Account Silenced ( Again )

My account was silenced on sunday due to “abusive chat” I had submitted a ticket which was answered the next morning by the time my silenced would have ended anyways. The game master’s email said it was over turned and it was the wrong action taken.

I had no idea why I would be silenced for abusive chat. I thought maybe it was cuz I told one tank in a mythic plus that they were a not so good player.

Anyways Since this silence I have not even said a single bad word in any chat and just now I got silenced again for same reason. and now my ticket wont be answered for 16 hours which basically means I can not play the game for a whole another day again.

This is outragous. I have been subbed since before wotlk pre patch came out atleast as far as I remember, maybe even before that but I was too young to remember.

This is no way to treat a paying loyal customer like this. Your algorithim just auto bans anyone that gets reported my enough player they will get auto sielnced / banned unjusticly

Silences are issued by a human being.
Humans can make mistakes, which is why we have the appeal system.

The only automated thing is a squelch if you are reported enough times in so much time. (Which is then reviewed by a GM and either removed or upgraded to a silence.)


Sorry, no. This doesn’t happen. If you received an email to go along with the action, it was manually applied by the reviewing GM. Only squelches are automatic, and those are for spam.

Being a paying customer doesn’t give you any right to skirt the rules imposed on us as players, fortunately. But you’ve appealed before, so you know how the process works. Posting on the forums will not help you.


Just to touch on this, a “bad word” (as in vulgar) is not the only way you can be abusive.

However, all you can do is appeal. You know how.


One of the more important things that happens if you appeal and Blizzard agrees the action was not correct is that it comes off the record and you are not further along in the penalty multiplier. (Reviewed and upheld silences double in length with each violation.)


No, it means you can’t use in-game chat for a while. You’re more than welcome to continue playing, albeit quietly.


I apologize for the confusion, Humanity, you weren’t hit for abusive chat, you were hit for spam. It seems the messaging may be a little misleading if that is what it said.

It would seem that the advertisement you are participating in for carries is not being well received.


Every guild and every Mythic plus carry group sells carry. I wasnt aware advertising for a bit for sell runs for ingame gold in trade chat is against the rules.

I was under the impression the 2 msg limit is in place to keep people from spamming already. And many people advertise for same things so Why am I being targetted and why was I not warned about this in the email from GM from my last silence?

While we have to put up with level one priests spamming all day every day non stop for real money / USD


Advertising isn’t against the rules. Spamming is. If you think your other examples are spamming the report them and they will be reviewed for spam violations too.


there is no x amount of messages per x time that is 100% ok. what is or isn’t spam is subjective, and it is somewhat left up to your realm mates - if you are consistently being reported for spam, even if GM’s at first overturn, eventually they are going to respect the opinion of the others on your realm and uphold a silence for it.

I suggest you evaluate how you’re advertising and make it less spammy.


Sending a message more than once every five minutes is generally considered spam. The hardcoded system cap is not in place to limit the potential for you spamming, and it’s generally left up to the rest of your realm what they want or don’t want to see. Send messages less frequently, receive less spam reports.

The email itself is a template, I believe. But applying the action is manual, as we’ve stated.

If you are not reporting them for spam, you don’t really have anyone else to blame. These characters are almost always on stolen accounts that are regularly cycled through in an effort to cheat Blizzard’s systems. Always keep reporting or else nothing may happen.


You wouldn’t actually know how many of the people advertising get reported and receive an account action. There may be no targeting at all, as reporting can be done without even paying attention to the player’s name.

Somehow I suspect that’s hyperbole, but the answer is simple - report each one when you see them. Those accounts actually tend to get locked down much harder than a silence removed on appeal.


If they had warned me correctly the first time around in that case I would have known to tone back on my advertising.

This is un fair. I cant do anything in game. I cant msg or reply to my b tag friends. I cant link people my achievemtns to get into groups in LFD.

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Are you able to use guild chat for conversation?
It’s not affected by a silence according to this support article.


Im able to use guild chat and party chat only. I can’t even msg my own B tag or real ID friends. and I can’t reply to someone whose group Im sighning up for in LFD.

Which is really unfair punishment for spamming trade chat. Which If I was warned correctly first time and knew that it was the problem I would have corrected it.

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Warned by who? Your realm mates are the ones who reported your spam. The spam squelch has been in place for many years now. It’s not something new, it’s just the first time you’ve experienced it. So really, this is sort of like a warning. Now you know the consequences.

If you’d like to see a change to the system, you’ll want to post constructively in the General forums or use the in-game suggestion feature.


What I mean is the email said abusive language instead of spam. So i had no idea i was silenced for spam. Also the GM didnt mention anything about why I was silenced besides the fact that wrong action was taken.

I was under the inmpression I was silenced due to abusing some one maybe using a bad word. Not for spamming trade chat. Which if I had known from first silence I would have known to not do it anymore.

Which, as Vrak pointed out if it did indeed say abusive language, is a possible bug and should be reported as such.

They are not going to. Mistaken action or not, there are a great number of players with nefarious intentions that would love to get this information by any means necessary so that they can start digging loopholes in Blizzard’s policies.


Quite an effective punishment isn’t it? When I was recruiting I had each of my officers create a macro. Each time we hit a main city, we hit it. If we were there for more than about 5 minutes, we hit it again. The realm gets to determine what is too much and what isn’t. Obviously they felt you were doing it too much.

Appeal it, you obviously know how. If it is upheld, the next penalty will be 48 hours. If it is overturned, you are back to square one and clean.

And the I can’t play the game stuff does not fly. You are in no way impeded from hitting mobs. It is not like you need to walk up to them and tell them what you are going to do.


If you poll ten people about when they consider it to be spam, you’ll get ten different answers.

I don’t care to see run sales being advertised in general chat (I have trade turned off for a reason) so I report it as spam.