Renown Ban Wave?

From quote:

to quote:

Don’t need to ask to be giving friendly advice about something.

Yes, yes, and you think going around calling people victim blamers and accusing people of trolling is the way to go?

You do know you’re on the most heavily moderated part of the forums, and the Forum Code of Conduct does apply here?

Except, you have had a few people who have stated within this thread alone that they have been sharing their accounts with families, and you had to go on the attack towards someone who was giving out advise about sharing the account?


I suggest people not replying to them any further. At this stage, they are just trying to stir up trouble in order to close down the thread for those who has been suspended over the exploit.


Let’s remain civil please! :wink:

Everyone isn’t innocent, everyone wasn’t trying to exploit.

It was a bug that turned into an exploit for some folks that were high profile - many of us here seem to have got caught up in the exploit without intending to do so.

All of us received the four day suspension. Most have appealed.

I do want to reiterate, the action was almost assuredly not about sharing a Bnet account with a minor or a brother or a family member … even though that may or may not be allowed. It was for almost certain an issue with utilizing multiple accounts within the same Bnet login either through multiboxing or just having multiple accounts


I’m seeing this too. They should have locked this thread down a while ago.


Yeah, I agree, though I do see Orlyia’s reason for keeping it open, but today has been a bit of a long one with this thread, since there has been a couple of others being involved with trolling the thread too.

I think it may had something to do with either being on multple licenses on the one account, because every post I’ve seen, not just here on the forums, but on other platforms too, where people were banned for the exploit had multiple licenses within the BNet account, whether sharing the account with family members, or was multiboxing/playing on multiple licenses, though as mentioned, can’t fully confirm on this.


Except for the people who really did not know they were benefiting from an exploit and should be on the left end of that curve, but were suspended nonetheless. The concept of that curve makes sense, but it doesn’t appear (at lease from the anecdotal offerings here) that Blizzard is following that model in this case. It seems (if the offerings here are to be believed) that Blizzard simply suspended everyone for the 4 days and will try to sort it out (or not) in the appeals process. That seems to value convenience for the hacks team over unjustified punishment of paying customers.


But you don’t know that. You’re just taking their word for it. You have no data.


We already said it MULTIPLE times. It was not account sharing, it was not bot, it was not hack or some of the EULA things. People who had multiple (2+) accounts logged while questing (WITHOUT multibox) were caught for NO reason because of some double (triple, quadruple…) reputation bug with The Severed Threads. We agree that EVERYTONE should get reputation and rewards rollback’d, we DON’T agree with 4 days ban for EVERYONE, because it should have been analyzed on a case-by-case basis.


Well… yes. But I think that was clear in my post where I included the condition “if the posts here are to be believed”. Now if every single player who was suspended is demonstrated to have engaged in exploiting the bug multiple times and with intent, then ALL the suspensions absolutely would be justified. But I’m more inclined to believe that at least SOME of the folks swept up in this wave were genuinely unaware that they were benefiting unfairly from a bug. And those folks would have cause to feel unjustly punished.


The fact reminds: We don’t know what was detected, nor what was found in their system. There isn’t any ‘agreement’ on how the accounts would be punished, there isn’t any say on how it ‘should’ be when Blizzard action a given account. And Blizzard will handle account appeals by case by case, not before, as it’d be a long time before they action anyone as there’d be a ton of accounts to shift through before, during and after.


Please try to understand. Those who were affected by this bug and experienced the issue are researching and have noticed the similarity in the problems. Something like ‘Hey, did you have two accounts logged in? So did I,’ and yes, it is possible to conclude what was checked by Blizzard. EVERYONE who had two accounts logged in and received an extra reputation boost was flagged as an exploit. It’s simpler than it seems.


Here is the thing that you’re not understanding:

What was the actual exploit. What triggered the actual exploit. Do we have any details into what the renown exploit actually was.

But the logs doesn’t work that way, and it is what Blizzard goes off by. If the logs tell them someone did something that should’ve never been done, then Blizzard will deal with it, appropriately. Whether you agree or don’t agree, both you and Blizzard did agree to the contract you’ve both signed when it comes to anything on their platforms.


Yeah, that’s the issue with the whole ‘seeming’, mainly that there are far more happening under the hood then the players may know. We don’t know how it was find, but the overall issue is that folks was gaining max renown within a month of the expact just coming out.

The issue with folks coming here is that it often downplay that they got the max renown, often refer to as ‘normal game play’, to ‘didn’t exact to get that much’, etc. It often more then ‘Well, we was playing more then one account, so that must be why’. Please understand that this is more then that and more factors in play in this.


2/5 out of my mult-iboxers got banned… I didn’t even play war within, was on hardcore classic era.

They give you 0 information… literally just got a response:

"This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment"

Blizzard really just gives you nothing these days and ignores any cries for some decency / information that would be close to customer service. been playing this game for 20 years and this post just shows a really really bad turn for blizzard.

You were banned for the automation of the software you were using when you were multiboxing. Completely unrelated to this thread.


Saw a bunch of people mentioning using more than one account leading to a ban… seems related bud.

Some automation they are rocking might have swept me up too as yeah only 2/5 ?

This thread was about a renown exploit in The War Within. You were suspended for using a 3rd party software to multibox in Classic Hardcore. Unrelated to each other.


Yeah, the algorithm designed to detect a cheat specific to the latest retail expansion somehow managed to snare your classic accounts.


Well I do have multiple account on my bnet but it trial account and not login for quite sometime
Other thing i do is just login to unplay low-level alt in realm that not connected with my current realms just to pull gold out and delete it

The renown with the faction works this way: As soon as you advance a reputation level with one of the generals, you gain renown with The Severed Threads. The problem is, when you had two or more accounts logged in, this reputation somehow doubled. Most of the time, it wasn’t about knowing or not knowing; you just played, and the reputation would increase. In WoW, speaking from nearly 20 years of experience, there are factions where your reputation can rise exponentially without bug or exploit. Until then, I thought it was normal for mine to be “high”, especially since I wasn’t at reputation level 25, but “only” at level 14, killing all rare mobs, completing all world quests and all side quests. The warband launched with several bugs, including this one, which did not affect renown with other factions. According to reports from people who only have logged alts from a second account to check the auction house, it was not necessary to form a pact with more than one general for the bug to occur; simply not having a pact with a general was enough to trigger the bug.

When comparing with the reputation of some friends on Sunday, mine was literally twice as advanced, during the early access. In other words, my unintentional gain was 7 levels of reputation, and I was banned with reputation level 23 (at that point, it was already possible to reach levels 16-17 without intentionally or unintentionally exploiting the bug).

The bug was fixed on Monday without any mention of it, meaning that the bug could no longer be exploited (people with multiboxes could no longer gain double reputation for each advancement with a general). There has still been no comment from Blizzard about the situation, and we want to understand the reason for our ban and whether people with two or more accounts logged in simultaneously will be affected from now on.

What happened was indeed a bug. People from large guilds did exploit the bug, and this would be considered an exploit. People who wouldn’t benefit from the reputation gain (after all, most rewards are cosmetic, for casual players) were also banned simply for having two accounts logged in at the same time.


If I may summarize what triggered the bug: 1[multiplied by]x reputation level per general (you gain reputation with other generals regardless of the chosen pact) = 1[multiplied by]x reputation. Here, x is the number of characters logged in simultaneously across multiple accounts on the same Since there are people who multibox without using programs and those who are 100% logged in with two accounts at the same time, the reputation doubled in a way that didn’t seem like a bug, given that the renown gain was not directly tied to reputation with The Severed Threads. Instead, it was tied to the generals. This made it more difficult to understand the reputation gains.

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