Let me preface this by offering my sincerest condolences to everyone who has ever been a Forsaken main or their favorite race is the Forsaken.

But just…wow…I mean, there are very little words I can use to describe how absolutely devastated I am at the news of Nathanos’s death in the Pre-patch. Like, never has there been a sequence of in-game events that are so blatantly insulting and so malicious towards a single WoW race.

  1. One of the only developed characters of a HORDE race is killed off by an ALLIANCE character of a race that has gotten nothing BUT development since the Burning of Teldrassil.

  2. When reported back to the Horde questgiver(Lor’themar) he basically proceedes to spit on his memory saying complete nonsense like “well he was always a jerk, even when he was alive he was a braggart and a bully.” Which most novel depictions of Nathanos completely debunks, cuz he’s actually shown as a good person while he’s alive in the few instances he’s ever been shown as such.

  3. Then after that they actually have the AUDACITY to have Calia show up so that Lor’themar can preach about how Calia is such a great person and that she will guide the Forsaken better. I can’t bear to read the dialogue again, because it’s done in the most tasteless and callous way possible.

I mean, the only way this becomes worse is if they decide to give Sylvanas a similar treatment and have Lor’themar claim that she was also a big jerk while she was alive, too.

How they’ve handled the Forsaken in general has been revolting and I’m genuinely sorry that it’s taken so long for me to realize that.

Let us use this thread now to mourn the death of a character who had such great potential.



u sure about that

but yeah they should hotfix that calia bug in the story before it causes some weird issues in the future


Are we talking about the same Nathanos here

Not hard to do when Sylvanas and her mustachioed lapdog never actually did care about the Forsaken in the first place.

Maybe he shouldn’t have ordered the genocide of said Alliance leader’s race along with his Queen then.


While the obvious thing to point to is Teldrassil and War of Thorns, you can pretty much also point to any troll content in the game.

He wasn’t “developed” until just this past expansion and the entire time it was as nothing other than basically a villain.

Except if you do the Blood Elf heritage armor quest this is not at all what he says lol. He says Sylvanas died a hero defending her people - which maybe foreshadows what they have in store for her at the end of Shadowlands.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.


do forsaken stans even play the same game i do

sometimes that happens narratively when your entire race is nearly driven to extinction


btw he’s just going to show back up in the shadowlands u know that right


Of all the people to call a “forsaken stan”.

Which is also why this thread is so confusing in the first place.


I was farming WOTLK dungeons for Wyrmrest rep yesterday and it hit me how dirty we did the Drakkari. Poor guys were so desperate that they were forced to slay their own gods to gain the power to resist the scourge and we just came along and basically destroyed their entire civilization.


Trolls being done dirty is par for the course, really. They’ve been in the same kind of free fall Night Elves are now.


You would probably be the only one. Not even Sylvanas would shed a tear for poor old Nathan the bow boy wonder.

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Another alliance players telling Forsaken fans how to feel about their race. Pot wants its kettle back. NEXT!


Night Elves keep getting good story with Shandris and Tyrande. Forsaken in the meantime have essentially an alliance character(Calia) that nobody asked for ruin their entire theme and aesthetics for some light redemption plot nonsense. Do Alliance simps even play the same game as the rest? hard to tell.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Nathanos gets blown off by the lady he was drooling over and then DIES? Does Tyrande kill him? Ohh that’d be hilarious.

Sorry, I’ve never liked Nathanos except how he’s depicted in Makani fanart, so I won’t lose any sleep over him getting iced. If Tyrande did it then maybe that will help sate the bloodlust of the ravenous night elven hordes for a patch or two.

All those other developments sound like hot, sweaty dog ham though. And I didn’t like him, but at least he was an interesting enough character for me to have an opinion on him. You know what, maybe I did like him a little bit. He was a rare spark of unreasonable snark in a sea of bootlicking NPCs who clamor over themselves to call you a hero. Mostly because all his bootlicking energy was dedicated to Sylvanas, hey-o.

At least I’ll never in a thousand years enjoy Calia “My Mommy and Daddy Were Royalty So That Makes Me Special” Menopause.

Okay, fine Pyro. Take this F.


Always liked Nathanoes, even during Sylvanas simp phase.

But he was always on the chomping block. And really after darkshore fiasco it only make sense they would have Tyrande kill him.

So here’s my f,

But we will probably just seen him in the maw later.



No seriously, when did this happen, I’d like to know


See the Ardenweald plot. Tyrande and Shandris are there at every corner.


I don’t particularly care about Windy or Natty Blight. If anything, good riddance.

No my annoyance is with Calia. She’s not Forsaken, she’s undead in name only, and her greatest sin is being aggressively boring. They had all of BTS, BFA and SR to give her something interesting to do and all she does is murmur banal pleasantries. And we’ve got a perfectly good Lilian Voss standing right there which makes it all just that much more frustrating.

Blight and the Banshee weren’t why I’ve a storybook marriage to the Forsaken. In fact I think they’re the least interesting characters in the faction.

The sardonic gallow’s humor, gothic atmosphere, wacky mad science and quieter moments of human dignity is what make the Forsaken for me. I’m more concerned about the fate of Goutgut than I am Blightcaller - because an abomination forging an unlikely friendship with an ogre is hilarious.

Pontius is a better Forsaken character than Blightcaller. It’s really interesting to me that guys found purpose in undeath by raising darkhounds, whom he clearly adores.

And where the hell is Calder Gray?
It was dreadful, class. Unceremoniously booted from Orgrimmar, jars of fresh squirming body parts smashed to the ground as I was hauled through the gates. Like I was some kind of monster!

Calia is my only concern here. Because she is markedly less interesting than random Forsaken quest givers. The sames true of Natty Blight but we’re not rid of her yet.


Oh. Content that hasn’t happened yet. I see. I suppose you know everything there is to know about Shadowlands. Can you tell me the ending already please?

Please stop using this word when you have no idea what it means.


Lilian Voss, The Black Bride, Apothecary master Faranell, Grand Executor Mortuus. All of those characters would be arguably better leaders for the forsaken then Calia is.