Remember my Teldrassil theory?

Except it wasn’t civilians that fended off the entire Horde. It was battle-minded Champions of the Kaldorei who took the Night Warrior curse with Tyrande, and the Gilneans, who fought off the Horde.

The Horde killed the civilians when they burned the tree. We just got a garbage cutscene with 4 characters, versus massive watercolor stuff for Sylvanas.

Par for the course, really.

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Let alone that Jaina, in the very attack that blighted it, proved that frost novas clear all that crap out.

You can frost nova a tree all you want, it’s not going to make it livable again.

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No it wasn’t. I’m talking about the War of Thorns.

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Which equally applies to Teldrassil.


Sure it applies to Teldrassil. but that isn’t what people are saying. “Think of the dead npcs” yeah, who cares? the npcs are pointless.

Which, once again, even you agree with them:

So you agree with Skalcox that people cared that those NPCs were innocent. And you also agree that people should care about how little the Horde has said about those that were killed on Teldrassil.


Amadis is prone to warping what I say. Here is full context.

Yes. What players think about the hero characters who represent them matters. What players think about nameless npcs who die to hand them Victim Cards isn’t important.


Nameless guys who die: Do not matter.
Hero characters who perform actions or do not perform actions: Actually Matter.

It’s not that it’s any specific nameless guys, it’s the collective that matters. It doesn’t matter that Sister Aquinne or Auctioneer Shaeleath may or may not have died.

The genocide bit is what matters. Part of what makes a race is its population. (I mean, think of how many times people have said allied races are weird - particularly the ren’dorei - because they represent too few people to be a race.) It’s not that a couple of NPCs got offed, but hundreds, if not thousands did. The collective matters.

If a race is a body, then the hero characters are the head. They’re the recognizable face, and the brains making the decisions. However, all the NPCs are the rest of the body, which aren’t as interesting but just as critical. Killing off one-or-two is like a scratch, but when you kill them all off… The Forsaken lost their head but kept their body, the night elves lost their body but kept their head.

Kinda morbid, but it gets the point across.


The entire discussion is silly anyway. Someone can value nameless dudes if they want. Different people have different priorities in storytelling.


Fair enough.

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I’m sorry that your takeaway from that came across this dumb.

I would rather the night elves get their own afterlife, and not all end up in Ardenweald, like the trolls do. But I would wish that for other races too, just like I hate tauren being in Bastion or paladins in Maldraxxus. It is my general dislike of Shadowlands, so let’s not put words in other people’s mouths, yeah? I wouldn’t care in the slightest if Thiernax was a troll, it would change nothing for me, good or bad.

The rest of your post is just garbage incitement, so there’s nothing to really respond there… except maybe, I dunno, post something coherent for a change?


Except they’re not. Night elves are abandoned in their afterlife. There is no Elune. Elune didn’t even bring them to Ardenweald, only the Night Warriors end up there for unknown reasons. Night elves from the Maw are brought to Ardenweald by the Maw walker.

Trolls on the other hand, literally have Bwon looking after them and with them in the afterlife.
Once again, you’ve failed to provide me evidence for the same, and you keep repeating fiction as fact. Nothing you said makes any sense, because you have not shown any proof for it.

I genuinely do not know what you’re talking about. Several night elves died recently and are therefore in hell and are being rescued, after an expansion where they were genocided by fire.
After that, one night elf is shown to have a connection to Ardenweald for unknown reasons, but she is also wrong for being vengeful and losing her mind.
These bones look a lot like wood shavings.

Pocket dimension can be done well. I’d rather have night elf themed pocket dimension than faerie crap.


Aw, looks like I struck a nerve. I’m not sorry for recognizing your Night Elf whining for what it is.

There’s zero basis for anyone to have a preconceived notion as to how the Shadowlands should be represented when so much about it was previously unknown.

If anything, the Shadowlands are actually more interesting for demystifying Night Elven misconceptions about the afterlife and potentially even Elune’s identity. I mean, before we visited the Shadowlands, the Night Elves believed they were Elune’s only chosen, but now we know better with Thiernax. You’re being granted a lot of special insight that other races are not getting and I don’t think you’re fully appreciating that.

Was that coherent enough for you? I hope so. May Elune grant you peace. :pensive:


Yeah, sure, I’ll just not complain about crappy lore while people like you lap up the dirt.
Why don’t you find some Nightborne thread to spew garbage troll posts over?

To be frank, you annoy me because you don’t even have anything to discuss- you make general claims with no point to debate about. Atleast Dread and Baal have something to add instead of resorting to mostly ad hominems like you do. I play other races, like Forsaken, but clearly I’m not going to be arguing for them in a night elf thread.


I asked for Elune to grant you peace and she clearly did not follow through on that one.

My initial response to you was for your comments stating that Ardenweald was lame because it didn’t represent your unfounded notion of how a Night Elf afterlife should be, when it wasn’t attempting to be that at all. There’s nothing to debate there. It’s you feeling you’re owed something out of line with the reality of what Blizzard has created and that anything outside of your expectations is inferior.

I think your behavior in this thread is really rather unbecoming and I hope you take time to reflect on that.


Personal attack, ad hominem
What is this, some RP forum? I don’t worship Elune IRL, you do know that right?

I have every right to say that something Blizzard created is dumb, when almost all races go to weird afterlives and their religions are pretty meaningless. If you don’t agree, you don’t have anything of substance to add either, it is equal to not saying anything, which would have suited you better.
Should I go into every Forsaken thread asking them to like Calia? Should I tell every Horde player that they were made evil and it’s okay because that’s the path Blizzard chose? Since you also didn’t notice, that was in response to other posters claiming Ardenweald’s an Elune afterlife, but thanks indeed for proving my point that it’s not.
You should really follow the rest of the thread and take time to read each post before picking on night elf posts.

Ok boomer.

Next time, try adding in something of substance to argue, rather than personal attacks, the like of which you’ll only receive back. I’m sorry your own kind of medicine is too much for you.


Theramore’s destruction is one of the weirdest handled story beats. I in fact had zero idea it happened because Theramore is still perfectly intact in my game world. You’re in no way prompted to go do the quest that causes it.

So I never knew about that or the Dalaran purge until it was refernced on these forums. Because it’s not like you’re ever prevented from entering Northrend Dalaran on the Horde side. And I’m glad it came up here since both of those story beats are critical to understanding stuff in BFA.

I just would’ve been confused where Jania met Baine and wtf that Belf in Orgrimmar was on about.


I have never done the Theramore bit myself. I don’t regret it in the slightest.

Also on Alliance side if you never do the Andorhal Story then you never lose that flight path.

Also if you never do the last quest in Westfall then Sentinel Hill never burns eternally.

There is several places in Cata for the Alliance where things are better if you avoid doing or finishing the questlines.


Lordaeron in general is a phasing mine field. To my considerable annoyance the Alliance can’t even see the post quest Sludge Fields. I was hoping to do some RPPVP there as it’s one of the more interesring Forsaken structures in game.

If you want to do anything in Forsaken territory without people fading in and out of existence constantly your options are The Sepulchre and Tarren Mill.

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They don’t go that way… after all we still need to preserve Blue vs. Red.