Ranged dps lf classic raiding home


I’m an experienced player looking for a new home on classic. I plan on playing a ranged dps class but tbd on specific class. I’m hoping to raid 2 days a week anytime after 730pm PST. Looking for something serious but still understands life happens. Preferably with mostly adults .

Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:

   [H] <Bandidos>-Grobbulus

Guild type : Both raid and PvP oriented.
Raid times : Weekends Between 6pm and 9 pm Eastern hopefully .

What we are looking for :

Both old school Vanilla players and new players who will be extremely active . My core group of friends (including me ) haven’t been around since early BC. We are extremely competitive and typically get quite advanced in the games we play so if your not a pro yet , that’s ok we will be re learning metas.

Raid times :
Can adjust times to fit core members time tables . We have members from both Canada , and the Texas area . I myself game at all hours .

I will be rolling a warrior to tank in raids , and my duo level partner , a shaman.

Guild name , raid times , gold strategies and classes will all be discussed in our discord channel before release . Also dedication will absolutely be recognized .

Personality :

Chill, laid back gamers who enjoy blazing and pub stompin’

Discord : discord.gg/UPfFkt6
Server Name : Vanilla Icecream
Discord Name : GrapeApe#1703


I’m the GM of Vision and we’re currently looking for both raiders and casuals. We plan to raid Tu/We 7:00pm EST - 10:00pm EST. I’ve include our guild recruitment post below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Discord link (remove the space) - https:// discord.gg/83T93pe

Btag - Wes#12170, CLOUDED#1644, Hypnotiq#11432

Discord - Wes#6205, Aeson#8055, Hypn0tical#6969

Hey if you’d like to talk further feel free to reach out to me in discord @ Dakota#2147

give my guild a look we are mainly EST so i think your time would work with us

Hey! We are currently in need of range DPS for our main raid team in classic. Check out our guild forum and you can join our discord to read up on more information about our guild. I think we would be a good fit and our times work for you to raid. Happy hunting!!

Hello Wessor,

I’m running a Classic WoW guild on horde pvp based in US EST time. We plan to raid from 8pm to midnight (Hard stop) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Abit about us, I’m 28, in marketing, and most of our core needs to be up for work the next day. The guild name is going to be Dead Weight, where the only real rule is try your best to not be carried. I intend to run it as a casual-one shot raids guild. So far everyone in the guild that I’ve recruited has a ton of experience in WoW, and classic wow private servers. I have 21 people in the guild so far, and another skilled ranged dps would really round us out.

Loot will be done as transparent loot council with a big spreadsheet sort of showing you what you will probably get when depending on drops, but ultimately loot council will decide. It will be me and my co-guildleader with a dps officer, a healing officer, and then a random rotating raider ranked player as the deciding vote.

We will be doing Pvp events and general greifing in our offtime, because what is all that gear for if not to make the alliance unreasonably mad?

If you are interested, please message me on discord!
losefast #6123

We have a solid group of players in their 30’s, Former Top 50 US guild coming out of retirement for Classic. We are looking to add some more good people. Give us a look!

Hey Bud, we will be raiding 2 days a week 730-10:00 we’re alliance on Fairbanks, check us out and add me on discord to chat: whiskeyfist187#6605

We respect/understand Real life situations can come abroad browse through this [H] Guild LFM's Where every Member Currently Taking Votes on Everything:

14 years of WoW experience, being part of a solid Guild with mature leaders Who all played vanilla will make your classic experience fun and worth your time

www. tiltedguildus .com


We are a very casual guild made up of WoW veterans with families and lives outside of WoW. We would love to have you! Check us out!

[H][Whitemane] <TBA> Casual PvE/PvP guild LFM [CST]

Hey Wessor,

We raid shorter durations over 3 days starting at 8pm PST. We’re some older folks who’ve been playing this since the beginning and who understand life.

Check us out: