Remove titanforging

I’d be willing to meet Blizz half way on this and say sure keep WF/TF in but ffs get rid of gem sockets being rng. Just put that on gear to begin with. You don’t see enchant slots being locked behind rng, so why would you lock gems behind it?

What exactly are you talking about? I don’t get carried and I agree with what he’s saying. He could’ve put a lot more reasoning into his post as there’s plenty of reasons TF is toxic to the gearing system and the game, but I do agree with what he’s saying.


Humanity sells carries for gold.

Been silenced for advertising it.


Okay and? That devalues his opinion on TF how?


And this is a problem because…

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Because she wants to sell carries to others and is jealous players do not have to go through her for gear.

Nothing wrong with the odd chance that something titanforges. Complaining about it pretty much speaks for itself that they have alternative motives to control the best gear in game.

She also wants to get rid of LFR.

Now you gotta ask yourself…for what reasoning?.. Well… she only thinks of herself and what she gains if titanforging and LFR are gone. She actually thinks if she can get rid of those systems she can go back to controlling gear… and get more customers.

Good luck… Those days are done.


My guild sells carries though and none of us want TF removed because it would stop players from buying carries, that’s ridiculous. There’s many reasons why TF is bad for the game, this isn’t one of them. TF hardly affects carries.

As a matter of fact it’d probably do the opposite. If BiS gear is introduced again, the only way to get it would be through buying carries as opposed to spamming m+10 which is incredibly easy or just farming warfronts/WQs. This would incentivize more carries.

Regardless, TF does a lot to hurt the gearing system as stated earlier. Capping it would be a fine solution, removing it would be fine too. I think a cap would work better though as WQs would still offer incentive to casual or solo players. The fact we have tertiary stats and gems as RNG is already too much.

It happens so rarely, don’t bother saying that it invalidates all raids now.

Keep stretching.

I highly doubt they will ever get rid of it, but please be my guest and make your echo chamber / fight for it… and preach it like you know better than them.

Seems like some people don’t like it when cartoon armor is better than theirs…


Not true. It happens plenty.

If it happens so rarely it also doesn’t invalidate gold carries which was your whole argument?


Most peoples opinions seem to be that it simply exacerbates the issues that things like Darkshore rewards, inflated embassy rewards, and weekly cache rewards impact.

Conversely it seems like some people don’t like it when their cartoon armour is worse than someone who put in more effort.

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You putting extra effort to get the same tier gear is noones problem but your own.

Learn to play the game properly and become a WQ hero or a LFR hero. It is much, much easier.

Your competition among your OWN TEAM MATES or FACTION shows me what you are all about. You don’t care about what the team needs to do, you rather fight with them over who has the best shoes, then try to stop them from getting shoes like you.

Yawn… these are games for children.

In the end all your gear get replaced anyways, so i don’t see any logic in your crusade. My green in the next expansion will invalidate all your hard work of chasing the best current carrots. Have fun with that.

Reminds me they need to make a rabbit race for you guys.:carrot:



The game has had an amazing turn around since this man took the reins.


I want to thank you for that eye opener.

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What hogswash. “Learn to play the game properly”, the has always been designed around the acceptance that raiding is the endgame content, even today content cycles are developed around the current raid.

Saying “ignore one of the main parts of the game” is not playing it “properly”

Wait…what? Where did this garbage come from? I never said anything about competition within team mates or factions, you are just making up nonsense.

Yeah…that’s how it’s been since 2006… There is a content reset AT THE END OF THE EXPANSION
Surely you can realise how working towards something that progresses step by step for a 2 year period is more reasonable then having that progress reset every 3 months?


Your analogy ($20 reward instead of $2) was whack though. Titanforging doesn’t increase your ilvl by 10x.

Secondly, why would you feel cheapened if you got exactly what you were promised? That’s insane. No, you don’t feel cheapened because you had gotten a TF proc before but did not get it this time, but rather because you read your chatbox, see that another player in your LFR raid had gotten TF, and you hate it.

People are like that. They would rather remove the potential for themselves to have fun, than to experience the possibility of themselves having to envy another for that fun. People are just salty, bitter, or whatever you call it.

This may be a hard concept to grasp but I’d suggest that you take care of yourself and what you have. Leave others to their happiness or misery. I think the world might be a better place if everyone had more empathy.



I think the conversation could be far more progressive if people realized that it doesn’t have much to do with what other people get. It’s more about you can do hard content and get loot and then do something trivial and get the same ilvl drop. For me and many others, it doesn’t feel good at all.

It creates a “why bother” mentality. Getting higher ilvl loot should come from you improving yourself as a player. Not winning the lottery.


Damn bro! I didn’t realise you stalked me and watched my screen while I play!
Just because it “plays into your fantasy” doesn’t make it true. I neither look at my guildies drops during our guild runs, nor check others drops in the 3? Times I’ve done LFR runs. So your comment is complete fallacy.

…sigh obviously you aren’t realising the concept instead just focusing on specific numbers.
You can change the value however you like, the point is that the reward is substantially more than your expected reward.
If you fail to see how getting a pair of 410+ pants devalues all lesser pants rewards well…I’m not sure I can help you there.

Increased rewards devalue the standard awards, regardless of whether that is RNG through WF/TF/sockets or if it’s through time-gated increased rewards schemes.

Yes, and I speak my mind because it affects MY gameplay experience. Again, none of this has anything to do with “oh but this guy got this reward” it’s bull, stop bringing it up.

You know, I think the same thing, and truth to tell I’m generally someone who is considered to be highly empathic.
Empathy however is not necessarily agreeing that people should receive above average rewards for no meaningful reason except to encourage players repeat the same content with no meaningful progression.

Empathy is understanding some people need help and trying to assist them, not fobbing them off and giving them handouts hoping they stay quiet.

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No, you can still get better loot by running Mythic if you so choose. You can’t win the lottery and get a Mythic raider overall item level.

Heck, I would like to see one person that doesn’t raid and do M+ that is close to my Heroic raider on item level.

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Yes you can. That was debunked a while ago in a different thread.