Renown Ban Wave?

There have been several bugs with the renown reputations, from achievements popping early (Council of Dornogal achievement unlocking early) to pact quests refusing to complete ("Forge a pact" quest bugged for some) unless you picked the same pact as the last reset for several hours until hotfixed.

The reason for the suspension/ban was exploitation of the renown mechanics. It truly is as simple as that.

Now the difficult part is if Blizz wants to draw the line in the sand for people who exploited the mechanics more than others. Intentionally or not. It is impossible for Blizz to know what anyone’s intentions were.

I and many others truly understand what the argument is from your end. But the facts at the moment are that there was a exploit. People used that exploit and were actioned. It doesn’t matter what our personal beliefs are about the details that surround those who were actioned.

We are just stating the facts. Now maybe blizz will change their mind for some people and draw that line. But even then it’s not going to make everyone happy. If the line is only 6 levels of renown gained is the safe level. Then anyone above that mark is going to complain that it should of been higher. If Blizz gives a higher number then people are going to complain that Blizz is catering to the top percentage of players.

I suspect with blizz leaving this line of communication open they are discussing this behind the scenes to see IF anything needs to be done further l. But just because that is a possibility doesn’t mean anyone should hope that the decision will be reversed. It just means they are looking into it

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So if it’s not possible to distinguish between the offender and the non-offender, is it fair for the punishment to be applied to everyone and for the “ban” mark to remain on the accounts of people who did not intentionally exploit a mistake made by the developer due to inadequate testing of a new game’s mechanic?

Four days of ban is indeed a small matter, but the mark that will remain on my account, for the first time, is permanent. Besides the days of dailies and the reduced week to do the things I enjoy doing weekly.


And there was no security mark. People with low renown (5, 6, and so on) were also targeted by the punishment.

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In my personal opinion. Yes, with the inability to discern between the intended versus unintended. The Exploit still happened.

I understand this isn’t the answer you were hoping for.


I’ve been following this thread for a while. While I’m not affected by it, I am of the belief that due to the difficulty in determining intent, Blizz should just eat the losses from their bug. Roll back any of the extra renown earned (assuming they can track that) and then call it done. Not everything has to end with a punishment and/or black mark on an account. I know the ToS allows them to punish for this but that doesn’t mean they should. There is always room for discretion. When it’s hard or impossible to tell the difference between parties that purposely exploited the bug and ones that innocently got caught up in it, you should always err on the side of the innocent.

Yes, that means that sometimes someone will get away with exploiting a bug but that is Ok in my opinion. In the grand scheme of things, this is still a game and shouldn’t be taken so seriously.


I see. So if 10 million were transferred to my account due to a banking system bug and I am unable to return it (because the game doesn’t allow me that option), should I be imprisoned immediately without the right to a trial?

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I’d report it through a ticket. Trial? especially no trial. This isn’t the Government. This is a privately ran service who keeps the right to cancel your account at any time for any reason or no reason.


There were people here who reported it and still received a ban.

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And if that is what they said, I would suspect that there is more to that story then.


And that’s exactly why we shouldn’t have long queues for appeals and why GMs should be more concerned with reviewing each case individually. After all, we pay monthly and for every Xpac for an entertainment service.

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Apeals take longer because its not always. Cut and dry they have to check and double check. Not to mention there of 10 of 1housands other ban apeals that are in the system longer that will be ahead of anyone here.


That’s not an excuse. There were no arguments in my appeal ticket regarding the cause and circumstances of the ban. They just said that their decision was final, and that was it.

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Well, for one, it’s a recently released expansion, so ticket times are going to be high. For two players will put in tickets for the most innocuous of things, from losing a loot role to on an item to a class they loathe to another player completely bulldozed them in a dual and now they’re going to report said player.

No, you simply pay for access to the servers nothing more.


Not a excuse the whole apoint of a apeal is to get the black maek removed otherwise punishment is doubled doesnt matter why you were actioned everyone ahead of you has priority becuse they were ahead of you.


No they didn’t. Quit spreading rumors as fact. Blizzard has already said, in this forum, that there was not a cut in customer service staff. The cuts that came from the Microsoft purchase weren’t in sutomer service, they were in mostly redundant upper level staff.

The appeal process hasn’t changed, they take as long as they take and they have never given detailed reasons. They look to see if the action should be upheld and gives a yes or no.


This isn’t recent. These are layoffs that have occurred year after year, drastically reducing the support team, and there has never been any replacement. Seriously? Since when have you been playing WoW? Customer service used to be personalized, there was an option for phone calls, and responses didn’t take more than 10 hours.

Alright, I think we wanted to leave this one open to give folks a place to talk about the actions that took place but it seems that it is becoming less productive and now has ventured into staffing levels.

While I don’t wish to get into details, as they aren’t mine to give… year after year? No, they really haven’t. The most recent layoff did not impact CS, the previous one in February did. We will have CS in place to address tickets and we’re getting everyone up to speed to hopefully help reduce wait times as best as we can.

That isn’t actually accurate. Yes, we had a phone option and yes, we used less templates than we do today but it certainly didn’t take less than 10 hours. It did sometimes, if you had an issue and you contacted us during one of the lull periods where queue times were low. However, if you happened to contact us when there was a patch, launch of an expansion or something happened that blew up the queues, response times were considerably higher. Days, sometimes weeks.