Banned for Hacks/Cheating on half my mutliboxers?

I literally got home ready to enjoy a nice weekend of multiboxing, I’m using just openboxwow and MAMA the same addons as everybody else.

I’ve clearly been reported by people on mass who don’t know this is fully allowed ( round robin applications not keycasting )

Now I’ve had a ticket open for hours and cannot use live chat or contact anybody ? Is there any other way to get this ban investigated sooner so I can enjoy my weekend ? really frustrating just false reports can lead to me getting banned and some posts suggesting takes days to get a response.

To be clear, 3/5 of my accounts are not banned… I have not hit any system flags clearly just player reports on two accounts for some reason.

There is no software or hardware allowed now to assist in multiboxing. Hasn’t been allowed for some time now.


Mass reporting or one report - it doesn’t matter. Mass reporting does not sway a GM’s decision. The report is still investigated before action is taken.


Just looking at this, the main features state:

Instant swapping of windows; with keyboard hotkeys for fast switching to the next or any specific window.
Many additional options to switch which window your keys are going to:

Focus follow mouse: turns on/off the Windows™ accessibility feature so you just hover a window to make it receive keys
Focus next/previous/specific windows with hotkeys.
Optional Round robin: after you press configurable keys, focus switches to the next window automatically.


Even though the site states the program is Wow rules compliant - it very clearly is not.

You can not use anything that streamlines switching windows etc, which is exactly what that program does.


Unfortunately, there’s no way to speed this up. Appeals are taking a long time right now, over a week I believe.

It doesn’t really matter what the software does. Keycasting isn’t what’s banned. Any software that aids in multi boxing is banned. So it’s hard to say how blizzard views what you are using. Just gotta wait on the appeal.


They no longer allow the use of ANY software or hardware to streamline the multiboxing.

Anything that makes it easier than manually tabbing to each open instance is no longer allowed.



Auto key casting is only one aspect of automation yes - anything that auto focuses on multiple windows is also considered automation by Blizzard too.


The lack of understanding of what the software does. It is NO different then having 5 screens and changing your alt tab functionality to be on different key-stroke. This can be done locally / with 5 screens, the software gives NO advantage in any way shape or form. I manage all 5 characters independently.

Again… 2/5 banned not 5/5.

Yet, it states it right there as part of their main features - that I cut and pasted. It does not matter if you use that feature or not - Warden probably detected the program, which is likely what flagged your account/s for investigation.

Again, not yet.

This forum is not an avenue for you to debate the action. All you can do is appeal via ticket, and keep appealing until you are told no more appeals.


Oh but I do. This is a player help player forum and while I do not multibox, I’ve seen your same type of posts over and over and over - and seen the responses from Blizzard forum moderators stating the same things over and over too - which forms the basis of my replies to you.

They also include anything that is used to streamline switching between windows and have so for the past year or so.

But as I mentioned, this is not a place to debate the reasons why. No part of the forum is to be honest - discussing account penalties as actually against forum rules.

Your only recourse is to appeal.


Obviously your keyboard and mouse are fine. But your argument about the software you are using is ignoring the second half of the multiboxing rules now.

“Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.”

While your software may not be keycasting, it is streamlining multiboxing by allowing you to keybind how you tab between windows. That is streamlining the process and against the rules.


Because they’re probably under investigation and yet to be actioned.

Mass reporting is NOT a thing.

The only automation of the reporting system is when X number of reports for chat come in, and the account is temporarily squelched from chat, pending investigation by a GM who will either overturn the squelch - or apply a penalty (the account is then silenced for Y amount of time).

You do though. Like I said several times now - this isn’t a way to appeal. There are no GM’s here. You only recourse is to appeal and wait.

But I strongly feel this isn’t about key-casting and more about simply having that program running while you are playing.

It’s not just about auto key casting anymore.


Or they were actioned several minutes, or hours apart.

Since you weren’t home anyway to know exactly, but hey it’s convenient to claim automation of process and mass reporting - just like everyone else who comes here complaining of account action lately. Guess what, they’re also wrong too.

A forum mod, when they come on duty in a few hours, might be able to have a look and vaguely point things out (they’re not allowed to discuss specifics, that’s info that the cheaters want to avoid detection). Apart from that, good luck with your appeals.


Posting here will not speed up your appeal. You’ll have to wait on your ticket.

I think ticket times are around a week right now.


That most likely won’t happen. That’s what the appeals process does.

It really doesn’t matter of it’s a random report, or several, or flagging by Warden.


And if you look here in CS where the Blzz employees post most, you’ll see that there’s no such thing. People like to use it as an excuse for when they’re caught.

You say you have an appeal in. That’s all you can do.

But seeing that you admit to using software to streamline your multiboxing, I wouldn’t get your hopes up that it will be successful.



Doesn’t matter if it’s one report, or multiple reports against you. The number of reports does not sway the GM investigation.

Funny isn’t it, like they’re trying to deflect the fact that they’ve been caught. The irony is, they would have been caught sooner or later.

I also would not trust resources like discord groups to provide solid, accurate information. How many of those members in those groups are part of cheating groups?

They’re usually the ones who will belay any issues surrounding the multiboxing programs being against the rules the loudest (just like what’s stated on that programs website, claiming it’s 100% wow rules compliant. It’s a strong selling point, and I don’t think they care much about false claims or not).


lol. I needed a good laugh.

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Anything that helps streamline will get you banned!

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So do modern keyboards.

Both of which can get you in trouble if used in a way that breaches the rules.

I think it’ll be more a case of Blizzard confirming what we already have - just in Blue text instead of white or green.

They’re not going to have a private chat with you.

Odd thing to say considering you posted in a public forum and seems the only one here crying is you - trying your hardest to protest your innocence/ignorance (though, no excuse either).
