Random mount button only choosing ground mounts

This has been happening to me off and on for weeks now. The LiteMount addon is the only thing I can do to get it to work properly. Where is the fix?

I have the same issue, for me it renders Steadyflying not worth using.

I’ve been having this problem on and off and I think I just figured out what causes it for me. On my mage, if I teleport while in steady flight, I’ll only summon ground mounts. If I teleport while in sky riding then I’ll summon flying mounts again.

having same problem in Khaz Algar. No flying mounts will be summoned if using steady flight and random favorite.

Happening to me too in TWW

Same issue here. When using steady flight, if Otterworldly Otter mount is favorited, it is the only one summoned. If it is not favorited, I will only get on ground mounts, unless I specifically select a flying mount from the journal.

Anyone have a clue? Only seems to happen on my boosted toon. Was thinking it was a glitch on a new boosted toon that never learned initial flying but that’s not it.

Still having this issue on all of my characters randomly.

This is still an issue for me. It has NOT been resolved.

Dealing with this as well!

Happening to me as well. I change back and forth between flight styles and no change. My random mount button will only summon ground mounts while I am in flying zones such as Dornogal.

Still happening and no response from Blizz.

Same thing here.

As this is a bug, it needs to be reported in Bug Report

Tech support is a player-to-player troubleshooting area, we can’t fix game bugs.

There are already plenty of posts about this issue in the Bug Report forum as a simple text search reveals.
Telling us that Technical Support is the wrong place to report this problem is not helpful when the issue has not been addressed and is being ignored in Bug Report forum as well.
Some topics from the Bug Report forum for reference:

Again, other players — the people reading and answering this forum — cannot fix game bugs. Posting a bug here is the same as yelling it into the void.

Threads in bug report only receive a response when developers need more information from the poster.