own battles, and if he can’t, he will sit on the porch in his blue pvp gear.

I bet you got 5th place in a league of 5 and still got a trophy as a child huh?

I get the feeling if this was Lord of the Flies…

You’d be crying your eyes out no one lets you have the conch shell…

I had a high enough rating to hold the shell, sucks that you and Timmy won’t be able to. Maybe practice more.