Since SoM is opting for changes to Diamond Flask does this mean we get changes to Neretzek the Blood Drinker?

Since Season of Mastery has nerfed Diamond Flask and turned it from a 100% to a 0% healing coefficient, does this mean slight changes work in reverse? Since we are now getting small changes?

Does this mean we will eventually get Neretzek the Blood Drinker to scale at 100%? Because it did scale in patch 1.9?
Neretzek scales at 0%

VS Shadowstrike scales at 100%
Scales at 100% Scales just like demonfork with the ticks scales at 100% scales at 100%
Scales just like wow Alakazham says according to tick coefficients. A total of 50%

And items like Shadowstrike, wraith scythe, ancient hakkari, skullflame shield, demon forged breastplate and demonfork all scale with spell damage. I always thought it was pretty silly how 2 of the best lifedrains (neretzek and corrupted ashbringer) don’t scale and all the rest of these poor items do.

And lifedrains were intended to scale with spell damage. So does this mean we will have Neretzek the Blood Drinker and Corrupted Ashbringer scaling with spell damage for Ret Paladins?

This is page was modified during the TBC period.
This page last modified 2008-06-15 13:10:12.

Maybe make it that neretzek in Pre SoM classic doesn’t scale but in SoM it does.
Since we had neretzek scaling before it’s not a newly add something to the game that never existed change. This would be more like a useage of pre nerf. Kind of like using pre nerfed bosses that were already nerfed. Like how we have pre nerfed TBC bosses added so now instead we are just doing it this time with items instead of bosses.

All the bad lifedrain items scale but the higher end aq40 and naxx corrupted ashbringer don’t scale?


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well ofc Blizzard removing sp scaling from diamond flask means that neretzek is going to receive 100% sp scaling. It’s just common sense.

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Just a Maddy McMaderson. Nothing to see here.