Valeera is, or used to be there in an earlier build too. She didn’t make much sense there either.


Has any got or seen a screenshot of the Alliance side?

Is Calia friendly to the Alliance as well (like I assume Bolvar is) or is she hostile to the Alliance.

Basically asking if she is coded as a neutral figure and just standing with the Horde leaders or if she is coded as a member of the Horde.

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I agree with this. Send her back to the alliance where’s she belongs to.

Also this. Good call.


Here’s the alliance PoV. She’s friendly to alliance as well. Which I assume a friendly but neutral character. She really shouldn’t be on the grouping with horde though. Oddly Thalyssra’s name is yellow, I assume true neutral in this case when you’re alliance. Probably because she was hoping to rejoin the nightelves until Tyrande opened her big mouth.

edit: There’s a small RP where Tyrande gets all mad (I understand why of course) at the horde faction and they all assume a combat stance until Bolvar yelled at everyone. Calia did not assume combat stance while the rest of the horde group did.

Also, I really feel that Tyrande’s voice actress was ill matched to her character. She sounds like an eighty year old smoker grandma. Not quite what I imagined her character to sound, but that’s just my opinion.


There is five Alliance Characters there, they should balance it with 5 Horde characters. Move Calia to in between Tyrande and Lor’themar. Add someone (Etrigg or Voss?) to where Calia was standing. That should solve the issue.

Thalyrssa is likely an issue from when both factions could get rep with the Nightborne. Adding Mayla Highmountain in place of Calia might result in the same thing.


She was replaced with Gazlowe.

You know what I noticed in this?
Four Alliance characters have titles.
One Horde character does.

It’s such a small, petty thing. But it just adds to the monumentally huge pile of bullspit.


And Alleria doesn’t even need a title cuz her name is basically a title in an of itself.

Well…technically 3 if we want to count Gazlowe and Thalysra’s titles being a part of their names.

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Cause they arent, sylvanas and nathanos arent horde, if you played in vanilla you’d know they are using the horde


Horde characters aren’t somehow horde characters, because they were once loyal to the horde, but blizzard can’t write a convincing faction war, so now it’s makes them not horde…Nice logic there Kat.


I understand what she’s saying and think it’s easy to refute:
Who cares if the character, themselves, were not loyal to the Horde in their heads? The importance is not the soulless npc; the importance is what players think about the soulless npc. And I thought Nathanos was about to heel-face-turn. Even if others didn’t, a great overwhelming many feel that Nathanos and Sylvanas were Horde and that has meaning.


I mean, they weren’t, but that’s hardly the point. The issue isn’t specifically in regards to these two, but the Horde cast as a whole.

Alliance keeps getting characters while Horde keeps losing them.


See if you played vanilla you’d know that the loyality was fake

You literally got characters this xpac, but because YOU dont like them they don’t count.
I am gonna let you in on a secret the alliance players dont always like the new characters we get either wow amazing right its almost like everyone is different, but that doesnt change the fact that you DID get new characters

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We lost the most important characters. Racial leaders mostly. It totally butchered the horde cast. Rastakhan, Saurfang, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Gallywix. Their replacements are hollow and almost non developed.

Yeah and then half of them got killed off .

They literally DON’T lmao, a vast majority of them are just lesser versions of the characters we previously had.

Rastakhan, a character Troll fans have clamored to meet since Vanilla gets killed off and replaced with his less interesting daughter, Talanji, because gurl.

Geya’rah is literally just a poor mans attempt at payin homage of both the characters Garrosh and Zaela, and manages to be just an insult to the legacy of both.

Sylvanas and Nathanos are replaced with…Voss, a character who had previously declared herself independent of the Forsaken until BfA. Also Calia who just dies and gets rezzed and all of a sudden she seems to have an intimate understanding of Forsaken.

Vol’jin is replaced with Rokhan, who is basically just Vol’jin-lite.

Like, no, it actually doesn’t count cuz having an actual gain would imply that we don’t need to lose something old every time in order to get something new.

Except the Alliance never has to lose a character to get the new characters you don’t like being crammed down your throats like in the case of the Horde. You still get to keep all your characters that you had from before while getting new characters.

It actually does tho, cuz we had to lose more of our old characters to get new mediocre new characters forced upon us.


This is the problem that needs to end. You people seriously need to stop assuming someone didn’t play back than or read a book just because someone calls you out on your BS. And Kat, for the love of all things, can you PLEASE, just ONCE, STOP SHILLING FOR BLIZZARD AND THEIR HORRID WRITING


Rokhan was in WC3 if I am not mistaken.


You are correct, but his recent inclusion just feels like it comes from a place of desperation to find a replacement for Vol’jin(who they clearly weren’t at all prepared to kill off) rather than develop him naturally into replacing him.

It’s still incredibly weird hearing other characters call him “chieftan” and seeing that title over his head. Even though he was kinda just rushed back into focus and then given a title he was in no way ever intended for.


Oh, you underestimate Blizzard. They had every intention of killing off Vol’jin.(You know, the whole Savage natives bad, white saviour good thats in the background whenever trolls are involved) They just didn’t expect the fanbase to turn on them.