I fully agree with it, the narration here is nauseating. It’s even more aggrevating how they tell that Horde values are outdated and they need to get on with the new modern stuff, for orcs to get over Warchief, for trolls to give up their rightful homes, but when it comes to humans they cannot get over thier nostalgia, and the obnoxious bias toward human nations is strong, not only they whitewashed Kul’Tirans completely, they made Jaina good girl again but now this Calia crap they push because they can’t get over Menethil royalty.

I really wish they’d create a completely new character for Forsaken who would call her out and banish her away from forsaken and create a new path. My ideal forsaken would be someone like Galdouth half dead from Heroes of Might and Magic 4 - his mindset would really fit the undead faction that is meant to be playable and doesn’t look to be hellbent malicious. Galdouth Arc was amazing because he had to turn against his master and mentor so said mentor wouldn’t destroy what he built himself, I can go on and on about him. Because that character was truly unique. Calia isn’t. There is so much wrong with this NPC that it’s mind bogging why she was approved.

Funny you should mention Galdouth, cuz that’s kinda the direction I thought Blizzard was taking Nathanos in.

In which he eventually turns against his mentor(in this case Sylvanas) due to her ambitions threatening to destroy everything they had built together like the Forsaken, for example.


The biggest same. I’m so disappointed in Blizzard.


Calia would make a good antagonist to the Forsaken IMO. A semi-benevolent version of the Scarlet [Name]'s that wants to restore Lordaeron to what it was, this time by lightforging (or w/e she is) her own people, whether they wish it or not.

Galdouth is superior to Nathanos still, he wasn’t as obnoxious, he was cold and calculating and very reasonable, he understood very well that the undeads will always be seen as abominations so he made a lot of steps to prevent his small kingdom to be attacked by more powerful nations like the Great Arcans. He also found a way how to maintain their numbers without going on mass slaughter to ress people - he created a special recruitment plan where people willingly would become undead.

He was a true architect and Nathanos was always a goon for Sylvanas’ dirty work. This is why Gauldoth is superior imo- he shown initiative he put his own effort into making something, Nathanos didn’t this is why Galdoth’s turn on his master was meaningful because his master wanted to destroy something he has created. And what exactly Nathanos created? All he cared about was “pleasing the Warchief” in Terror of Darkshore he had big mouth about about “we will hold this ground for the Horde” just to run with tail between his legs bavk to Dazar’Alor and steal Rokhan’s spotlight (still mad that it was him in DA cinematic and not Rokhan).


I love the perpetual victim complex Horde players have.

This thread is hilarious.


So the Forsaken aren’t assasinated?
The Horde will get all it’s WC2 races back aswell?

People like you need to grow up. You are way to biased to a degree were you can’t even take grievances from people serious and seem to glee with joy if something bad happens to them.


His point is, I think, it stops being a grievance when all horde players do is complain about anything that doesn’t go exactly how they want. Which seems to the case the last couple expacs. At that point, you’re just being childish and complaining for complaining sakes.


That’s silly and you know it. Horde players are also clear and vocal if they like something. And be honest the Horde story wasn’t great for a long time now.


I know it’s silly, and I agree the horde have been getting shafted for a long time now. I was just saying certain people, who shall remain unnamed, see it as complaining

The whole warcraft story wasn’t great for a long time.


It may be just me, but I noticed it started going downhill fast after Wrath.


Cata was not good in terms of story or what it did to the playerbase. The game still hasn’t recovered from the wounds Cata did.


Yah but, it did give us a world revamp that advanced the lore in a significant way (more or less) so I think it gets somewhat of a pass by people considering blizzard went through that huge hassle.

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I agree wholeheartedly

The Horde side of the revamp may have been good (I will defer to your judgement on that), the Alliance side is terrible.

And we have been stuck with it since then so I am not sure what sort of pass they are being given given what the huge hassle resulted in.

The best thing they have done is (as with BFA) it will be optional content when the new leveling changes hit.


I am in beta, this is part of the intro quest. Why, why, why is Calia on the horde’s side? She’s supposedly not going to be the forsaken “queen” per Blizzard. Stop shoving her on our side!


That is true, but I think it wouldn’t have been a problem if the major lore figures in the single set of questing were drawn from both sides.


Oh yeah, cuz Alliance/Night Ef players don’t have an immense Teldrassil victim complex at all, right?

It’s ok when Alliance players complain about things they don’t like, but “how dare these Horde players be displeased at the notion of having all their notable characters killed off/villain-batted and core themes subverted to be supplanted with shoddy replacements!”


Horde players have been getting the short end of the stick since Cata/MoP. But some players don’t or can’t see that. And I really wish alliance players would stop complaining, outside of Teldrassil, all their leaders are pretty much god tier at this point, with no downsides.