Remove the level cap

Could you remove the level cap? No point in having it in the game . I want to help my bf level, and I wouldn’t mind helping others run a dungeon. You removed something that has always been part of the game , and instead give us this in game paid boost for one character? It would also keep the old world alive


won’t that cause boosting to return?


Yea, and there was never anything wrong with it.


what about the spirit of fighting mobs of your own level and difficulty? what happened to honor, dignity, integrity, sportsmanship.

what kind of weakness is this?


It’s there if you want it.

That’s the fun part about choices. You can choose how you play, I won’t force one way or another on you.


but why would you choose to play like a loser? i don’t understand why you’d shame yourself like that on purpose? it is baffling to me.


Off the top of my head I can think of plenty of reasons.

-My wife is hard stuck at 49, I would love to show her how to conduct herself in dungeons, while keeping it relevant, getting her leveled a bit more, and enjoying our time together.

-Old content is dead. It’s okay. Revive it.

-A source of income for bored players that in turn helps out the community. (Pro tip, you can do it for free and for fun)

-Saves others time when they want to reroll.

-Because RDF isn’t in the game, and groups are sparce, questing for 70 levels gets boring.

-RMT got you worried? That’s why we got rid of it. Ban GDKP’s (please don’t, it’s how I make money) and I’ll take that seriously.

Edit: I started playing in Wrath because of Recruit-A-Friend. Guess what my fondest memory was starting out?

Watching a Paladin (Coworker) get chased by Defias running room to room while getting 3x EXP in Stockades.

I can’t not see it. My journey started there. It’s been glorious.


Biggest reason: Ret Paladins that no longer have a raid spot can still be useful and press consecrate in old world dungeons for the rerolling Ret Paladins.



Removing the leveling aspect of the game isn’t “helping” him level. It’s just leveling for him. And that’s specifically something the devs don’t want to happen in Classic.

An entire economy around dungeon carries never existed in Wrath. People ran lowbies through dungeons for gear most commonly, and a small number of people were aware of and participated in dungeon carries for leveling, but it did not exist in the game then like it does today.

That’s clearly not a gameplay decision. I’d point the finger at Activision Blizzard’s higher corporate suits for that one, not the WoW team. Trust me when I say that (outside of job security) the actual devs couldn’t possibly care less about how much money the company’s corporate shareholders are raking in.

Quite the opposite. People seem quite determined to have alts leveled up to cap. It’s just a matter of the path they take. And in today’s day and age, people tend to go for the path of least resistance. I don’t know how you think that reducing the leveling process down to sitting AFK at an instance portal somehow keeps the old world “alive”… :rofl:


Boosting aint coming back sorry.


Lol, that went out with wokism

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How exactly does being capped at 80 stop you from helping someone in lower levels? You think being higher than 80 would make any difference when you already 1 hit kill mobs?

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Because of the targets being grey to you gives no xp to somebody lower In your party. Who wants get to lvl 1-80 by themselves , and what 80 wants to follow somebody doing all the quest. Once jj is gone nobody will be lvling.


Incorrect, devs dont care, they just want to sell paid boosts or more monthly sub money (more time leveling). Very same reason bots auto level 24/7 and they dont stop em.


it killed the game for new players that did not have a freind to level them.

This ended up killing classic vanilla.

You think you do but actually you really don’t coz this would kill the game faster then Raid finder.

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Boosting is still here.

Fastest way to level 68-80.


How would raid finder ruin the game?

So? It’s always been in the game… The only reason they removed the ability to boost people is to sell their own.


Your reading comprehension skills are unparalleled.


okay. in that case I vote against this suggestion. Terrible idea. you should be ashamed.