Reckoning bug (nothing to do with reck-bombing or sitting)

On the SoM beta there was a bug where, even if two players stand in the same position and swing at each other, some reckoning swings would not be granted. Even if there weren’t any parries, dodges, misses or blocks. Even if there is no sitting.
You can see this happen with the second crit in this video:
You can see that the first time I get crit, reckoning works, but the second time it does not.

I did report this, but I have no confirmation of whether it was fixed, and while I want to spec into reckoning, I don’t want to respec unless I know its fixed.
Does anyone know if this is the case in SoM?

update: just logged into the beta and tried this again. the problem is definitely still there. 5/5 talent points were spent on reckoning.

You need to realise they are nerfing everything paladins have

They dont want spelladin to work and doesn’t want the best 2 lifedrains (CA and neretzek) scaling, when all other 6 scale? Coincidence?.. Its ok. I don’t mind. I understand. It was nerfed in 1.9. No big deal. So it’s ok. I don’t mind.

They nerfs reckoning with blessing of sacrifice? Ok. Its ok I don’t mind.

They nerfs hand of justice and spam sit macro. Its ok friend. I don’t mind.

They wont do like my brother suggests and help make an add-on or option like how they did autodismount but instead they auto turn off attack for us after we hit? Ok… fine. I’ll lose the extra Hit on my next swing and it will reset my attack if I don’t turn off auto attack. Ok. I’ll do it for Blizzard. I will attack turn off auto. Attack turn off auto repeat. So I don’t lose a swing. It’s ok… I kind of mind because it will make the game less painful on my wrists but it’s ok… I dont mind.

You can see how we don’t gain an extra hit like private servers and the only way to be like private servers is to do what My brother suggested. Have an option to let us turn auto attack off every melee and we only attack in melee range.
But it’s ok… I dont mind.



And they give elemental shamans their double crit (Not spell batching but still, they are biased and help other classes more)

I have been posting thesame post since 2020 and I’m tired of it. Let someone else do it.

And that’s not even all of the problems.

The sit speed is slower compared to the original 2006 so you cant sit quicker to get more sit to sit crits in 400ms like in 2006. Multiple videos show that sit speed is faster. So I do mind THAT SECOND ONE TOO.

There’s 3 major bugs now for reckoning that affect reckoning

And now this 3rd one you linked was the last straw. I’m tired.

Even with all of this proof showing you can gain procs easily they make it impossible. Wow.
I never imagined in all my life blizzard would TRIPLE NERF A RET PALADINS BIGGEST TALENT.
Biggest most important spell. Without this working we are nothing. No one wants to go FULL RET. ITS BETTER FOR PVE BUT STILL SUCKS ITS FOR PVE we have nothing going for us. In PvP ret sucks and is boring.
This guy even admits full ret sucks

They nerfed it like 10 times

All evidence of sit batch proc that proves it is meant to be working when you sit to sit easily

(Sitzen = sit)

Reckoning is meant to be 400ms
Reckoning is not meant to be 10ms

I already have normal latency at 2ms or more. Means 8ms to sit stand sit? It takes 8 milliseconds to press a button!
Look how fast 10ms is. Blizzard… come on.
There’s no time to do it. Look

Someone made an add-on called autositcrit to screw with the ms latency proccing? Is that why? Well then make it so the add-on gets punished. Block the add-on then! Not the spell.

2006 was 400ms. They should make all highly beneficial spells that benefit from batching work like they did in 2006. Maybe not 100% of all the spells in the game but they should make certain beneficial ones work with their own batching. That was problem number one.

YOUR PROBLEM. Which was the last straw.
You didn’t get a second reckoning from the 326 crit because the game hates ret paladins. That’s IT that’s the rule. You just can’t. Ok?

My brother tells me not to give up but I dont see a point anymore. Too many paladin bugs.

So I decided to quit. I’m just gonna spend time with my family. Life is too short to waste years and months petitioning for nothing don’t bother yourself.

Even Esfand quit because of this
And if Esfand quits I got less of a reason to play.
I found 3 darn videos of him hinting it out.

Thanks for making Esfand quit
My brother doesn’t know but I won’t tell him or he will be heartbroken his favourite streamer is gone.
It’s his dream to play with this guy
3 accounts and I quit. Cant take it. Later.
I got blood circulation leg numbness problems and carpal tunnel from all that turn off attack turn on attack turn on attack turn off turn on turn off turn on turn up turn down turn diagonal turn upside down and I dont have time for this anymore.

If you had just left it like this at the beta it would of been perfect!!! Then you ruined it blizzard

The beta was 2006 original version… It was perfect
I can put up with alot of stuff but this is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I hope alot of paladins read this and quit. Do yourself a favour and delete your game or don’t play vanilla paladin.

If they wanted it to be nerfed they should of done it earlier. You can’t change it in the last classic 1.13.7 patch and let us use it like it was fine all those years before when it was released in 2019. I’m sorry but I think they are wrong. I’ll only ever return if they change it back for reckoning. I Think 10ms batching should remain for other spells like crowd controls. It’s because getting two shadowbolts in one charm is far more overpowered than stacking reckoning bomb from an npc. We have shamans double critting 2k for 4k. And we have to stack from an npc to hit 4k.

Why don’t they do this

I do not mind if they make it so you can’t gain stacks from sitting, but it should at least consistently grant an extra swing if the person is in melee range.

You should mind. Because it’s meant to work with 400ms and fast sits. 10ms is a made up ms and a lie to reckonings true batching videos. When I watch those videos I want to play like they do. There was no massive posts crying about it. And that’s how it worked. The rule is unless there are massive wall of text threads about something. Like when people constantly complained about diamond flask outhealing healers on loatheb with 500 posts. THAT MADE SENSE. It demands a change when you complain so bad. You cant just change what you want when there’s barely any threads about it.

If they wanted it to be nerfed they should of done it earlier. You can’t change it in tthe last classic 1.13.7 patch and let us use it like it was fine all those years before when it was released in 2019. I’m sorry but I think they are wrong. I’ll only ever return if they change it back for reckoning. I Think 10ms batching should remain for other spells like crowd controls. It’s because getting two shadowbolts in one charm is far more overpowered than stacking reckoning bomb from an npc. We have shamans double critting 2k for 4k. And we have to stack from an npc to hit 4k.

Don’t bother fellow paladin. I quit. I wasted like thousands of years researching thousands of things for paladins. I’d stay up all night dreaming of this moment. Only for it to be nerfed away without reason. I PLAY the game for reckoning PvP. Ever since I watched reckoning videos I got hyped up

Nerf nerf nerf and here’s ANOTHER NERF on an already bad class that you did not have in 2006. Oh and guess what? Here’s another NERF. NO WAIT have some more dimes and nerfs

Here paladin! Have SOME MORE NERFS.

Lol you paladin fanboys are insane… paladins suck… just cause you watched some video from 2006 of some guy owning low level noobs does not mean blizzard should modify spells to fit your crazy fantasies

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No. It was never about ME.

Do you have any darn idea how long it took me to search and find all those videos?? Like months. It showed I cared.

I put blizzard first.
I put in the effort to improve the game. I didn’t care about ME. I put my health last I stayed up all night finding bugs.

It was about them modifying it to fit 2006 BLIZZLIKE Like in these 2006 videos. But they didn’t…

(Sitzen = sit)

And only change it if 1000 people COMPLAINED with 1000 posts in one thread about wanting it gone.

Do you have any damn idea how many posts it took diamond flask to be gone???
Not one big thread for reckoning and it’s nerfed.
I heard NOTHING about it. Because I made all of THEM. The Threads about it. I read them.

They just nerfed a godly talent to become trash.
No one is going to play a trash fake version.

ignore the giant post with a million youtube videos. this thread isn’t about being able to do sick reckbombs like in some videos, its about the talent literally not working properly. see my original post. please don’t derail.

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Well that was my point. The new bug you found is proving a point that there’s too many problems for reckoning that it’s a dead spec and now a third major reckoning bug? So your bug you found was the end of the line for me. Don’t blame yourselfanyway fellow paladin.

You ret haters have never truly suffered. You don’t know real torture and hardship. Playing 17 years as a paladin. I have played nothing else…
Way to destroy the fun for me with 10ms.
Your stupid 10ms is an unauthorized nerf with no validation or reasoning to nerf reckoning.
I see reasons to nerf other spells (like charm) but there is NOTHING suggesting You can stealth NERF anything without good REASONING.

Since when was it ok to nerf things without reason?

Oh. Lets just leave these spells and hush about it. Let’s make a 400ms to 10ms change and lets be quiet about all spells and hope no one noticed. Lets just imagine all changes are permanent because we decide to change it to 10ms. NO! Look at all the spells affected and determine if some merit being changed… why allow seal twists which worked 400ms in original wow to work and not others? Wow. See my point?

Reckoning was never that overpowered. You needed to run all the way and find a damn mob… and use up 5 minutes of mob finding and 1 minute of sitting and horde hunting to engage. And 6 minutes is a long time to spend on 1 person in world PvP when you could of killed 5 people in 6 minutes.

The only difference is reckoning is fun and ret isn’t. Ret is all about boring Seal proc chances.
Reckoning is a guaranteed seal and was fun seeing someone go down and they would still survive.

R.I.P Reckoning 2004-2021

Is this guy for real? Oh how he’s suffered lol! Get out of here crazy!

Edit: Xzeon you should apologize to OP for highjacking their thread.

Leave me alone you bully. Paladins were the reason why I played this game and was the only class I played all my life and I’d rather quit than be a heal slave like your friends said in another thread to me and my bro.

I never wanted paladins to be buffed.


I am against big changes THAT ARENT TRUE TO THE BLIZZLIKE 2006 GAME. Yeah… I yelled that because I know you were probably going to highlight the “I am against big changes yet Xzeon is asking for them…” wow… no clue.
I said I am against changes that “Arent true to 2006” Yeah. See that? I wanted paladins to just work the way they did in 2006. If your new spell batching is still spell batching that uses ms WHICH IT DOES. THEN just base the new 400ms off the old 400ms. Logically base the new system off the old system on some spells and not all that are broken. Just dont tell me that you can’t set reckoning or any spell to have their own batching. And reckoning 4 charges isnt broken. Whats broken is an infinite or 1816 charge. Anyhow I don’t want anything to do with your ‘buff anything that isnt a paladin’ but ‘nerf anything that breathes paladin’ biased game anymore so stop talking to me Heraclius.
No one listens to paladin bugs. Same topic for paladin bugs still hasn’t been fixed since early 2020. Its not like I dont have evidence. I have all these videos I spend damn months finding and hard researching and showing the way it’s working currently is opposite to how it worked 2006 (gankadin and mourtagh etc) and the several videos showing the insane sit speed that means faster movements between the ms. And now we have Sdkjlfhsdkjf’s problem.

If they wanted it to be nerfed they should of done it earlier. You can’t change it in tthe last classic 1.13.7 patch and let us use it like it was fine all those years before when it was released in 2019. I’m sorry but I think they are wrong. I’ll only ever return if its changed back for reckoning. I Think 10ms batching should remain for other spells like crowd controls. It’s because getting two shadowbolts in one charm is far more overpowered than stacking reckoning bomb from an npc. We have shamans double critting 2k for 4k. And we have to stack from an npc to hit 4k.