Could anyone check to see which realms my old characters are on? I can’t find them in the realm list and I don’t recall which realm I was playing on.
Could anyone check to see which realms my old characters are on? I can’t find them in the realm list and I don’t recall which realm I was playing on.
Do you have any character names with race/class, Azergoth? From what I can see the WoW license on this account was created in the last few days.
Odds are you have another account out there.
Hmm. Unfortunately I don’t remember the character names, but the license would have been associated with the same email address.
The issue with that is that an email address can only ever be associated with one single It can’t actually be on a different account.
That means that it would have to be under a different e-mail address.
It’s possible that you might need to put in a ticket to have a GM look into it by providing them your name. Don’t do that via the forums here as these are public forums.
I’m unable to find any record of the email currently in use on this account on any previous account.
Unless the name on this account is inaccurate, we already have access and have looked. Unfortunately, it isn’t a terribly uncommon name, so there are a couple hundred accounts with it. We would need a bit more to go on. If I had some character names, that would help.
If you have your old CD keys, that would definitely help (though I would put that in a ticket).
With that said, people tend to be creatures of habit. They often use the same name for characters when they create them.
Looking your current WoW license, Azergoth, it does appear that you may have used the name of your current Death Knight before on your previous one.
Assuming that is the case, I found a WoW license with a level 100 Death Knight Worgen with that name on Icecrown, along with a level 99 Night Elf Rogue (After the level squish, those will be level 40 and 39 respectively).
I cannot provide the email address you may have used on that account but I can give you a hint. It’s a @gmail and it starts with a W.
If you aren’t sure or no longer have access to that email address you’ll need to submit a ticket. Hopefully, that gives you enough information to help track down the account.
I am returning to WoW myself after many years. I found the realm ‘Burning Legion’ with my Horde toons in it; however, I cannot seem to find my Alliance toons with, for example, my main (dwarf hunter). One thing that is odd is that there was a random toon in the Antonidas realm that had a really weird name that was half of a username I use, along with random letters and numbers.
Can someone do one of two things and either:
A. help me figure out how to submit a bloody ticket? (None of the options they provide through the ticket system are applicable)
or B. can someone tell me which realms to possible refresh?
That indicates you were gone from the game and the name was released. If you log into that toon you will get the option to rename it. You can try the name you normally use. If it’s still available your toon will have the name again. If it’s not you will be prompted for a new name.
A SFA might be able to look for you later today to see where you have other toons.
Could you have had another license under a different email?
I see one license on the Battlenet you are posting under. Not a lot of characters - they all seem to be on Nordrassil, Burning Legion and Azuresong.
Same as everyone else. Long time player, long time off. Character name Nyysta, can’t remember the realm. At least three DLC ago. Not interested in starting over and probably won’t upgrade/subscribe if I have to.
Oh yeah, Belf warlock
I think you are looking on the wrong Battlenet account.
Do you remember having one under a Comcast email?
D’oh. That is painfully old.
I strongly suspect that’s the license you are looking for.
You can put in a ticket if you need Billing to assist in reclaiming it.
I don’t, I got in just fine…but I actually have an active subscription on THIS account. How can I merge them? I don’t ever ever ever use that email address any longer.
Separate WoW accounts cannot be “merged” together unfortunately. You can technically move WoW licenses, but anything on the account being moved from one to another, leaves behind anything that is account-bound, like mounts/pets/achievements/etc.
What I suggest is you change the email on the old one to an email you have access to. Given you said it is ancient, I’m making a leap you may not have access to the email any longer.
Licenses can be moved, but it’s not going to do what you are hoping it will. You would just have two licenses on your newer Battlenet. Both would still require seperate funding, upgrades, etc.
The other downside to moving a license between Battlenet accounts is shared items stay on the original Battlenet. Pets, mounts, achievements, toys, heirlooms - etc., do NOT move with the license in all but a few very specific exceptions.
Well, shnikes.
Live and learn…
Having the same issue here, reset my UI, and already checked to see if my characters still exist and they all do Sweettfeett (orc warrior), Biigblack (troll druid), Rosiee (pandaren shaman) all located in black dragonflight. Checked back on an old account i used as well but i specifically remeber transfering them to a new account and this is the only one ive used in the last 4 years. Still in the guild (The Gank Factory) and all talk to them regulary still but havent played in awhile. Trying to get my toons back and ive been at it for hours…
Try logging in to the realm with your guild and creating a new character. Then log off and back on both WoW and the app.