Hello there looking to renew Subscription and want to make sure it’s on the right account. I am looking for “EllenBenites” a human rogue. I thought it was on Dethecus but nothing populates and I should have a few characters around besides the low lvls showing up on Vashj and Aerie Peak. Thanks
Try creating a fresh lvl 1 toon on the realm see if that repopulates the list.
Thx, no dice though. I did get the one on Aerie Peak to populate by loading on the Realm. And I’ve just kinda been selecting random ones that stood out … there’s so many realms omg lol.
Did u try the character undelete option.
Hmm, I did not, but good to know. I’ll try that on some of the realms
Not seeing any character like that on this Battlenet.
You could put in a ticket - but I suspect if it can be found it will be on another Battlenet Account or on a license that was never attached to a Battlenet.
Okay, Thx. I tried entering my two oldest email addresses that I had when Vanilla, BC and WotLK were out and I get “Please enter a valid account name.” But perhaps as you said the license wasn’t attached to a bnet account? I’ve only ever 4 personal email addresses outside of work emails.
If the license was not attached to a bnet account then is it pretty much a dead loss? Or was there ever a time when characters were deleted after inactivity, because that was actually my first impression.
Not if it can be found - but it can be trickier.
Nothing was ever deleted, but after so much time it can be tricky finding them. Name, level, realm - anything else that might help finding it should be included in your ticket.
I think I may have found the email actually I was mispelling it at the login. Now I’m trying to retrieve my pw for that gmail and if I can get in I bet that’s the one otherwise I’ll create a ticket. Thanks for your assistance.
Looking to see how to find my old characters what servers that might be on I played WOW the day it came out for about 2 years and have not played until recently.
Do you recall any character names? Class/Race/Realm?
The WoW license you are currently posting on was created in 2009, so probably not the one you are referencing. Some basics might be able to help me locate it and point you in the right direction so you can recover the account.
worsen and badian
rogue and warrior
not sure what realm just a few years ago.
Found it. It looks like it may have been compromised back in 2020 and closed. I’d recommend submitting a ticket referencing the character name/realm. Use the following ticket category here.
You’ll need to select “The email address on my Battle.net Account was changed, or I don’t remember what it is.”.
For reference, the original email is a Yahoo address based on your name.
Thank you what if I don’t remember the realm was so long ago.
Doomhammer seems to be the main realm.
I should note, that while the account you are posting on isn’t the one you are trying to recover, you do have characters on Doomhammer there too. Looks like you have an old Warrior that likely was the main on that license.
hello im trying to find some old character names i had from way back. my old account was ORKINBOY and that was merged with wow1 at some point but not all my characters are showing up that i had back then. im just trying to figure out what toon names i had for nostalgia reasons.
There would not have been licenses that were merged together. You either merged that named licence into a bnet account (your email login), or you paid to character transfer from that license to the wow1.
Do you happen to remember what servers you played on? You knowing the names would be ideal given there is not easy way to find out if the account is on a different bnet address.
its been so long ago i cant really remember i think i may have had toons on stormrage, bleeding hollow, hyjal, kargath or stormreaver. the only toon names i remember from back then were kaliden and hordeslasher because those show up on ORKINBOY/wow1 but none of the other toons i had do.
I only see three active characters on the Orkinboy license - it is on your Battlenet.
Those are all on Kargath. A level 4 and a level 59 - and one never logged into.
A level 64 was transferred off that to another Batlenet account in 2015.
Your WoW 1 has considerably more characters, the highest are on Stormreaver, Sulfuras and Earthfury.
Does that help at all?
You’ll most likely have to pay for a transfer. But they offer discounts now for multiple transfers.