Remove the level cap

This kind of anger does not look good on you. Is it nice outside? If so, I suggest you go out and stretch your legs and breath.

Now you associate words with feelings. Do you even have a clue?

I’m saying that it did solve a specific area of said botting and gold selling.

I know, now they’ve all moved to level 55-60 dk’s. Isn’t it wonderful how great they are at addressing problems?
Gold selling is still rampant, notice GDKPs? I do, every single day, wonder where they got these hundreds of thousands of gold to spend, and blizzard can see every penny and do nothing. Hmmmmmmm


You do seem angry. I think they do have anger management classes you can take or maybe some additional medications (or less). See a doctor or a therapist. There are also clinics available and even free help to those who can’t afford it. Let me know if you need a referral.

Now I need a therapist because you haven’t a single clue how to have a debate/conversation with a person without resorting to personal attacks after repeatedly NOT READING A SINGLE WORD SAID? Cute. Take your own advice.

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You are mistaken. I didn’t personally attack you, but this is why I suggest you seek help or go outside and breath.

The difference is gdkps aren’t as crazy now as you can realistically make a lot of gold with ease in this expansion. I have seen a lot less bots personally since the change.

Got me there…

Those are not attacks. They are observations. You appear to be angry and thus I was giving you some thoughts on how you could keep that in check.

You should probably learn the difference between an observation and a personal attack.

Well, I guess since you haven’t seen them, they don’t exist.

Cool, what about all the people that had hundreds of thousands of gold coming into wrath, paid for BiS gear in GDKPs to begin with? They don’t exist either, right? Because you can’t see their inventory? This mentality isn’t helpful. I wish people would just admit that gold selling and botting is still rampant instead of making up excuses. (I didn’t hear that tree fall in the woods, so clearly it didn’t fall)

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You think it’s an observation to tell someone that they need more or less medication, or to get a therapist because they wrote facts about a video game on a forum? Gotcha, I’m gonna go ahead and ignore you now, hopefully you’re dealt with.

It still is but it’s a lot less rampant than it was when boosts were popping. And yes I have seen level 60 dks fishing. But you know I used to see a lot of mages filling up looking for group and trade chat with boosts. I see a lot LESS bots than before. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that people have to learn their class do some quests to ensure less botting. we are on the same server I’m sure you’ve seen about as many bots as me. (Not that many)

I been seeing bots in battlegrounds and at the sholzar basin. People been talking about bots all over the channel

To be fair, you should check out some vids or this stuff, it’s more rampant than you think, even if our server isn’t overloaded, it’s bad. It’s almost as if GDKPs ARE the mainstream raid. It’s disgusting. I refuse to participate, but more than that, before gold buying was so rampant they didn’t even bother me. Someone wanted to make a GDKP with “normal” gold, who cares, people have extra gold to burn, whatever. When it’s clearly more gold than anyone could possibly gather over ALL of TBC, I call bs and it needed to be dealt with, and in my humble opinion, blizzard failed.

For example, when I saw that the first Thoridal went to a warrior for over 1 million gold, if it was up to me, that gold should’ve been seized and that person’s account looked into as to where it came from, ya know?


I agree I don’t like it either.

I hope that you aren’t asking for that absolute fetid pile of crap that is known as scaling.


That’s where you’re wrong… that feature was only introduced with the ICC patch, it was not in the game at this point back in the days.

Are we not on “The ICC” patch?

Last time I checked we were, with every other feature that came with it available.


Edit: I want to be clear, this thing you quoted has nothing to do with RDF, but…since you brought it up…


We are, but because they can’t kill the Lich King they nO undeRstanD.