Remove the level cap

The numbers have been presented, many times. Yet they get handwaved as “not good enough,” despite zero numbers from Blizz.

When given an actual option, players are overwhelmingly in favour of RDF. There’s a reason they waited until the last minute to tell us about this SoM-style bastardization of WotLK.


I’m sorry? Were you just not here for the last half of Classic and the first half of TBC? Dungeon boost services completely DOMINATED most realms. After the launch rush was over, and everyone had their main up to max, most people chose to buy dungeon boosts as oppose to level legit. Why? Because they get to sit back and watch Netflix while they’re gaining an insane amount of exp per hour from getting carried.

And since punishment for RMT was/is a complete joke and it’s practically a slap on the wrist, RMT was a huge. Most value their time over their money. So for a lot of people who did RMT, it was worth it for them to RMT and then just buy boosts, as it saved them days… if not WEEKS of actually having to level themselves. The open world was dead and unless you were on 1 of the like 7 big servers, you probably spent at least 30 mins throwing any sort of dungeon group together while other people in your level bracket choose to sit afk at the portal, even having a weak aura so they can auto follow their booster in and out of the dungeon without even needing to be at their computer.

The only way I can see removing level cap to be helpful is because it means most people would consider leveling alts meaning more people to form groups with, keeping CURRENT content alive.

I’ve seeen the ads on my whitemane horde. 70 to 80 has a few adds up. tbcc always had SP, even after anti boost code in tbcc when current. The +5 limit is gamed.

only way to fix this…classic can’t do.

xp turned off no xp for all. Put in for bfa when 115 twinking was a thing.

it can do this since it has RDF/LFD. that will even put off no xp folk into their own qeueue that I recall. Classic lfg having 4 people find out they got a twink who jsut killed all the xp would not go over well. hell even the current +5 rule is “loved”. that at least has a sign its coming. +7 tank is not getting taken in since +7.

so even in bfa once in place 115 twink carries fell off quick.

but even then…retail tanked xp on the mobs anyway. Retail doesn’t have kill X mobs for 15 minutes set ups.

You run if for the final boss clear xp. why you see speed runs. Ain’t no need to kill an extra 30 mobs beyond noob tank practicing maybe. In the case of some legion/bfa dungeons even bosses are skipped . Not worth the time or aggravation.

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Yes I was around for classic and tbc . I don’t see why it matters how somebody plays if anything this gets more players to maxed lvl, more people to raid with. I see some servers struggle to find certain classes cause nobody is really out there leveling. or the fact it takes 20 mins to find a bg.


I have nothing to say about why it matters or not, I’m simply pointing out it will not do ANYTHING to keep the old world alive. If anything, it’ll kill what’s left remaining.

yea theyve done everything in their power to ensure the death of all old content and the lack of new players coming into the game or vets making alts. This version of the game is really horrible minus the raiding and heroics, and even heroics are in a bad spot with no RDF to make them all fully active at all times. The design choices are absolutely baffling unless you believe that they did it all on purpose to push us to go play dragonflight instead(which could very well be possible)


I think it’s just laziness and incompetence. They don’t have a plan. They don’t have a goal. They’re putting the least possible amount of work into Wrath, not even caring enough to get authentic systems to work.

It’s amazing how little respect they have for what was the pinnacle of the game, at least sub-wise. It really seems like they actually have disdain and resentment for the old game.


I feel bad for anybody who bought a boost then want to play a new class to try out , but have nobody to level with. Or people who are maxed level can only quest . Or being excluded out of group cause they would take xp from others , it’s bad design . Doesn’t feel like a multiplayer game. I never paid people to boost me but I always had guildies and friend to help along the way which made the experience so much better.


I have yet to see any numbers. Perhaps I missed it (along with others). Care to share the link to Blizzard’s actual numbers so I can review it?

The amount of people who play wrath is estimated to be 15 - 20% of players playing dragon flight. It does not make financial sense to put more than 10% of your developers and staff into fixes, maintenance, and other things.

Boosting deleted the game under max level. Why do anything other than use gold and boost to max? The old world is more alive without boosting.

However if they had a feature where you could scale down you character just to do dungeons with your friend temporarily that would be workable.

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I ain’t gonna keep argue with people who defend blizzard I said my point . My sub ends in a couple days, nothing else to do in this game :man_shrugging:.

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Private servers do a far greater job policing their game and banning bots. There’s a difference between allocating too many resources and completely ignoring a problem.

The state of Classic is completely unacceptable. But the expectations for this company are so low, people actually put up with this nonsense. And Blizz knows it. And so there’s no reason for them to fix anything or address the horrible bot problem. Anyone still playing is obviously not going to quit over it.


Instead we got gdkp, for gear and gold…but leveling is bad…lol.


scared to answer the rest of his comment or what? he beat you that easily huh?

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Old world was dead. JJ may have brought a few back (for a month) but most probably leveling 70s.

Leveling bad, gdkp for gear and gold (sellers love that) just fine.

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Weak point, plenty of other features already in, that came in later patches. Sorry cherry picking is bad…lol

Might as well be, judging by the effort and communication we get from the devs.

If you think this game is about leveling, you might wanna try something different. Maybe Animal Crossing?

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Oh, you’re quitting? Nice, nvm then. Good luck on animal crossing :slight_smile:

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