Renown Ban Wave?

It is not my intention to attack anyone. I came here simply to state what happened sucks. It’s just some people were under impression I guess that the bug/exploit was harder to do than just turning in a single quest. This was the main feedback thread and I posted to give said feedback. That is all I wanted. It sucks, I am miserable and feel like I let everyone down. I have always tried to do good with community. I have always tried to help out and it just hurts to get punished like this even if it seems like they will be going over it manually after the bans lift to undo the black marks.


I feel the same way. While this will be over in nearly 24 hours, I’m upset and I’m glad for this thread.


Related blue posts:


No one said that at all. But there were specific steps one had to take to exploit this, and many players ran to take advantage when they heard about it.

There’s no doubt that some “innocent” players got caught up, but the reason they got caught up is because they used the exploit. Knowingly or unknowingly makes a difference to you, but it’s impossible to detect for Blizzard.

Again, no one is in your head. No one knows what you did or didn’t know. All they know is that you used the exploit.


FYI, you need an active account not linked to your suspended one to post in General. Here you just need another Bnet account.

All folks impacted here are silenced unless they have another active account.

Don’t know why you’re telling me, I’m just passing info that no one posting here about feedback on how the appeals work will be taken into account on how it’d work. It’d akin to screaming into the wind here.


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read.

Let’s use an ATM as an analogy. You go to the ATM. You tell it to withdraw $20. Your receipt says $20, but it gives you a $100 bill. What do you do. 1) Immediately go to or call your bank and report the error (which WILL be discovered and you will not get to keep the money), and don’t do it again. 2) withdraw $20 50 more times from that ATM and walk away with $5000 while your account is only deducted $1000.

The FIRST time was not your fault. And while you don’t get to keep the ill gotten gains, you will not get in any trouble if you immediately report it, and most importantly, don’t do it again. The other 49 times? Yeah, you’d have the cops at your door. Stuff like this has happened in real life, and yes people have gone to jail for it.

In this real life analogy, if the number of times you used the exploit was greater than 1 (since the first was not your fault and you had no way to know), you would be in serious legal trouble. Blizzard is likely more lenient than that. We don’t know the exact threshold, but it goes on a curve.


This is not complete…
One or the other… Not at the same time.
Adult watching child play only, or the account holder only.

I feel there’s a lot of things people here are assuming. For one, you imagine we knew or saw that we were getting double reputation or renown or something. As far as I could tell on my account while multiboxing just 1 extra account, the rep I was gaining was normal rate. I remember watching a streamer and seeing his renown with the first three faction being pretty much the same, he may have had 1 higher then me perhaps. The extra rep seemed to have only been with Severed Thread maybe and even that one I was close to most players, not enough to warn me of anything majorly wrong.

Also, at this point the ban will run it’s course fine. What I believe most of us “unjustly” targeted by the ban are wondering is what happens next? Are we forced to never play multi box ever again? If so it be nice to be told so. If it’s still permitted, is Blizzard gonna fix they’re poor implementation of the warband system so that we can’t unknowingly exploit the game by just literally doing the quests and dungeons normally? Most of us didn’t try to want to exploit, so what can be done in the future to avoid that. There never was a clear sign on my end that yelled this is not how it should be.


Thing is, we don’t know what triggered the exploit. We don’t know whether it was caused from people multiboxing, or whether there was something else that was the trigger.

At this rate, it is just speculation on what triggered the exploit, and I don’t think anyone here, whether they be from Blizzard, or any of the other posters, would even say what it was.

My suggestion is once it is all over, if you want to multibox, then feel free to multibox. Don’t let any suspensions deter you away from playing the game the way you like too, as long as doesn’t breach any of the policies ofcourse.


Those are some excellent questions Ræye. I don’t think you are going to get an answer, though. Or most accurately I’d be very surprised if you did.

Multiboxing is not normal game play. It’s allowed, but it is almost certainly a very, very small percentage of players, and it is unsupported. Of course, there is going to be unintended thingies.

I’ve played wow in linux in the past, that is allowed, it is unsupported: the game didn’t look as good, perform as well, was unstable in comparison to windows. So I keep 1 winbox around for my wow gaming machine (all the rest of my machines, full metal or virtual are linux based, cause of course they are). Windows is supported and what the vast majority of wow players use.

Anyway, sorry y’all got hit like this, but sometimes when you’re edge running, you fall off through no fault of your own. Just the way of tech. In fact, sometimes when you doing it all according normal and approved it goes wonky. Also, just kinda the way tech is.


This is 100% not accurate. I play on an account with my 2 kids and we were leveling together and doing world quests. Nothing hardcore, I had not even played the past 5-6 days more than 3 hours total due to work. We were suspended and I have 0 inkling as to why. We did nothing but level, do world quests, heroics, and some delves. I asked them to look into the suspension because I think it was done in error, but I received a generic response.


1 Adult, 1 Minor child. You are not permitted to play with multiple users under 1 account.


Just to touch on this; whatever you kid(s) did on the account that got it action, it’d be still on your shoulders for the actions. The account holder is responsible for the actions it does, may it be for good or for ill. I’d say talk to them and ask what they did on it. It won’t change the action on it, but give you an idea what they did.


More than likely the three of you or two of you quested and gained renown with the Severed Threads which was bugged early on.

As noted above, this was used as an exploit by some, while most if not all of the comments above are from folks that were suspended while questing in the zone utilizing one Battlenet login across multiple accounts.

Blizzard hasn’t said more than we were suspended due to us utilizing an exploit. But in all the circumstances I’ve read the bug was triggered utilizing multiple accounts that triggered increased renown for the Severed Threads. e.g. instead of being Renown 7-8 you would have 16-17.


I do some math on this
from Quest total 25 quest = 17600
form First kill rare 21 in total = 3150
from 1st Weekly kill rare 15 in total = 2550
from 2nd Weekly kill rare 15 in total = 2550
from Treasure 10 in total = 1500
form Weekly dungeon quest for 3 week include EA = 4500
form Weekly pact quest for 2 week = 3000
from First time Delve = 1100
form PVP quest = 300
Total = 36250 = renown 14.5
Still not include 10% buff from DMF, World Quest and Contact

just minus 1 set of weekly rare and 1 weekly dungeon quest if dont have early access
so it should be possible to reach renown 16 - 17


Um, the person you’re replying too were replying to someone who said they were sharing their account, and were giving information that they’re not supposed to be doing it, as stated within the EULA.

Please, do not jump to conclusions so fast when someone was giving some proper advice on something that should not of been doing.

  1. They didn’t ask.

  2. That’s not the reason they were banned so bringing it up is irrelevant, off topic and thus spam. The fact that you and the other victim blamers in this thread keep bring it up is just straight up trolling at this point and not appropriate.

  3. If you want to discuss people having multiple family members on the same account, feel free to start your own thread. This thread is about people who were suspended due to a renown bug they unwillingly experienced.

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  1. This forum is open to anyone who’s in good standing can post, you post something, someone will reply. They’re not going to agree with folks blindly.
  2. You’re not the account holder or Blizzard, you don’t know what someone was action for, please stop acting like you know every detail of someone’s account.
  3. Folks can reply to a thread as they see fit. It isn’t your job or right to tell others what they can or can’t reply to. You not liking what someone say doesn’t mean they’re in the wrong here.