Remove the level cap

Where is the “data” showing…anything? All hidden, and you know why.

They said “enough people”, if it was the majority…pretty sure they would have said that…don’t you?

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That’s funny cause the game is about lvling :joy: and no I’m not gonna play animal crossing. Wow Karen’s are so funny


Everyone around here claims they have the data, or they have the majority, etc. I have only to go on if Blizzard said they were not going to implement based on feedback, then that was the majority. It is everyone else’s job to provide data to the contrary, not me.

What really is there to answer.
He is clearly personally attacking me using feelings not facts and can’t provide any data numbers. When people are mad at a game or a forum, they need to seek help.

Truth of the matter is Blizz found a way to monetize boosting.

They don’t want competition.

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Basically. some even 2+ account it to get 2+ 70 boosts.

So…sub money too lol.

Personnally I never saw the issue here.

Omg, they are charging 50g for SP runs.

many were offering ffa loot in the ad. Not a bad deal that.

Tanks were charging 50g and going this is mine, that is mine, oh and that one too.

50+ plus loot sales for more money? Boosters were actually nicer in tbcc at times sadly.

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yes, it’s nice to be able to run old content with friends on your main, but we all know what would immediately happen. boosters. the only genuinely good thing dungeon boosts did for the game as a whole, is the RMT boys were sat in mara/strat all day which left herbs/ores obtainable without fighting a literal horde of mindless 1 ability, keyboard turning bots.

other than that, no good to the game as a whole. as in, good for you if you bought a boost from a mage/pally. i did that once too :+1: otherwise it was clogged LFG/trade channels with the same copy/paste over and over fighting to be the newest msg in whatever chat, and allow other bots to be leveled up faster. they were convenient as hell, the boosts were amazing for the 10 levels i bought them, but overall they hurt the game.


What are you basing this on? Bots are always running.

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anecdotal evidence, at least on whitemane which arguably had one of the worst bot problems in classic vanilla given the fact that it was a “mega server”. once dungeon boosting became the premier gold making strategy, farming your own herbs/ores for prof leveling was exponentially easier. once they nerfed it? the bots returned back into the world doing their same little paths all around every higher level zone.

Bots can just make a dk ? And skip the whole lvling experience. They didn’t really stop anything .and they have there in game boost too.

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“Enough” dosen’t sound like a majority (or that would have been stated, I am sure). And the “data” is hidden, not many reasons to hide it…unless there is something to hide.

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Hard disagree. LFG chat, trade, general were just non stop boosting spam.

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Well I mean, if you want to connect dots that are not there, by all means. Not everything is a conspiracy.

me replying to this post just so i can claim my character on logs

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Sorry, but that just seems like a conspiracy theory to me. I think the number of people who would be willing to pay for a bunch of subscriptions just so they can buy multiple characters is far lower than the number of people who would buy multiple characters on a single account.

Either way, paying for a bunch of subscriptions on top of buying characters is clearly not the path of least resistance if there wasn’t a boost limit… Your explanation is simply more complicated and less likely.

That’s where we agree.

If you think I’m a white knight for Blizzard, you have absolutely no concept or clue of who I am… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t need to know you, I can only judge you by your own words, so when you say things that inherently defend Blizzard’s practices (in this case, no matter how unlikely you find it), it sounds like shilling. Fact of the matter is, it’s more money to them THIS way, than allow multiple character boosts per account. Proof is in the pudding, and neither of us have access to the pudding (that they’ve been hiding and lying about for years btw).

Ah yes, please enlighten me on how the fixed-salary software engineers and gameplay designers in the weeds of a gigantic billion-dollar games corporation care about how much their corporate shareholders are making… :rofl:

It wasn’t a game design decision by the devs.

Lmao, enlighten me more on how devs are virtous people that…

No, they are just your regular prick that do not give 2 ucks, they just take the salary, and do as they are told like lil itches, specially big company devs. They only care about their pay… and guess what, making more money for their bosses is a great way to get promoted and win more!!

Literally uck off if you have no idea what you are talking about.

i think ulduar would lose a lot of it’s challenge if i grinded to level 100

Haha. Enjoy your vacation from the forums. Also, you couldn’t be wronger. :rofl: